3 UBNumber of files <TOTALScanned:R%d> <INFECTEDInfected:R%d>U <CLEANEDCleaned:R%d>UFile:<FILENAMER%s><VERSIONVersion of virus signature database:R%s>
5 File system monitor not started
6 AMON - error
7 AMON - warning
9 Adjust AMON settings
10 Launch file system monitor
11 Unload AMON
12 Status
16 File system monitor (AMON) enabled
17 Setup
18 Quit
19 AMON setup
20 Start
21 Stop
23 Event occurred when attempting to access the file.
24 Event occurred when attempting to access the file.
25 Event occurred at an attempt to rename the file.
26 Event occurred on a newly created file.
27 Virus detected when attempting to access the diskette.
28 Virus detected on the diskette upon system shutdown. REMOVE THE DISKETTE FROM THE DRIVE !!!
32 Name
33 Type
34 Subfolders
35 Temporary
36 Folder
37 File
48 Object to exclude from scanning
49 Modify object in the list of objects excluded from scanning.
50 Yes
51 No
52 Folder name:
53 File name:
55 Boot sector
56 Cannot read diskette boot sector.
57 Unable to exclude path and/or folder on a network disk. Please use Detection/Media/Network Tab instead.
58 Unable to add new item. List is full.
59 Add folder to the list of folders/files excluded from scanning
60 Delete all exclusions and reset to default values?
68 Error initializing file system monitor.
69 Disabling heuristic and signature diagnostic methods simultaneously is not possible, as this would make the program unable to detect viruses. At least one option must be enabled.
70 Disabling signature scanning method limits scanner to use only heuristic detection. Some known viruses may remain undetected.\nDisable the signature scanning method?
71 Unloading the AMON driver from memory will leave your computer unprotected.\nWarning: Some operating systems may not allow restarting the AMON driver without rebooting the computer first. Use this option only in very specific cases. If you intend to turn off AMON temporarily, please choose No and untick the "File system monitor (AMON) enabled" check-box.\nAre you sure you wish to unload AMON anyway?
72 Disabling automatic startup of the resident module (AMON) will leave your computer unprotected after the next system restart.\nAre you sure you wish to disable automatic resident protection at startup?
73 The file system monitor is running and cannot be disabled. Please turn off the automatic start of the file system monitor and restart the computer.
80 ATTENTION!\nIt is vitally important that you uninstall any other resident antivirus programs that may be running before continuing the installation to avoid serious problems.
81 Warning: AMON, the file system monitor, cannot be installed. Operating system Windows NT 4.0 or higher is required.
82 Alert generated by the application:
83 The file was moved to quarantine. You may close this window.
84 Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application:
85 Event occurred at an attempt to access the file by the application:
86 Event occurred at an attempt to rename the file by the application:
87 Event occurred on a new file created by the application:
88 The file has been deleted.
112 <FILE%s> file is write-protected. Check the media and/or your write privileges for this file.
128 Disabling AMON, the file system monitor, stops on-access antivirus protection!\nDo you really wish to disable AMON?