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- // sphere=ps_2_0
- // Code from MPC
- sampler s0 : register(s0);
- float4 p0 : register(c0);
- #define width (p0[0])
- #define height (p0[1])
- #define counter (p0[2])
- #define clock (p0[3])
- #define PI acos(-1)
- float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
- {
- // - this is a very simple raytracer, one sphere only
- // - no reflection or refraction, yet (my ati 9800 has a 64 + 32 instruction limit...)
- float3 pl = float3(3,-3,-4); // light pos
- float4 cl = 0.4; // light color
- float3 pc = float3(0,0,-1); // cam pos
- float3 ps = float3(0,0,0.5); // sphere pos
- float r = 0.65; // sphere radius
- float3 pd = normalize(float3(tex.x-0.5, tex.y-0.5, 0) - pc);
- float A = 1;
- float B = 2*dot(pd, pc - ps);
- float C = dot(pc - ps, pc - ps) - r*r;
- float D = B*B - 4*A*C;
- float4 c0 = 0;
- if(D >= 0)
- {
- // t2 is the smaller, obviously...
- // float t1 = (-B + sqrt(D)) / (2*A);
- // float t2 = (-B - sqrt(D)) / (2*A);
- // float t = min(t1, t2);
- float t = (-B - sqrt(D)) / (2*A);
- // intersection data
- float3 p = pc + pd*t;
- float3 n = normalize(p - ps);
- float3 l = normalize(pl - p);
- // mapping the image onto the sphere
- tex = acos(-n)/PI;
- // rotate it
- tex.x = frac(tex.x + frac(clock/5));
- // diffuse + specular
- c0 = tex2D(s0, tex) * dot(n, l) + cl * pow(max(dot(l, reflect(pd, n)), 0), 50);
- }
- return c0;
- }