5 UBNumber of files <TOTALScanned:R%d> <INFECTEDInfected:R%d> U<CLEANEDCleaned:R%d><DOCUMENTUDocument:R%s>Version of virus signature database:R
6 If AMON is not running, quitting DMON will expose your computer to viruses in Microsoft Office documents. Are you sure you wish to quit DMON?
7 Status
8 Adjust DMON settings
44 Start
45 Load DMON
46 Quit
47 Unload DMON
48 If AMON is not running, quitting DMON will expose your computer to viruses in Microsoft Office documents. DMON will be unregistered from the system and will not be started automatically next time. Are you sure you wish to quit DMON?