PC World 2007 February
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454 lines
var focusedURLBar;
var lastBrowserKeyPress = 0;
var lastURLKeyPress = 0;
var lastBrowserMouseDown = 0;
var lastURLMouseDown = 0;
var lastURLRightMouseDown = 0;
var lastRegainFocus = 0;
function URLBarFocusHandler(aEvent, aElt)
if (gIgnoreFocus) {
gIgnoreFocus = false;
else if (gClickSelectsAll)
// Remember which url bar is in focus, and listen to window key and mouse events until the when we willingly loose the focus grip on url bar
focusedURLBar = aElt;
window.addEventListener("keypress", onBrowserKeyPressForUrlbar, false);
window.addEventListener("mousedown", onBrowserMouseEventForUrlbar, false);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", onBrowserMouseEventForUrlbar, false);
function URLBarBlurHandler(aEvent, aElt) {
if(focusedURLBar == aElt) {
setTimeout("URLBarRegainFocus()", 10);
// If the URLBar's focus is "stolen", regain the focus back if it should be.
function URLBarRegainFocus() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var regain;
if(now - Math.max(lastURLKeyPress, lastURLMouseDown) < 500) {
// if url key or mouse event is recent (0.5 second), regain focus
regain = true;
else {
regain = false;
var recentBrowserUserInput = Math.max(lastBrowserKeyPress, lastBrowserMouseDown);
// get Trident plug in doc last mouse down event timestamp
var hpDoc = getTridentDocument();
if (hpDoc) {
recentBrowserUserInput = Math.max(recentBrowserUserInput, hpDoc.lastMouseDown);
// if last browser key or mouse event is recent, loose the grip on url bar
// otherwise, always regain focus back to url bar
regain = (now - recentBrowserUserInput > 200);
if(regain) {
// Wanna steal the focus, no way!
gIgnoreFocus = true;
lastRegainFocus = new Date().getTime();
else {
// OK, give up the grip on the focus
focusedURLBar = null;
window.removeEventListener("keypress", onBrowserKeyPressForUrlbar, false);
window.removeEventListener("mousedown", onBrowserMouseEventForUrlbar, false);
window.removeEventListener("mouseup", onBrowserMouseEventForUrlbar, false);
function onBrowserKeyPressForUrlbar(evt) {
lastBrowserKeyPress = new Date().getTime();
function onBrowserMouseEventForUrlbar(evt) {
lastBrowserMouseDown = new Date().getTime();
function URLBarKeyPressHandler(aEvent, aElt) {
if(aEvent.keyCode == 9 || aEvent.keyCode == 10 || aEvent.keyCode == 13) {
lastURLKeyPress = 0;
else {
lastURLKeyPress = new Date().getTime();
function URLBarMouseDownHandler(aEvent, aElt)
if(aEvent.which == 3) {
lastURLRightMouseDown = new Date().getTime();
if(focusedURLBar == aElt) {
lastURLMouseDown = new Date().getTime();
if (aElt.hasAttribute("focused")) {
gIgnoreClick = true;
} else {
gIgnoreFocus = true;
gIgnoreClick = false;
aElt.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
function URLBarClickHandler(aEvent, aElt)
if (!gIgnoreClick && gClickSelectsAll && aElt.selectionStart == aElt.selectionEnd)
function handleURLBarCommand(aTriggeringEvent)
var postData = { };
canonizeUrl(aTriggeringEvent, postData);
try {
} catch (ex) {
// Things may go wrong when adding url to session history,
// but don't let that interfere with the loading of the url.
BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, postData.value);
// BrowserLoadURL(aTriggeringEvent, postData.value, "browser.tabs.history.open");
// If "ESC" is pressed in the url bar, we replace the urlbar's value with the url of the page
// and highlight it, unless it is about:blank, where we reset it to "".
function handleURLBarRevert()
var url = getWebNavigation().currentURI.spec;
var throbberElement = document.getElementById("throbberBroadcaster");
var isScrolling = gURLBar.popupOpen;
// don't revert to last valid url unless page is NOT loading
// and user is NOT key-scrolling through autocomplete list
if ((!throbberElement || !throbberElement.hasAttribute("busy")) && !isScrolling) {
if (url != "about:blank") {
gURLBar.value = url;
SetPageProxyState("valid", null); // XXX Build a URI and pass it in here.
} else { //if about:blank, urlbar becomes ""
gURLBar.value = "";
gBrowser.userTypedValue = null;
// tell widget to revert to last typed text only if the user
// was scrolling when they hit escape
return !isScrolling;
function closeURLBarPopup() {
try {
catch(ex) { }
function openURLBarPopup() {
//dump("\n\n BML MERC - urlbar.js openURLBarPopup called...\n\n");
// JMC - If there's a better Popup already open, just exit
if (balloonhelp && balloonhelp.isHelpShown())
// BML - fixes bugzilla 2454 - check if nav history drop down is open and exit if so...
if (document.getElementById('urlbar').popup.mPopupOpen)
var now = new Date().getTime();
if(now - Math.max(lastURLRightMouseDown, lastRegainFocus) < 200) {
try {
// check if URLBarPopup preference flag is set
if (gPrefService === null){
throw ("No Prefservice...");
var urlBarPopupOn = gPrefService.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.topSitesPopup.enabled");
var theURLBar = document.getElementById('urlbar');
if (!theURLBar){
throw ("No urlbar found...");
if (urlBarPopupOn) {
// update the URLBarPopup
// show the popup
var urlPopup = document.getElementById("URLBarPopup");
if (!urlPopup){
throw ("No urlPopup found...");
// The urlbarpopup is not friendly with autocompletepopup. Make sure only one shows up
var autocompletePopupId = document.getElementById("urlbar").getAttribute("autocompletepopup");
if (autocompletePopupId) {
var autopopup = document.getElementById(autocompletePopupId);
if(autopopup) {
// show popup
//dump("\n\n ~~~ BML change- urlbar.js - openURLBarPopup - showing top sites list\n\n");
urlPopup.showPopup(theURLBar, -1, -1, 'popup', 'bottomleft', 'topleft');
} catch(ex) {dump("\n\nException thown - urlbar.js: openURLBarPopup:\n" + ex + "\n\n");}
//dump("\n\n::::: openURLBarPopup finished...\n");
var topSiteSelectedTime = 0;
function urlPopupSelected(theURI, theCommand) {
//dump("\n\n::::: urlPopupSelected called...\n");
topSiteSelectedTime = new Date().getTime();
var currentTopSite;
if(theURI) {
currentTopSite = "loadURI('" + theURI + "');";
else {
currentTopSite = theCommand;
//dump("\n\n::::: urlPopupSelected finished...\n");
function urlPopupClicked(theURI, theCommand) {
//dump("\n\n::::: urlPopupClicked called...\n");
// onselect always happen before onclick. If the onselect is not called yet,
// that is because the user clicked the currently selected item. We need to force to call it now.
if(new Date().getTime() - topSiteSelectedTime > 200) {
urlPopupSelected(theURI, theCommand);
// MERC BML Sets the showHistory & showBookmarks menu items in URLBarPopup
// to state of sidebar panels they open
function setURLBarPopupButtons(){
try {
// get popup checkboxes
var showHistoryCheckbox = document.getElementById("showHistory-checkbox");
var showBookmarksCheckbox = document.getElementById("showBookmarks-checkbox");
throw("No showHistoryCheckbox found...");
throw("No showBookmarksCheckbox found...");
// set showHistory
showHistoryCheckbox.setAttribute('checked', true);
} else {
showHistoryCheckbox.setAttribute('checked', false);
// set showBookmarks
showBookmarksCheckbox.setAttribute('checked', true);
} else {
showBookmarksCheckbox.setAttribute('checked', false);
} catch(ex) { dump("Exception in urlbar.js: SetURLBarPopupButtons\n" + ex + "\n"); }
// when the popup is hidden destroy the list of topsites
function destroyTopSitesList()
//dump("\n\n BML MERC - urlbar.js destroyTopSitesList called...\n\n");
// hide label
var topsitesLabel = document.getElementById("topsites-label");
topsitesLabel.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
// hide separator
var endSeparator = document.getElementById("endTopSitesSeparator");
endSeparator.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
// Destroy the items.
var urlPopup = document.getElementById("URLBarPopup-box");
var destroy = false;
for (var i = 0; i < urlPopup.childNodes.length; i++) {
var item = urlPopup.childNodes[i];
if (item == endSeparator)
if (destroy) {
if (item == topsitesLabel)
destroy = true;
}catch (ex) {dump("Exception thrown in destroyTopSitesList...\n"+ex);}
//dump("\n\n BML MERC - urlbar.js destroyTopSitesList finished...\n\n");
MERC BML : when the popup is shown get topsites from history rdf using xpcom service
& add to urlpopup as menuitems
function buildTopSitesList()
//dump("\n\n BML MERC - urlbar.js buildtopSitesList called...\n\n");
var URLBarPopup = document.getElementById("URLBarPopup");
// In case the timer didn't fire.
// get a list of topsites from data source
var siteList = getTopsites();
// should we display topsites?
if(siteList.length === 0){
// no history so no topsites
// show label
var topsitesLabel = document.getElementById("topsites-label");
topsitesLabel.setAttribute("hidden", "false");
// get the end of the topsites list as we'll be adding items in reverse
var beforeItem = document.getElementById("endTopSitesSeparator");
// show separator while we've got it
beforeItem.setAttribute("hidden", "false");
// get container for topsites list
var urlBarPopup = document.getElementById("URLBarPopup-box");
// add menu items to topsites list from bottom to top
for (var i = siteList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
//dump("\n\n siteList["+i+"] = "+siteList[i]);
var aTopsite = siteList[i].split("|");
var aName = aTopsite[0];
var aURL = aTopsite[1];
//dump("\naURL" + i + "= " + aURL +" aName =" +aName+"...\n");
beforeItem = constructTopSitesMenuItem(urlBarPopup, beforeItem, aURL, aName);
} catch(ex){dump("\n\n Exception thrown in urlbar.js - buildTopSitesList:\n"+ ex +"...");}
//dump("\n\n BML MERC - urlbar.js leaving buildTopSitesList...\n\n");
MERC BML : this helps buildTopSitesList in creating a topsites
menuitem and adding it to the urlBarpopup before returning the added
Have hard coded the width of the left column based on width
of URLBar because using structures like listbox caused crashes when removed from popup
function constructTopSitesMenuItem(urlBarPopup, beforeItem, aURL, aName)
//dump("\n\n BML MERC - urlbar.js constructTopSitesMenuItem called...\n\n");
// create a menuItem, 2 containers for labels & labels for a topSites entry
var menuItem = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "menuitem");
var leftHbox = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "hbox");
var rightHbox = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "hbox");
var nameLabel = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label");
var urlLabel = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label");
// set the menuitem
menuItem.setAttribute("class", "topsites-menuitem");
menuItem.setAttribute("flex", "1");
var theCommand = 'urlPopupSelected("'+ aURL +'", null);';
//dump("\n\ntheCommand = "+theCommand+"\n");
menuItem.setAttribute("oncommand", theCommand);
// set name & it's container
leftHbox.setAttribute("id", "topsites-nameBox");
leftHbox.setAttribute("class", "topsites-leftcolumn");
var leftColumnWidth = calcTopsitesLeftColumn();
leftHbox.setAttribute("width", leftColumnWidth);
nameLabel.setAttribute("class", "topsitesName");
nameLabel.setAttribute("value", aName);
nameLabel.setAttribute("crop", "end");
// set url & it's container
rightHbox.setAttribute("id", "topsites-urlBox");
rightHbox.setAttribute("class", "topsites-rightcolumn");
urlLabel.setAttribute("class", "topsitesURL");
urlLabel.setAttribute("value", aURL);
urlLabel.setAttribute("crop", "end");
// add contents to menuItem
// add menuItem to urlPopup
urlBarPopup.insertBefore(menuItem, beforeItem);
//dump("\n\n BML MERC - urlbar.js constructTopSitesMenuItem finished...\n\n");
return menuItem;
MERC BML/AAM : helper function that retrieves an array of urls & names
sorted by their visitcount from history rdf.
the length of array should be based on pref : browser.urlbar.topSitesPopup.maxLines
function getTopsites() {
try {
const cid = "@mozilla.org/browser/minihistory;1";
var obj = Components.classes[cid].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIMiniHistory);
var count = {}; // ensure this is an object
var aStrings = obj.getHistory(count);
//dump('count=' + count.value);
var i;
var splitstr;
for (i=0; i < count.value; i++)
splitstr = aStrings[i].split("|");
//dump('index=' + i + '\nName="' + splitstr[0] + '"\nURL=' + splitstr[1]);
} catch (err) {dump("Exception thrown in urlbar.js - getTopsitese\n" + err);return;}
return aStrings;
// Helper function for dynamically controlling column width of topsites list
function calcTopsitesLeftColumn(){
var urlBarWidth = document.getElementById('urlbar').boxObject.width;
// set width of left column to 40% of urlBar (and as an integer)
var leftColWidth = Math.floor(urlBarWidth * 0.4);
}catch(ex){dump("Exception thrown in urlbar.js - calcTopsitesLeftColumn\n" + ex);return;}
return leftColWidth;