cont += '<label for="'+id+'_radio2"><input type="radio" id="'+id+'_radio2" name="'+id+'_radiogroup" value="radio" />Show products I own </label>';
cont += '<label for="'+id+'_radio3"><input type="radio" id="'+id+'_radio3" name="'+id+'_radiogroup" value="radio" />Show products I do not own </label>';
cont += '<table class="thin"><tr><td class="icon"><img id="'+id+'_icon" src="img_fd_panels/switchPanel_top_'+(!onByDefault?"show":"hide")+'icon.gif"></td><td> '+title+(owned!='na'?(owned?" <div class=\"ownText\">(you own this product)</div>":" <div class=\"notOwnText\">(you do not own this product)</div>"):'')+'</td><td class="cap"><img src="img_fd_panels/switchPanel_top_right.gif"></td></tr></table></div>';
contents+='<br><br><del><b>Purchase this product</b></del> <span>You already own this product<span>';
} else {
if (data.products[i].prodType=='smp') {
contents+='<br><br><b>Download version</b>: click '+returnBuyLink(data.products[i].code)+'here</a> to order a downloadable version today.';
contents+='<br><b>CD version</b>: visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to order this product on a CD.';
} else {
contents+='<br><br><b>Purchase this product:</b> click '+returnBuyLink(data.products[i].code)+'here</a> to order today from our online shop.';
'<p><strong>'+(params.isUpgrade?'Upgrade':'Product')+' price (online): $'+params.boxPrice+' USD '+(params.noDVD?'(no DVD included)':'')+'</strong></p>'+
'<p>'+returnBuyLink(params.code)+'Click here to '+(params.isUpgrade?'upgrade':'order')+'</a></p>';
// i=-1 - demo; 2, 1, 0, 999 = basic, fruityloops, producer no xxl, producer and xxl
var titleEnd; // modifies the table title
var contents='<table style="width:expression(document.body.offsetWidth - 60 + "px");" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5">';
contents+='<tr valign="top">';
var cellSpan; // how many percent spans each table cell
if (i==-1) cellSpan='25%';
if (i==2) cellSpan='33%';
if (i==1) cellSpan='50%';
if (i==0) cellSpan='100%';
if (i==999) cellSpan='';
if (i==999) { // user has registered Producer Edition (no upgrades, or only Lifetime Upd. upgrade for boxed)
// if the edition is boxed, it means the user can buy Lifetime updates
if (isBoxed) {
document.write('<br><br>'+returnBuyLink(31080)+'You can purchase <span style="font-weight:bold;">Lifetime Free Updates</span> for FL Studio XXL Edition ($29).</a><br><br>');
} else { // user has all
document.write('<br><br>No FL-Studio upgrades are available for your registration.');
allowDebugDump = false; // dumping of received params
allowDebugParams = false; // injects debug set of params
// init flags (autodetected/set later)
isCreative=false; // Express special case
isBasic=false; // Demo special case
isXXL = false;
isDemo = false;
function stage1()
function stage2()
// NOTE: stage1 includes loading external JS file via document.write which requires that parsing is done later while "waiting" for data, so it's split in stage2 and called later in the HTMLs
// ready, steady, go...
// Dorothy, I think we're not in Kansas anymore...