<p>System Purifier can display all software entries, registered in your windows registry. If you notice a software, which you know, was uninstalled ages ago, you should delete these entries from the registry.</p>
<p>To display registered software list navigate to "Registry: software entries". To delete checked items, press "Delete".</p>
<p><strong>Please note</strong>, that software entries in the registry are hierarchically grouped by manufacturer. For example, if you have Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Acrobat installed, there is a key named "Adobe" which contains subkeys "Adobe Acrobat" and "Adobe Photoshop". <font color="#FF0000"><strong>Pay attention</strong></font> that the list will display all three items: one for "Adobe", one for "Adobe Photoshop" and one for "Abode Acrobat". And if you decide to delete the "Adobe" key, all the subkeys are also deleted! This is made for your convenience, but BE CAREFULL when deleting "parent" software keys.</p>