1 Error reading file.\nProgram cannot start. Please reinstall the software.
2 Error loading Project.
3 This software cannot be executed in 'large font' mode: choose 'normal font' from Advanced Display Settings of Windows Control Panel.
4 Error while batching files.
5 Error while opening the website template.
6 The file is Read-only and it can't be modified.
7 Invalid file format.
8 General error creating website.
9 General error loading program.
10 Error during folder creation.
11 Unable to launch default Internet browser.
12 Error loading file. Error:
13 Error copying file
14 This software requires Internet Explorer 4.0 or later versions.
15 In trial version you can't insert more than 5 pages or levels.
16 Function not available in trial version.
17 In trial version you can't insert more than 5 fields.
18 You can't start more program copies at the same time.
1001 Trial version
1002 Horizontal menu can contain only 5 first level items. The pages exceeding this limit will not be available.\n\n Do you want to proceed anyway?
1003 You need to select a Website template before proceeding.
1004 File not found. Check if the path is correct.
1005 Specified e-mail address is not valid.
1006 Specified level does not contain pages or all pages inserted are set as 'hidden'.
1007 To disable the Information Bar and view pages inside Microsoft Internet Explorer click on ? button and follow the instructions presented.
1008 In Test mode the locked pages are showed without the access request. The Reserved Area is activated only after site publication.
1100 You have not entered the page to link to.
1101 You have not entered the file to link to.
1102 You have not entered a valid email address.
1103 You have not specified the target page.
1104 You have not entered a valid address or web site title.
1105 The specified URL must start with 'http://'.
1106 You have not entered a text to display.
1107 You have not entered a valid FTP address.
1108 You have not entered the Login or Username.
1109 You have not entered the Password.
1110 In this row there are some objects that will be deleted. Do you still want to proceed?
1111 You cannot insert more than 5 images in trial version.
1112 FTP Sessions are disabled in Trial Version.
1113 Trial Version only supports the first 3 templates.
1114 Some objects will be deleted in this column. Do you want to proceed?
1115 Table size is larger than the cell selected. Table will not be completely displayed. Do you want to proceed anyway?
1116 You did not enter the page containing the Slideshow object.
1117 You cannot insert more than 4 rows in Trial Version.
1118 Too many first level items. They cannot be displayed in the Horizontal menu.\nDecrese items number or select Vertical Menu structure.
1119 The < tag number doesn't correspond to the > tag number. Do you want to proceed anyway?
1120 You have to specify the conditions to accept.
1121 You have to enter a display message if user doesn't accept the conditions.
1122 You need to enter at least an item.
1123 You did not enter the description text for the item to insert.
1124 You did not enter the e-mail recipient address for the form data.
1125 You did not enter the url.
1126 You did not enter the file to be linked to this page.
1127 You did not enter the language '%1'.
1128 You have to specify at least another language.
1129 You did not enter the image to use for language '%1'.
1130 Files creation successfully completed.
1131 Files batching successfully completed.\nIWP project file and all other files linked to were copied into the new selected target folder.
1132 The specified folder already contains some files that will be overwritten. Do you still want to proceed?
1133 To enable the 'Reserved Area' you have to enter Admin Username and Password.
1134 Files exporting successfully completed.
1135 Export aborted.
2001 Are you sure you want to exit?
2002 You did not enter the project file to open.
2004 Are you sure you want to delete this object?
2005 Another object is already present in the selected cell. Do you want to overwrite it?
2006 Do you want to save changes before exit?
2007 You can't create menus with more than three item levels.
2008 Are you sure you want to delete this page?\n\nNote: all the objects inserted will be deleted.
2009 Are you sure you want to delete this menu level?\n\nNote: all linked pages will be deleted.
2012 File export cannot be started because the files have not been created yet.
2013 If you confirm this operation all the unsaved data will be lost. Do you want to proceed anyway?
2015 Unlock code is not valid.
2016 Table maximum size has been reached!
2017 Merge is not possible because cells heights or widths are different.
2018 You cannot insert more than one Slideshow object in the same page
2019 It's not possible to find Equation Editor. Please check if the application is correctly installed.
2020 Data will be sent to e-mail address '%1' when the site will be exported on the server.
2021 It's not possible to save the Backup copy.
3001 Preview is not available for this template.
3002 Selected folder:
3003 Page Title
3004 Home Page
3005 Menu
3006 MyWebSite
3007 Enter the name of the folder where HTML files will be created.
3008 Image to display in this page
3009 All graphic files (*.bmp;*.dib;*.jpg;*.gif;*.pcx;*.png;*.rle;*.tga;*.wpg)
3010 Animation to display in this page
3011 Macromedia Flash animation (*.swf)
3012 File to link
3013 All files (*.*)
3014 Specify the folder name where the compressed file will be saved.
3015 Project file to open
3016 Project files (*.iwp)
3017 Image to insert in the text
3018 All graphic files (*.bmp;*.dib;*.jpg)
3019 Video to insert in this page
3020 Video files (*.avi;*.wmv;*.mpg;*.mov;*.qt;*.mp2;*.mpa;)
3021 Audio files (*.wav;*.mp3;*.wma;*.mid)
3022 Page
3023 Template not available in trial version.
3024 Custom template
3025 Background
3026 Top Bar
3027 Vertical Menu
3028 Horizontal Menu
3029 Page Contents
3030 Bottom Bar
3031 Background image will be tiled in order to fit screen size.
3032 Selected image will be tiled in order to fit all area. Max width is shown in 'Width' frame.
3033 All graphic files (*.jpg;*.gif;*.png)
3034 Description
3035 Enter row number to insert after row number:
3036 Enter the row number to delete from this structure.
3037 Cursor files (*.cur;*.ico;*.ani)
3038 Icon to use for Website
3039 Enter table cells margin value
3040 Enter table border width value
3041 Preview
3042 Level
3043 Next
3044 Start
3045 OLE Object to insert in the text
3046 All files (*.*)
3047 Image for bullet
3048 Sound to insert in the page.
3049 C:\MyWork
3050 Close
3051 Fullscreen slideshow
3052 Back
3053 Next
3100 Left
3101 Center
3102 Right
3103 Top
3104 Bottom
3110 Text
3111 List
3112 Multiple choice
3113 Single choice
3120 Width
3121 Height
3130 Long
3131 Medium
3132 Short
3133 Yes
3134 No
3135 I agree
3136 I do not agree
3137 Send
3138 Reset
3139 Missing value for
3140 Invalid e-mail address for
3141 Before proceeding you have to agree with shown conditions.
3148 Hidden
3149 More colors...
3150 None
3151 Colored
3152 Shadow
3153 Frame 1
3154 Frame 2
3155 Gradient
3156 Raised
3157 Ridge
3158 Black/White
3159 Blur
3160 Mosaic
3161 Fantasy
3162 Bricks
3170 Rectangle
3171 Rounded rectangle
3172 Rounded rectangle top
3173 Rounded rectangle bottom
3174 Rounded rectangle left
3175 Rounded rectangle right
3176 Rounded rectangle top-left
3177 Rounded rectangle bottom-left
3178 Rounded rectangle top-right
3179 Rounded rectangle bottom-right
3180 Gem
3181 Gem top
3182 Gem bottom
3183 Gem left
3184 Gem right
3185 Gem top-left
3186 Gem bottom-left
3187 Gem top-right
3188 Gem bottom-right
3189 Circle
3190 Horizontal hexagon
3191 Vertical hexagon
3192 four-leaved clover 1
3193 four-leaved clover 2
3200 Pillow
3201 Flat
3202 Flat pillow
3203 Inset
3204 Plastic
3205 Lucid look
3206 Gel look
3207 Aqua look
3208 Neon look
3210 None
3211 Pillow
3212 Inset
3213 Simple inset
3220 None
3221 Raised
3222 Ridge
3223 Shadow
3230 Enter
3231 Register
3300 Insert answer text for user.
3301 Barn out vertical
3302 Barn out horizontal
3303 Barn in vertical
3304 Barn in horizontal
3305 Blinds up
3306 Blinds down
3307 Blinds left
3308 Blinds right
3309 Checkerboard up
3310 Checkerboard down
3311 Checkerboard left
3312 Checkerboard right
3313 Fade
3314 Gradient Wipe left
3315 Gradient Wipe right
3316 Gradient Wipe up
3317 Gradient Wipe down
3318 Inset
3319 Iris plus out
3320 Iris plus in
3321 Iris diamond out
3322 Iris diamond in
3323 Iris circle out
3324 Iris circle in
3325 Iris cross out
3326 Iris cross in
3327 Iris square out
3328 Iris square in
3329 Iris star out
3330 Iris star in
3331 Radial Wipe clock
3332 Radial Wipe wedge
3333 Radial Wipe radial
3334 Wheel
3335 Random Bars horizontal
3336 Random Bars vertical
3337 Random Dissolve
3338 Slide hide
3339 Slide swap
3340 Slide push
3341 Spiral
3342 Zigzag
3343 Stretch hide
3344 Stretch push
3345 Stretch spin
3346 Strips right down
3347 Strips left down
3348 Strips right up
3349 Strips left up
3400 None
3401 Fade
3402 Iris square in
3403 Iris square out
3404 Iris circle in
3405 Iris circle out
3406 Bottom to top
3407 Top to bottom
3408 Left to right
3409 Right to left
3410 Blinds vertical
3411 Blinds horizontal
3412 Checkerboard horizontal
3413 Checkerboard vertical
3414 Random Bars
3415 Barn in vertical
3416 Barn out vertical
3417 Barn in horizontal
3418 Barn out horizontal
3419 Diagonal top-right
3420 Diagonal bottom-right
3421 Diagonal top-left
3422 Diagonal bottom-left
3423 Horizontal lines
3424 Vertical lines
3425 Random
3901 None
3902 Website page
3903 File or another page
3904 File or another web page
3905 E-mail
3906 Print
3907 Add to favorites
3908 Message box
3909 Slideshow
3910 Default Page
4000 Impossible to connect to server. Verify the entered parameters with the Internet Provider.
4001 Impossible to view list of files present on the server.
4002 Impossible to access to the folder.
4003 Impossible to delete the file or folder. You can delete a folder only if empty.
4004 Impossible to create the folder, check if the folder already exists.
4005 Impossible to rename the file or folder.
4006 Do you want to abort file export?
4007 Error in file export. Check if writing inside the specified folder is allowed.
4008 Enter the new name for the selected file or folder.
4009 Enter the name for the new folder to create.
4010 Are you sure you want to delete this file or folder?
4011 Do you want to export the web site inside the selected folder?
5000 Menu creation
5001 Copying template files
5002 Page creation:
5500 Welcome to Incomedia Website X1!
5501 Project selection
5502 General settings
5503 Menu selection
5504 Style template selection
5505 Map Creation
5507 Objects insertion
5508 Export on disc
5509 Export
5510 Website Export on Internet
5511 Website Export on Internet
5512 Batch project files
5513 Advanced settings
5514 Custom template
5550 Text Object
5551 Image Object
5552 Flash Animation Object
5553 Video/Sound Object
5554 Table Object
5555 Image Browser Object
5556 Images Slideshow Object
5557 HTML Code Object
5558 Email form Object
5570 Page Transition
5571 Cell Format
5580 First level items style
5581 Links style
5582 Pages title
5583 Scroll bar style
5584 Drop down menu style
5585 Sub menu style
5586 Intro Page
5587 Reserved Area
6000 Welcome to Incomedia Website X1!\n\nWebSite X1 allows you to create a professional website and publish it on the Internet as easily as possible. Every page can contain text, images, videos and animations, images galleries.\n\nWebSite X1 does not require any HTML programming skills and it is the ideal tool for both home users and web designers who want to create and publish high quality websites with a professional look and feel.\n\nTo start designing your website click the Next button and follow the on screen instruction.\n\nFor further information, you can click on Help button or press F1.
6001 Select the work project: you can create a new one or edit an existing one to modify it.
6002 Insert the requested information in the fields below to configure the project basic settings.\n
6003 Select your layout from below. You can choose between a vertical and horizontal structure.\n A vertical menu allows a maximum of 24 pages while a horizontal menu allows a maximum of 5 or 6 pages depending on the template you have choosen.
6004 Browse the list of available styles: select the one that fits the website subject or create your personal template.
6005 Here you can insert more pages as necessary.\nPlease remember to name the pages correctly as this will be displayed in the title of the page and the website menu.
6007 Select the objects to use for the present page. Select the icon from the available Objects list, drag it into the page Structure and drop it in the desired cell.
6008 Enter the folder name to save all the website files: if the folder doesn't exist, it will be automatically created.
6009 Select the export mode for the created project. The pages can be published directly on the server by FTP or on the PC hard disk.
6010 Enter the FTP address, your Username and Password to continue files publishing.
6011 Select the folder where you want to publish the site, then press on Start to launch the site export.\nYou can cancel the export at any time by pressing the ESC button.
6012 Insert the folder name where you want to copy all project files: if folder doesn't exist, it will be automatically created.
6013 In this section you can edit some advanced settings. Click on item relavent to the section you want to access.
6014 The template structure consists of different frames that can be customized.\nMove the mouse over the frame you want to edit, click on it to select, and change related settings.
6050 Use following editor to edit and format text related to the Text object you are working on.
6051 Specify the graphic file to use for the Image object you are working on.
6052 Specify the file to use for Flash Animation object you are working on.
6053 Specify the file to use for Video/Audio object you are working on.
6054 Use following editor to create and format table related to the Table object you are working on.
6055 Insert images that will be displayed as thumbnails into the Browser object. All the images will be saved in JPG format.
6056 Insert images that will be displayed in Slideshow object. All the images will be saved in JPG format.
6057 Use following editor to edit code related to the HTML object you are working on.
6058 Create the form to send data setting fields needed to collect information.
6070 Select your preferred transition effect for this page.
6071 Set graphic properties to display cell containing the selected object.
6080 Options in this section allow to edit graphic style of items of first level menu.
6081 Options in this section allow to edit graphic style of links for active, visited or hover state.
6082 Options in this section allow to edit graphic style of title of site pages.
6083 Options in this section allow to edit graphic style of scrolling bar.
6084 Options in this section allow to edit graphic style of items of drop down menu.
6085 Options in this section allow to edit graphic style of items of submenu.
6086 Select to display an introduction page to the site and to complete it inserting links to select languages.
6087 Define settings to create reserved area where protected pages are collected during site map creation.
6151 Cut the image area you want to display.
6152 Select border type for the image trough available options.
6153 Edit image visualization to correct colors or create effects.
6155 Define settings related to visualization mode of image browser.
6156 Define settings related to visualization mode of image slideshow.
6158 Define properties related to form graphic settings and to data sending.
6171 Define a description to display as caption of cell containing the selected object.