11 The NOD32 Installation Wizard is being activated\nto guide you through the rest of the setup process.\n\nPlease wait...
12 The NOD32 Installation Wizard is finishing installation of NOD32.\n\nPlease wait...
13 The NOD32 Installation Wizard is finishing the uninstallation\nof NOD32.\n\nPlease wait...
14 Installation of NOD32 completed successfully.
15 Reinstallation of NOD32 completed successfully.
16 NOD32 uninstallation completed successfully.
17 The NOD32 Installation Wizard is preparing NOD32 reinstallation.\n\nPlease wait...
18 Installation Wizard will now finish the reinstallation of NOD32.\n\nPlease wait until the reinstallation process completes.
19 The virus signature database version being installed is older than that already installed.\nIt is recommended that you perform an update immediately after the installation has been completed.\nDo you want to continue installation ?
101 Installing NOD32 on this computer requires administrator rights.
104 You are attempting to install a version intended for a different operating system\nthan that installed.
105 Temporary folder for installation files could not be created.
106 Error occurred while extracting archive file.
107 Module installation file missing or damaged.
108 Components being installed are older\nthan those already installed.\nDo you wish to proceed?
109 Required DLL does not exist or is damaged.
110 Required function is not supported.
111 Disk error
112 Incorrect module settings.
113 Unknown number of program components in archive
114 Setup.xml file is damaged or missing.
115 The version of NOD32 being installed is incompatible with the already installed version. Pleas uninstall current version first.
116 Error occurred while updating the registry!
117 No update is necessary: installed version is up-to-date.
118 Incompatible language version.\nPlease uninstall the original version prior to installing the new one.
119 Uninstallation file missing or damaged.
120 Error occurred while registering the service.
122 The following module cannot be installed on your computer:
123 The NOD32 trial version can be installed only once.
124 You are attempting to install a version of NOD32\n which is not intended for your operating system.
125 You are attempting to install a version of NOD32\n which is not intended for your operating system.
201 The entire application will be uninstalled.\nDo you wish to proceed?
202 Please, insert the following installation diskette:
204 Installation is not completed. If you quit now, the application will not be installed.\nAre you sure you want to quit anyway?
205 There is nothing to uninstall.
206 Installation termination
210 NOD32 Installation program has completed successfully.\nYour computer must be restarted for the changes to take effect.\nDo you wish to restart your computer now?
301 A newer version of the MFC library is required by NOD32 to continue installation.\nInstall the MFC library first ?
302 The MFC library is required by NOD32 to continue installation.\nInstall the MFC library first ?
303 Cannot connect visual library !
304 Error !!!
305 Warning !
306 Required version of the MFC library was not found.\nNOD32 cannot be installed !
307 A restart is required to install MFC libraries.\nNOD32 installation will then continue automatically.\nDo you wish to restart the computer now ?
308 This version of NOD32 is intended only for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003. Please install the appropriate version for Windows 95/98/ME systems.
400 NOD32 antivirus system
500 Welcome to the NOD32 Setup Program
501 Welcome to the NOD32 Setup Program
502 Select NOD32 destination folder.
504 This is a 30 day fully functional time-limited version of NOD32 which can be used for testing and evaluation purposes.
601 NOD32
603 NOD32 antivirus system
1000 Specific component installation error
1001 Error occurred while installing module
5000 Product=30,Owner=30,Volume=15,Expiry=25
5001 License files
5002 Unlimited
5003 Warning!
5004 The following modules require a license, but none is available