ocr: Douhle click nna thumhnaili image or cingle cllck on this icon H tn switch tn a Full Screon vinw of thr image InFul Screen, move your mouse ponter to the bottom border ot the screen where a controll bar (see next figurn) will popi up to provide fhast acrom tor major program fincrions. (Nnte: Movingy your mouse pcinter onto this control bar wil enable the mouse wheel tol be used tor zooming in/out on the image) OO a LSnwl EDOWE ZOE ENE U a A e 2 C nn a DE InFul Scieen I1 your ITIOL =U ponlur Lo Lhe riyhl burder ul Uie sure eerl wliure arI naye wincow with rxr metadata vill popi un Innil Screen, ...