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INI File | 2004-12-06 | 11.4 KB | 330 lines |
- # documentation
- # =============
- #
- # Dimension=x1,y1,x2,y2
- #
- # A zero value for x2 or y2 means extend to the right or bottom (respectivelY) as far as the containing window
- # can go. A negative value for x2 or y2 means extend to the right or bottom minus however much is specified.
- #
- # x1 = upper left x-coordinate
- # y1 = upper left y-coordinate
- # x2 = lower right x-coordinate
- # y2 = lower right y-coordinate
- #
- # Font=<name>,<size>,<style>
- # Example: Font=Arial,9,FW_BOLD
- #
- # Origin=n
- # 0 = Upper Left Origin, +x to the right, +y down, 3rd quadrant
- # 1 = Upper Right Origin, +x to the left, +y down, 4th quadrant
- # 2 = Lower Left Origin, +x to the right, +y up, 2nd quadrant
- # 3 = Lower Right Origin, +x to the left, +y up, 1st quadrant
- #
- # New Skin (2.5) Values
- # =====================
- # New skin elements and skin ini values were added to support more complex controls and better looking buttons.
- #
- # Button Control
- # --------------
- # ButtonTileLeft Bitmap file for the left background tile (all states vertically)
- # ButtonOverlayLeft Bitmap file for the left overlay tile (all states vertically)
- # ButtonTileCenter Bitmap file for the center background tile (all states vertically)
- # ButtonOverlayCenter Bitmap file for the center overlay tile (all states vertically)
- # ButtonTileRight Bitmap file for the right background tile (all states vertically)
- # ButtonOverlayRight Bitmap file for the right overlay tile (all states vertically)
- # NcTextColor The normal text color for a button
- # NcBackColor The normal background color for a button (if no tiles are used)
- # NormalFont The normal font for a button(FontFace,PointSize,Weight) for example, Arial,9,FW_BOLD
- # NormalTextGlow The normal glow info for a button (R,G,B;Alpha;Size;Spread) for example, 255,255,255;100;4;60
- # HoverTextColor The hover text color for a button
- # HoverBackColor The hover background color for a button (if no tiles are used)
- # HoverFont The hover font for a button
- # HoverTextGlow The hover glow info for a button (R,G,B;Alpha;Size;Spread) for example, 255,255,255;100;4;60
- # PressedTextColor The pressed text color for a button
- # PressedBackColor The pressed background color for a button (if no tiles are used)
- # PressedFont The pressed font for a button
- # PressedTextGlow The pressed glow info for a button (R,G,B;Alpha;Size;Spread) for example, 255,255,255;100;4;60
- # CheckedTextColor The checked text color for a button
- # CheckedBackColor The checked background color for a button (if no tiles are used)
- # CheckedFont The checked font for a button
- # CheckedTextGlow The checked glow info for a button (R,G,B;Alpha;Size;Spread) for example, 255,255,255;100;4;60
- # DisabledTextColor The disabled text color for a button
- # DisabledBackColor The disabled background color for a button (if no tiles are used)
- # DisabledFont The disabled font for a button
- # DisabledTextGlow The disabled glow info for a button (R,G,B;Alpha;Size;Spread) for example, 255,255,255;100;4;60
- # ButtonHyperlink 0 == not hyperlinked, 1 == hyperlinked
- # ButtonTiles 0 == no tiled background, 1 == tiled background
- #
- # Label Control
- # -------------
- # Font The normal font for a button(FontFace,PointSize,Weight) for example, Arial,9,FW_BOLD
- # NcTextColor The normal text color for a label
- # NcBackColor The normal background color for a label
- #
- # List Control
- # ------------
- # Font The normal font for the list(FontFace,PointSize,Weight) for example, Arial,9,FW_NORMAL
- # TextColor Color of unselected text in the list
- # TextBackColor Background color of unselected text in the list
- # HighLightTextColor Color of selected text in the list
- # HighLightBackColor Background color of selected text in the list
- # HeaderBackColor Background color of the header control
- # HeaderTextColor Text color in the header control
- # DisabledTextColor The disabled text color
- # DisabledBackColor The disabled background color
- # DropHighLightTextColor The drop target highlight text color
- # DropHighLightBackColor The drop target highlight background color
- #
- # Tree Control
- # ------------
- # Font The normal font for the tree(FontFace,PointSize,Weight) for example, Arial,9,FW_NORMAL
- # TextColor Color of unselected text in the tree
- # TextBackColor Background color of unselected text in the tree
- # HighLightTextColor Color of selected text in the tree
- # HighLightTextBackColor Background color of selected text in the tree
- #
- # Splitter Bar Control
- # --------------------
- # MinLeftSize The minimum size that the left pane can be
- # MinRightSize The minimum size that the right pane can be
- # Width The width of the actual splitter bar
- #
- # Scroll Bar Control
- # ------------------
- # ScrollButtonColor Color of the button faces
- # ScrollBackColor Background color of the scroll bar
- # ScrollBackClickedColor Background color of the scroll bar when the scroll bar is clicked
- # ScrollOuterHilightColor Outer highlight color
- # ScrollOuterShadowColor Outer shadow color
- # ScrollInnerHilightColor Inner highlight color
- # ScrollInnerShadowColor Inner shadow color
- # ScrollArrowColor Arrow color
- #
- # Progress Control
- # ------------------
- # ProgressStartColor The starting color, when doing a gradient
- # ProgressEndColor The ending color, when doing a gradient
- # HighLightTextColor Color of the "Filled" text
- # HighLightTextBackColor Color of the "Filled" portion of the control, when not doing a gradient
- # TextColor Color of the "Unfilled" text
- # TextBackColor Color or the "Unfilled" portion of the control
- #
- # Rating Control
- # ----------------
- # RatingBitmap The bitmap used to draw the rating control
- Cobalt_ENU Genesis (10.0)
- [ThemeVersion]
- ThemeVersion=3.1
- [Defaults]
- Font=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- #// Text and backgroundcolor for PL and LIB
- TextColor=255,255,255
- TextBackColor=26,69,117
- #//
- BackColor=255,0,0
- ForeColor=255,255,255
- #// Non-Client text and background color for certian controls like Music Center and Dialogs
- NcTextColor=14,42,74
- NcBackColor=232,232,232
- #// Color of text and background when a row is selected in PL and LIB
- HighLightTextColor=255,255,255
- HighLightBackColor=0,29,60
- #// Color of text and background when dragging and dropping items
- DropHighLightTextColor= 255,255,255
- DropHighLightBackColor= 25,82,144
- #// Color of selections when the list control doesn't have focus... for text and background.
- InactiveHighLightTextColor=255,255,255
- InactiveHighLightBackColor=17,55,97
- #// LIB sort header background color
- HeaderBackColor=95,135,182
- HeaderTextColor=255,255,255
- ResizeStyle=
- CloseX=6
- LeftTopCornerRegion=5,0,5,1,3,2,2,3,1,5,0
- RightTopCornerRegion=5,25,0,27,1,28,2,29,4,30,5
- RightBottomCornerRegion=6,30,44,29,45,28,47,27,48,25,49,24,50
- LeftBottomCornerRegion=6,6,50,5,49,3,48,2,47,1,46,0,44
- ClientColors=0
- ButtonHyperlink=0
- ButtonTiles=1
- EtchedText=0
- ButtonTileLeft=btn_bg_lft.bmp
- ButtonTileCenter=btn_bg_mid.bmp
- ButtonTileRight=btn_bg_rt.bmp
- ButtonOverlayLeft=btn_no_over.bmp
- ButtonOverlayCenter=btn_no_over.bmp
- ButtonOverlayRight=btn_no_over.bmp
- NormalFont=Arial,8,FW_SEMIBOLD
- HoverFont=Arial,8,FW_SEMIBOLD
- HoverTextColor=0,84,255
- HoverTextGlow=255,255,255;100;6;40
- CheckedFont=Arial,8,FW_SEMIBOLD
- CheckedTextColor=0,84,255
- CheckedTextGlow=255,255,255;100;6;40
- PressedFont=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- PressedTextColor=14,42,74
- FocusRectMargins=3,2,3,3
- DisabledFont=Arial,8,FW_SEMIBOLD
- DisabledTextColor=172,176,188
- DisabledBackColor=235,235,235
- ScrollButtonColor=237,236,237
- ScrollOuterHilightColor=235,235,235
- ScrollOuterShadowColor=195,195,197
- ScrollInnerHilightColor=249,249,250
- ScrollInnerShadowColor=224,224,224
- ScrollBackColor=219,219,219
- ScrollBackClickedColor=219,219,219
- ScrollArrowColor=179,181,186
- ## -- PHASE OUT
- BackgroundTile=bgmid.bmp
- LeftBorderTile=bgle.bmp
- RightBorderTile=bgre.bmp
- TopBorderTile=bete.bmp
- BottomBorderTile=bgbe.bmp
- LeftTopCornerTile=bgul.bmp
- RightTopCornerTile=bgur.bmp
- LeftBottomCornerTile=bgll.bmp
- RightBottomCornerTile=bglr.bmp
- RightBottomCornerTileNS=bglr_ns.bmp
- PlaylistBackgroundTile=pl_bgmid.bmp
- PlaylistLeftBorderTile=pl_bgle.bmp
- PlaylistRightBorderTile=pl_bgre.bmp
- PlaylistTopBorderTile=pl_bgte.bmp
- PlaylistBottomBorderTile=pl_bgbe.bmp
- PlaylistLeftTopCornerTile=pl_bgul.bmp
- PlaylistRightTopCornerTile=pl_bgur.bmp
- PlaylistLeftBottomCornerTile=pl_bgll.bmp
- PlaylistRightBottomCornerTile=pl_bglr.bmp
- ArtBitmap=mmart.bmp
- ArtBitmapPlus=mmartplus.bmp
- ArtBitmapHiRes=mmwallpaper.bmp
- ArtBitmapPending=mmartpending.bmp
- ### Localization ##############################################################
- [Language]
- ###############################################################################
- [MMJBArt]
- MarginLeft=8
- MarginTop=25
- MarginRight=8
- MarginBottom=8
- LabelXY=31,8
- [GL_Close2Button]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,1,15,19
- LocInBitmap=0
- [GL_HelpButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,18,15
- LocInBitmap=0
- [GL_GenericButton]
- ClassName="MMJBCTRL.PushBtnCtrl.1"
- Dimension=0,0,23,9
- LocInBitmap=0
- ### dialog settings ##############################################################
- [MMJBDialog]
- Font=MS Sans Serif,8,FW_NORMAL
- LeftBorderTile=bgle.bmp
- RightBorderTile=bgre.bmp
- TopBorderTile=bete.bmp
- BottomBorderTile=bgbe.bmp
- LeftTopCornerTile=bgul_dialog.bmp
- RightTopCornerTile=bgur.bmp
- LeftBottomCornerTile=bgll.bmp
- RightBottomCornerTile=bglr.bmp
- RightBottomCornerTileNS=bglr.bmp
- CloseX=6
- CloseDimension=0,10,15,19
- LeftTopCornerRegion=5,0,5,1,3,2,2,3,1,5,0
- RightTopCornerRegion=5,25,0,27,1,28,2,29,4,30,5
- RightBottomCornerRegion=6,30,44,29,45,28,47,27,48,25,49,24,50
- LeftBottomCornerRegion=6,6,50,5,49,3,48,2,47,1,46,0,44
- MarginLeft=8
- MarginTop=21
- MarginRight=8
- MarginBottom=8
- EtchedText=0
- ButtonTileLeft=btn_dialog_lft.bmp
- ButtonTileCenter=btn_dialog_mid.bmp
- ButtonTileRight=btn_dialog_rt.bmp
- NormalFont=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- HoverFont=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- CheckedFont=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- PressedFont=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- DisabledFont=Arial,8,FW_NORMAL
- [DLG_Title]
- Font=Arial,8,FW_BOLD
- LabelXY=22,4
- [DLG_CloseButton]
- ButtonTiles=0
- ButtonBitmap=dialog_close.bmp
- [Icons]
- Default=Default.ico
- Composer=artist.ico
- Conductor=artist.ico
- VolumeLeveled=vol_level.ico
- ArtistName=artist.ico
- Track=Track.ico
- Folder=Folder.ico
- Track_1=Track_Stream.ico
- Track_2=Track_Stream.ico
- Track_3=Track_TOD.ico
- Track_4=Track_DOD.ico
- AlbumName=Album.ico
- AudioCD=AudioCD.ico
- MP3CD=mp3CD.ico
- BlankCD=Album.ico
- cddvd=Album.ico
- Lib.MyLibrary=Library.ico
- Lib.MyLibrarySimple=Library.ico
- Lib.Playlists=Playlists.ico
- Lib.AutoDJMixes=AutoDJMixes.ico
- Lib.MyCDs=CDCollection.ico
- Lib.CDRoms=CDCollection.ico
- cdcatalogmp3=CDCollection.ico
- cdcatalogrba=CDCollection.ico
- Lib.Portables=Portables.ico
- Playlist=Playlist.ico
- AutoDJMix=AutoDJMix.ico
- ###############################################################################