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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2006-08-07  |  60KB  |  603x482  |  16-bit (52,651 colors)
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OCR: avast! On Access Scanner Installed providers evast! Standard Shield The Standard provider currently Shield running Provider Configuration Version 4.0-235 Sensitivity Normal High Custom Customize Internel Mail Provider Bchions Version 4.0-235 Start Pause Terminate irus protection Outlook/E Version 4.0-235 xchange Last Last Infected Scanned infected scanned count count 320 CWINNT WWS2HELP.DLL Number n scanner filest folders: 154/4 Run time of last scan: 00:00:08 Number of infected files: Total size of scanned files: 571.4MB http://www .avast .com Provide Actions Yersior WINNT Versior htto Ovast