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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2005-04-06  |  129KB  |  1024x744  |  16-bit (31,858 colors)
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OCR: FreshDiagnose Benchmark Help Support Site Refresh Save Print Report Windows Hardware Devices Networks Multimedia Resources Snapshot Benchmark FreshDiagnose Software System Memory Accessibility This information about oper ating system memory and the memor manager Appear ance Engines Environment Item Value File Associations Fonts Memory General Installed Programs Memor 75 % Libraries Total Physical Memory 536 313, 856 Bytes (511.47 MB Memory Available Physica Memory 133, 525, 504 Bytes (127.34 MB OLE Objects U Oper Power rating Monitor System Total able Page Page File File 1,308, 680, 386,048 192 Bytes Bytes 1 (900.64 .22 GB) MB) Protected Files Avail Regional Settings Total Virtual Memory 2,147 352 576 Bytes (2.00 GB) Services Available Virtual Memory 2,103 287 808 Bytes ( 96 GB Shell Folde ...