home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ' Batch script generator of PPSee program.
- ' The script create new script for batch creating Image galleries
- ' in all subfolders of the current folder.
- ' Modify the script by your requirements.
- ' Author: Pavel Ponec
- ' -------------------------------------------------
- newBatchFile = "PPSeeBatch.bat"
- ppSeeBatch = "C:\Program Files\PPSee\bin\ppsee.bat"
- photoDirectory = "."
- ' -------------------------------------------------
- Function getCommand ( ByVal dir)
- getCommand = "call """ & ppSeeBatch & """ """ & dir & "\."" -batch"
- End Function
- WScript.Echo "Batch Mode is Running ..."
- set oArgs = Wscript.Arguments
- if oArgs.count>0 then
- photoDirectory = oArgs(0)
- end if
- set shell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
- set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
- set dirs = fso.GetFolder (photoDirectory).SubFolders
- Set script = fso.CreateTextFile (newBatchFile, True)
- script.WriteLine("@echo off")
- script.WriteLine("rem PPSee Batch Script")
- script.WriteLine("")
- For Each dir In dirs
- WScript.Echo dir
- script.WriteLine(getCommand(dir))
- Next
- script.WriteLine("")
- script.WriteLine("echo.")
- script.WriteLine("echo All Galleries are finished.")
- script.Close
- ' EOF