GUI Improved: new torrent share function: click my sheard or peer shared in fav list to manage shared torrents
GUI Improved: add option to calculate ED2K link for each file in torrent make dialog
GUI Improved: add preset button to choose preset save folder in BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add option to download from the mirror when the source url can't be connected in HTTP task properties dialog
GUI Improved: remove movie info related staffs from torrent make dialog and BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add mark highlight button and filter popup menu to download all links dialog
GUI Improved: add server mode option to preferences dialog, which support more connections but can't set precise rate
GUI Improved: improve search box in toolbar of main window
GUI Improved: if choose to open URL inside BitComet, new web window will open, without effect to main window
GUI Improved: after a torrent file downloaded by http task, the BT download will start automatically
GUI Improved: HTTP/FTP resources number for BT task is displayed in file list
GUI Improved: add hotkey PageUp/PageDown, Ctrl+Left/Right and Alt+Left/Right for preview window to seek 10 sec, 30 sec and 120 sec
GUI Improved: bufferred time length is display in status bar when preview
GUI Improved: when close BT/HTTP task properties dialog, save folder and filename is verified to be valid
GUI Bugfix: ban IP menu in peer list of BT task do not work sometimes
GUI Bugfix: avoid system entering suspend/sleeping mode do not work in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: left time in task list is not correct if task size is too largr or download rate is too low
Core Improved: new torrent share function, to download torrent files from peers
Core Improved: support HTTPS download
Core Improved: support download FTP resource for BT task
Core Improved: improve SHA1 algorithm, decrease CPU usage
Core Improved: improve NAT Traversal via UDP component, decrease CPU usage
Core Bugfix: upnp.exe launch fail in Windows 2000
v0.85 2007.3.19
GUI Improved: new option in torrent maker dialog to enable large file(>1MB) align to piece boundary
GUI Improved: new option in torrent maker dialog to allow user search for HTTP/FTP resources when BT downloading
GUI Improved: new option in BT task properties dialog to enable search for HTTP/FTP resources for BT task files
GUI Improved: new history task filter in fav list, in which tasks displayed in the order of download finish date
GUI Improved: improve task delete dialog, able to remove downloaded files while keep task record in recycle bin
GUI Improved: new option in preferences dialog to enable BT task access P2PCache server (need ISP support)
GUI Improved: task created date and finish date are displayed in task summary
GUI Improved: improve task piece graph, support page down using mouse wheel
GUI Improved: new recomment side-bar which can be toggled in view menu
GUI Improved: BitComet main window minimize to windows taskbar, and system tray icon always displays
GUI Improved: if the task name/publisher name in task list is too long to display, it will be displayed in tooltip
GUI Improved: new search toolbar in the top of BitComet passport view
GUI Improved: improve the clipboard monitor, only capture url links of specific files type
GUI Improved: add support for Maxthon browser
GUI Improved: unhide the option of browse url in BitComet
GUI Improved: downloaded file will be selected when open task save folder
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that some HTTP download fail due to missing cookie info
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that hash check of multi BT tasks not running in queue
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that move to other location command in task context menu does not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that some particular language can not be input to IE edit control when BHO loaded
Core Improved: add P2SP download function to BT task, able to search for HTTP/FTP resources to accelerate download
Core Improved: add large file(>1MB) align to piece boundary function to torrent maker and BT download module
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that may lead to crash when download HTTP task using P2P connection
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that may lead to crash when an error UDP packet received
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that downloaded file may save fail if unsupported characte in current code-page occurred in torrent file
Core Bugfix: fix the bug about GZIP decode in HTTP 1.0
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the task created from BCTP link is not properly saved if torrent had not downloaded.
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that unable to connect to some FTP server
v0.84 2007.2.8
GUI Improved: new task piece graph for both BT and HTTP, displaying detail file piece downloading state
GUI Improved: enhanced video codec version detection for preview. the extra video codec check wizard is removed.
GUI Improved: add clipboard monitor, which can be enabled in floating window context menu
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that fail to open torrent file during preview
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the UPNP opeartion results are not displayed in statistics view
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the floating window is not hide when hit boss key
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the uplading rate is too low in some situation
Core Bugfix: fix the bug in the decode of GZIP data returned from HTTP server
v0.83 2007.2.4
GUI Improved: add option in HTTP task properties dialog to enable P2P http download
GUI Improved: add hot key Ctrl+R in add HTTP task group dialog, to replace selected text in url to wildcard "(*)"
GUI Improved: refer page url is filled to new http task when drag URL from IE to floating window
GUI Improved: new network rate graph of the floating window in large size
GUI Improved: improve the IE context menu for BitComet, add sub menu to download particular objects in the webpage
GUI Improved: add comment and preview/play column in task list
GUI Improved: WAN IP and network connection status is displayed in status bar of the main window, showing if the listen port is reachable to public domain peers
GUI Improved: enhance the RSS list display function
GUI Improved: add options in perferences dialog to enable network connection status auto check
GUI Improved: add options in perferences dialog to enable task statistical info submitting
GUI Improved: add "download link" to context menu of FireFox
GUI Improved: Hide the option of browse url in BitComet
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that "save torrent as" in task context menu will save other task's torrent file if catogory is selected in fav list
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of the sort operation in task list
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the URL link name is not displayed in the selection dialog of downloading all links
GUI Bugfix: fix the display bug of floating window in Windows Vista
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task list is not refreshed after cancel the operation of add HTTP task group
GUI Bugfix: fix the display bug of the HTTP task info window when switching selected task
Core Improved: add P2P download function to HTTP task, able to search more peers to speed up downloading
Core Improved: reconstruction NAT Traversal via UDP using encription connections
Core Improved: improve the robustness of video file preview. the crash of video codec will not terminate BitComet main program
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that HTTP download resume will fail if the web server is rebooted
v0.82 2007.1.16
GUI Improved: add sound prompt when task download finish, which can be configured in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: improve the context menu of floating window and system tray icon
GUI Improved: processing progress dialog will be displayed when add http task group
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task start order is not correct if reduce task queue length while the queue is not empty
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of version 0.81 that program can not run under win98/me
Core Improved: the NAT port mapping and Windows Firewall operation is moved to a separated toolkit program, therefor the CPU usage of main program decrease
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the preview window will lose response if click stop button while preview video file of BT task
v0.81 2006.12.27
GUI Improved: new floating window to display running status, supporting drag&drop of links in webpage and files to start download
GUI Improved: add new function of auto query file size and server resume-supported ability when add new HTTP task, which can be configured in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: the task number of a task queue is displayed in the favorites list
GUI Improved: new icons for HTTP task states in task list
GUI Improved: link count is displayed in add HTTP task group dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that URL can not be opened from BitComet if FireFox is set to be default browser
Core Improved: new function of auto recycle memory, which can be configured in preferences dialog
Core Improved: compatible to Windows Vista, able to download HTTP links from IE7
v0.80 2006.12.15
GUI Improved: new designed HTTP properties dialog layout
GUI Improved: start preview video file while http downloaing from toolbar button or task context menu
GUI Improved: support display URL with non-English UTF-8 characters correctly in English version Windows
GUI Improved: display "Minimize to tray" in task-bar context menu of BitComet if enabled
GUI Improved: new setting of "Optimize download strategy for preview" in Task setting page of preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add move file to desktop and to My Document function in task context menu
GUI Improved: after downloaded torrent file using BitComet, the torrent task properties dialog is displayed immediately
GUI Improved: toolkit FlvPlayer support running under Windows 2003 now
GUI Improved: toolkit FlvPlayer is able to seek while playing for most flv files now
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the description info in HTTP properties dialog not been saved after user modified
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the number of selected urls in url selection dialog not refreshed after applied filter
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that BitComet not able to launch FlvPlayer to play downloaded flv file in whose path has space character
Core Improved: HTTP download task support video file preview, etc. play video file during downloading
Core Improved: support to download URL with non-English UTF-8 characters in English version Windows
Core Improved: able to change HTTP connection number during task running
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program will lose response when decrease max downloading task number while any task running
v0.79 2006.11.30
GUI Improved: improve the performance of task list in task catalog switch action
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in 0.78 that the program will crash when due to refresh task log start BT task
Core Bugfix: improve the process of some non-standard HTTP protocol packet
v0.78 2006.11.29
GUI Improved: change the display font in Statistics View to monospaced font
GUI Improved: improve the task delete confirm dialog
GUI Improved: add a button to rename download file by serverval rules in HTTP task properties dialog
GUI Improved: new proxy setting page in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: now can select which columns to display in task list by right click task list header
GUI Improved: now can import Flash files (.swf) when select download all links or download videos in webpage
GUI Improved: change the default operation for close button on main window to minimize main window
GUI Bugfix: fix the focous switch order when press Tab key in the HTTP task properties dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the problem that the redownload button does not work when import a new task but a exist task with the same URL is detected
GUI Bugfix: fix the problem that the download left time is displayed as zero when download rate is zero
Core Improved: add support for connection via HTTP, SOCK4, SOCK5 proxy server
Core Improved: enhance the function of download videos in webpage, optimize for mainstream video websites
Core Improved: improved Rmvb file version and Real codec version detection algorithm, avoid most crash when play rmev files
Core Bugfix: fix the problem that unable to download file from certain FTP server
v0.77 2006.11.18
GUI Improved: add recycle bin to place tasks deleted temporarily
GUI Improved: add toolbar button, task list context menu item and Delete hot-key to delete task to recycle bin
GUI Improved: add the function to to capture http/ftp file download in IE
GUI Improved: add a setting to specify the file types to be captured when IE downloads file in in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add "Download Videos using BitComet" command in IE context menu as a option
GUI Improved: adjust postion of splitters automatically when resizeing main window to keep optimal layout
GUI Improved: display translated text in status-bar in the language of user chosen when mouse hover in the toolabr
GUI Improved: dislpay the number of imported urls in the selection dialog of download all links in webpage
GUI Improved: new toolkit: FlvPlayer
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the task list is cleared and not displayed after switch UI language
Core Improved: add the function of searching mirror site automatically for HTTP download task
Core Improved: add the function of download video files in webpage
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when only download partial files in a BT task
v0.76 2006.11.7
GUI Improved: add Scheduler setting page in perferences dialog to adjust bandwidth depending time
GUI Improved: add max/min upload rate per task settings in BT task page of perferences dialog
GUI Improved: add New HTTP/FTP download button in toolbar
GUI Improved: the total task number and selected task number are displayed in status bar of main window
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the BitComet main window is not actived sometimes when download url from IE
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the function of avoid system entering suspend mode still works even when no task is running
Core Improved: improve memory allocation strategy, avoid huge physical memory usage when program running for a long time
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that in 0.75 sometimes the file is not downloaded entirely when task finish
v0.75 2006.10.24
GUI Improved: add HTTP/FTP download in file menu
GUI Improved: add HTTP/FTP download settings page in preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add "Download using BitComet" command in IE context menu as a option
GUI Improved: switch to downloding task list automatically if downloaded task list is being showed when add new task
GUI Improved: the translator's name is able to be set in language file edit dialog
GUI Improved: add clear button in torrent info search page of task properties dialog
GUI Improved: the TCP half open limit is up to 500 in preferences dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in 0.74 that non-executable file can not be opened in file list
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug of a display mistake of the balloon tooltip when task download finish
Core Improved: add HTTP/FTP multi-connection download function
Core Improved: add HTTP/FTP multi-connection download disk cache function
Core Bugfix: fix the bug in 0.74 that in rare situation program will crash due to file opeartion
v0.74 2006.10.14
GUI Improved: add default settings of view size and list col width for common screen resolutions
GUI Improved: Change default setting to open webpage using IE, and hide browse button in toolbar
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that in 0.73 an explorer window will be opened when task finish if the virus scan program path setting is incorrect
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that task list every 5 minutes auto-save function does not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that "Task File Move to" -> "Other Location" function only applied to first task when multi tasks are selected
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that in 0.73 sometimes the file is not downloaded entirely when task finish
v0.73 2006.9.25
GUI Improved: add the function to scan virus upon download finish
GUI Improved: add a prompt to scan virus when open executable file
GUI Improved: add scan virus to task list and file list context menu
GUI Improved: add scan virus setting page in Preferences dialog
GUI Improved: add language translate editor dialog to option menu
GUI Improved: add the function to move task downloded files to corresponding folder when change task catalog
GUI Improved: add catalog setting to BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add upload/download speed limit settings to advanced page of BT task properties dialog
GUI Improved: add a option to hide confirm dialog when open BCTP link from IE
GUI Improved: remove Caps LockNum Lock and ScrollLock status display in main window's status-bar
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the disk available space is displayed error in BT task properties dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the default TCP half-open number setting is too small in Windows2003
Core Improved: add specific task upload/download speed limit function
Core Bugfix: fix the bug of high CPU usage when enable upload/download speed limit
v0.72 2006.9.16
GUI Improved: add the function to move task downloded files to corresponding folder when change task catalog
GUI Improved: improve task list diaply speed
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the publisher's webpage may be openned incorrectly when selecting multi-task using mouse
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.71 that the UPNP gateway NAT port mapping function does not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.71 that the task download rate in balloon tip is not diaplayed correctly when main window is minimized
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.71 that the balloon tip will not diaplay when task download finish and main window is minimized
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.71 that stop task while playing video may cause program crash
v0.71 2006.9.2
GUI Improved: Add "Move file to..." function to task list context menu
GUI Improved: Add task catalog manage functions to "download complted" task queue context menu in favorites list
GUI Improved: Add task catalog set and locate functions to task list context menu
GUI Improved: Improve task list display algorithm, decrease CPU usage
GUI Improved: Add Half-Open TCPIP connection limitation modafication for Windows XP SP2, in Preferences dialog
GUI Improved: redesign "tast automatic stop" settings in Preferences dialog
GUI Improved: remove task pause, resume operation
GUI Improved: remove "Global Log" window, in which the infomation displayed is merged into "Statistics" window
GUI Improved: Improved crash report program, send crash report to server directly instead of using email
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the BCTP link is not displayed correctly if opened from internal browser in BitComet
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the music in webpage of video play window does not stopped after video play starts
Core Improved: no longer depends on MSXML3, no need to install MSXML3 in windows 98
Core Improved: improved file piece request algorithm, increase the launch speed of online video play
Core Improved: more program run-time error can be detected by the crash report
Core change: Chat, Proxy, NAT Traversal via UDP, IP block rules is removed temporarily
Core Improved: kernal code reconstruction
v0.70 2006.6.24
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program can not run in certain OS due to mistaken compile option
v0.69 2006.6.23
GUI Improved: download status infomation will be displayed in preview window info-bar when preview is buffering
GUI Improved: BitComet Forum URL is updated
GUI Bugfix: controls in Task Properity Dialog will reposition correctly when resizing the dialog
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the spin buttons of min/max upload rate edit-box in Task Properity Dialog do not work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the peer list doesn't display any peer in very occasional situation
GUI Bugfix: be able to handle BCTP link opened from FireFox properly
Core Improved: improve preview buffer schedule algorithm, start buffer if data in buffer pool less than 50%, resume play if full
Core Improved: improve piece request algorithm when preview, decrease the chance of buffering
Core Improved: improve error detection of video decoder when start preview
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the video and audio sometimes become asynchronous caused by preview buffering
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when parsing some non-standard HTTP protocol packet
v0.68 2006.5.29
GUI Bugfix: fis the problem that the option "Do not prompt when add new task" doesn't work
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when display some non-standard rss item
Core Improved: improve selected file download algorithm, decrease the possibility to re-download file boundary data
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when parsing some non-standard HTTP protocol packet
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when parsing some non-standard encryption protocol packet
v0.67 2006.5.10
GUI Bugfix: fix the incorrect prompt text when open torren file failed
GUI Bugfix: change PayPal picture auto-update period to one day
GUI Bugfix: improve the detecting algorithm of Real file decoder in Video Codec Check Wizard
Core Improved: enhanced ICF/UPNP port mapping operation
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the program may crash when received incorrect packet
v0.66 2006.4.27
Core Improved: more program run-time error can be detected by the crash report
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the sometimes program will crash when display chat message
v0.65 2006.4.25
GUI Improved: add IE favorites list
GUI Improved: add a new function to update the PayPal picture in left tree list from site
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the Goto button on address bar doesn't work properly
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program will crash if any torrent file is opened with the "Can't listen to port" dialog displayed
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the program will crash when loading some non-standard rss xml
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.64 that the torrent maker dialog doesn't display the tracker url entered last time
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.64 that the task properities dialog can not be opened when the task is paused
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the media file playback will pause when preview window is minimized
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that the text on switch buttons of channel, search and IE fav doesn't change when language switched
Core Improved: add a new function to add a listenning port of Windows Firewall in Windows XP SP2
Core Improved: connect to the previous peers immediately when restarting a task
Core Bugfix: fix the bug in version 0.64 that the function to ban user temporarily doesn't work
v0.64 2006.4.10
GUI Improved: the optional IE toolbar is removed
GUI Improved: able to read RSS feed
GUI Bugfix: chat user list is removed temporarily
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that the play button doesn't work after click stop button in task preview window
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that unable to seek continous when preview avi/rm file
v0.63 2006.3.4
GUI Improved: fix the bug that somtimes torrent file can't be open properly after downloaded in BitComet embedded browser
Core Improved: Remove the old protocol header encryption, add new protocol encryption compatible with Azureus and uTorrent
v0.62 2006.2.14
GUI Improved: add the ability to fetch remote channel xml file and display its items in favourite bar
GUI Improved: adjust the toolbar position of embedded browser
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the embedded browser can't handle BCTP link properly
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the task name displayed as the http link of torrent file
GUI Bugfix: fix the bug that sometimes the task status displayed as failed after DHT torrent download finished successfully
Core Improved: user favourite data file changed from .\fav\my_fav.xml to .\Favourite.xml
Core Bugfix: fix possible crash when exit program while hashing
Core Bugfix: fix possible crash when detects WMP version at BitComet startup
Core Bugfix: fix possible memory access violation when remove task after DHT torrent file download finished
v0.61 2006.1.10
GUI Improved: enhance BCTP link command to lunch preview window
GUI Improved: support xp themes in the embedded browser
GUI Improved: no longer popup script error message in the embedded browser
GUI Bugfix: Possible buffer overflow when opening URL link using external browser. (Thanks Fortinet Security Research)
GUI Bugfix: the clip board can work in some user interface
Core Improved: support wmv/asf file in the preview window
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that DHT is added for the 'private' torrent after task begins
Core Bugfix: fix the bug that UDP port mapping is not released when bitcomet exit
v0.60 2005.9.8
GUI Improved: new toolkit: BitComet Video Codec Check Wizard
GUI Improved: add open BCTP/HTTP link command in file menu
GUI Improved: add BCTP link page in Task Property Dialog
GUI Improved: Ctrl+Delete remove task including files
GUI Bugfix: possiblely fix the crash when restoring from system tray
Core Improved: optimize pieces manager again
Core Improved: optimize choke picker for slow connections
Core Improved: able to auto resize the cache accoarding to the speed,
set default max cache size to 50M
Core Improved: Auto config XP Internet Connection Sharing and Filewall (ICS/ICF)
Core Improved: when use proxy only for trackers, send HTTP GET rather than HTTP Connect
Core Bugfix: cache size caculate may overflow when the physical memory is getting lower
Core Bugfix: send event=stopped to tracker when program exited (Thanks to ulion)
Core Bugfix: load same torrent make it vanish (Thanks to bigjumbo)
Core Bugfix: UPnP always failed with DSL router/ICS (Thanks to wxhere ~_~)
Core Bugfix: may crash when cache is empty
Core Bugfix: possible to receive only part of the HTTP responce, cause tracker decode failture.
v0.48 2004.2.18
Torrent Maker Bugfix: won't add announce-list if only one tracker address
GUI Improved: remember the favourite site choice last time
GUI Improved: prompt before remove task and delete all downloaded files
GUI Improved: peer-list sorted by ip
GUI Bugfix: won't prompt when hash checking
GUI Bugfix: always remember proxy server and port. (Thanks to wxhere)
Core Improved: cosider connection stable after 3 minutes elapsed
Core Bugfix(critical): can't connect any peers when seeding
Core Bugfix(critical): do not response tracker NAT checking header, so that won't be listed in some tracker. (Thanks to stanhopea)
v0.47 2004.2.17
withdraw the release, skip it.
v0.46 2004.2.14
GUI Bugfix: total length incorrect if larger than 4G. (Thanks to Zergling)
Core Bugfix(critical): lots of pieces failed in SHA check, cause by disk cache bug.
v0.45 2004.2.13
GUI Improved: great change in Language File, almost all string can be translated and part of the infomation format could be customized by edit language xml file.
GUI Improved: remove task, or remove task include downloaded files
GUI Improved: An option in the toolbar to toggle ON/OFF the panel list on the left of the Main window. (Thanks to seto_2003)
GUI Improved: Add toolbar, add right menu for selecting in the Torrent Property diag
GUI Improved: ctrl+<arrow up> for "job move up" ; ctrl+<arrow down> for "job move down" (Thanks to xsintill)
GUI Improved: change "completed" to "progress", indicates the download progress of selected files
GUI Bugfix: The other two tree-view won't flicking now. (Thanks to seto_2003)
GUI Bugfix: in tray mode, listen for a full mouse click before popping up. (Thanks to Keen314 )
Core Improved: add a torrent maker, support utf-8 and multi-tracker
Core Improved: intelligent upload slots control, auto optimize for different connection speed (config in slots.xml)
Core Improved: correctly handle disk full and disk i/o error
Core Improved: delete those files didn't even download a byte when remove the task
Core Improved: optimize socket by delay sending HAVE message
Core Improved: optimize piece manager
Core Improved: optimize disk cache swap algorithm, avoid small cache shaking.
Core Improved: optimize disk cache memory manage, and is now able to set the minimize and maximize size.
Core Improved: able to change download selection when tast is running
Core Improved: if file changed before resume, tell user.
Core Improved: support socks4, socks5, http/https proxy
Core Bugfix: Dead incoming peers in the peerlist can't be cleared
Core Bugfix: Torrent with the same file name will make the download list make mistake (Thanks to spcat2000)
Core Bugfix: when add one torrent twice and click OK in the second time, zero the process of it (Thanks to zeng777)
Core Bugfix: add port to tracker http request header "Host", fix problem with some proxy (Thanks to linxiaolegend)
Core Bugfix: when unselect small file in the end of filelist, the next big file won't finish for ever
Core Bugfix: no longer add .bc! extension for zero length file
Core Bugfix(critical): possible to send invalid REQUEST every few minutes, cause disconnection from other peer
v0.44 2004.1.9
GUI Improved: able to identify BitSpirit, BitTorrent Plus
GUI Changed: auto update checker server changed to
GUI Changed: remove listening port above 1024 restriction (Thanks to Ano Nymous)
GUI Fix: auto update checker misunderstand the version number
Core Improved: add peer connecting number statistics and limits
Core BugFix(critical): fixed a bug in peer connecting limits, negitive number cause it won't connect peers any more
Core BugFix(critical): security verification during peer communication
v0.43 2004.1.5
Setup Package: Merge two package (unicode & MBCS) into one
GUI Improved: Remember Main window postion (Thanks to Liu Wei)
GUI Improved: one click active window in tray icon mode (Thanks to lurenyi)
GUI Changed: mix upload limits is 20kB/s, and download rate no more than 8 times of uploads
GUI BugFix: 100% CPU when UPnP operation (startup and exit)
GUI BugFix: Fix IE shell open file not found bug if have sharezaa installed previously
GUI BugFix: "donot ask again" in confirm exit may cause problem, removed temporarily
Core Improve: optimize for some heavy trackers if they have more than one listening port
Core Improve: able to disable disk read cache now
Core Improve: decrease one memory copy in uploading and downloading, less cpu usage theoritically
Core Improve: do not allocate cache when checking complete
Core BugFix: Upload and Download rate control more smoothly, still not perfect though (Thanks to Vulpes)
Core BugFix: try to open normal file (not .bc! file) first when save location changed
Core BugFix(tiny): in statistics, download from XXX peers not accurate
Core BugFix(critical): fixed a bug that made .bc!.bc! extension if mutil-file download, and also can't resume correctly.
Core BugFix(critical): unselect small file may broke neighbor file corrupt and may cause runtime exception and exit if it is the first file (Thanks to GDIMk)
v0.42 2004.1.1
Add unicode build, fix some encoding bug under 2K/XP
GUI Improved: properity diag more pretty
GUI Improved: avoid torrent list flicking under windows XP
GUI Improved: propmt exit only if there are running tasks
GUI Improved: auto version update checker
Core Improved: add Torrent Health statistics
Core Improved: Support Unicode torrent format extension
Core Improved: Option to add .bc! extension for unfinished files
Core Improved: one session per ip when seeding
Core Improved: flush file when saving status file
Core Improved: no longer stop response when doing the hash check
Core Improved: auto portmapping via UPnP, but local firewall still need to be manually config
Core Improved: accelerate hash check when resuming other client's downloads
Core Improved: support Tracker 301, fix cant connection bug for some trackers
Core BugFix: Fix "donwload file length biger than expected", ask for a choice now
Core BugFix: fix a bug that send zero port to tracker in no-listening mode
Core BugFix: fix a bug that can't resume torrent which contents only one file in a folder
Core BugFix(critical): Fixed: "unselect file A -> download -> stop -> select file A -> download" may cause runtime exception exit
v0.41 2003.12.07
Core Improved: better support for download selection changes
Core Improved: save peer which have a listening port in status file
GUI Improved: add progress bar indicate complete ratio (looks very urgly I think)
GUI Improved: add message box when exit bitcomet
GUI Improved: add Right Menu Key support in torrent list
GUI BugFix: add a torrent, delete, then can't add it again
Core BugFix(critical): stay at 99% bug maybe fixed this time
v0.40 2003.11.27
Known bug: when only download selected files, never stop if cache size is set to zero;
or it is still possiable to have some duplicated download in those gap pieces.
It doesn't matter too much... just waste a little bandwidth.
GUI Improved: add Ctrl+A, Alt+ENTER short key for torrent list
Core BugFix: uncomplete in gap piece when add new download file which was banned before
Core BugFix: won't resize cache buffer when it is set to zero
Core BugFix(critical): Fix 100% but uncomplete bug caused by cache/piece manage
v0.39 2003.11.26
Core Improved: save connected peer info for a quick restart
Core Improved: save partical download piece info in statusfile
GUI Improved: able to associate .torrent at run time, restore it when close client
GUI Improved: no longer write view size into registry, saved in style.xml instead
GUI BugFix: select all item when delete the bottom torrent entry
GUI BugFix: currectly display status(download/resume/seeding) for torrent properity dialog
GUI BugFix: no longer lost icon when taskbar recreated
Core BugFix: Fix exception occured when muti-tracker torrent stopping
Core BugFix(critical): Fix piece pick bug which make it downloaded 120% - 200% sized data
Core BugFix(critical): Fix piece cache bug which caused a lots of failed piece
v0.38 2003.11.22
New Name: Change the name to "BitComet"
NewFeature: muti tracker supported
NewFeature: able to download selected files
NewFeature: no scaning seeding
Improved: golbal upload/download speed limits
Improved: optimize the piece picker, much more less CPU usage
Improved: pieces read/write cache, much better disk performance
Improved: rudely disconnect slow peers
Improved: torrent cache now using relative path
Improved: changed socket frame class, now support sock4, sock5 and http1.1 proxy
Improved: GUI interface more usable
BugFix: some problem about the connection with new version Shadow's Exp
BugFix: can't pause
BugFix: continue to connect tracker after failed 20 times now
BugFix: upload & download bytes wrong when reporting to tracker
BugFix(critial): passed pieces sum error when bitfield is initiating
v0.37 2003.10 - 2003.11
Great changes, skip it.
v0.361 2003.10.10
BugFix: "creat empty document" error if download files > 2G
v0.36 2003.09.20
Improved: overall u/d speed in tray icon
Improved: use utf-8 style file if system supported
Bugfix: keep choosing different port every time when start program if it is set to zero
Bugfix: check the file again when restarted downloading
BufFix(critical): found that the Run Time Error in Win2k(or below) was cause by the exception of: _variant_t(unsigned __int64 ui8Src) throw(); when saving xml
v0.35 2003.09.19
Add: traditional chinese language
Add: pick a random port button
Improved: socket writte buffer max length
BugFix: a few bugfix about the mutilanguage interface
BugFix: disconnect if error occers when reading file, won't send garbage
BugFix: do not save download queue
BufFix(critical): fixed the huge memory leak caused by forgeting to release when handing xml file. Now, the memory is quite low, but cpu usage a bit high, though
v0.34 2003.09.16
Add: muti language support, auto selection
Add: save upload bytes in status file
Add: tracker http request add Host: item
Improve: change MSXML4 to MSXML3
Improve: 10 times upload speed for one peer for the first 3M upload or if the uploaded bytes of that peer is greater than downloaded bytes + 3M from me
Improve: isallpassed cache, may reduce cpu usage a little
Improve: set upload zero means do not limits
BugFix: do not propmt when can't find status file during deleting