<!ENTITY securityDashboardButton.bhCurrentSiteStatus.title "Current Site Status">
<!ENTITY securityDashboardButton.bhCurrentSiteStatus.blurb "Shows the status of the current website being viewed, as well as settings for security, rendering, and web features.">
<!ENTITY securityDashboardButton.bhCurrentSiteStatus.toolTip "Shows the status of the current website being viewed, as well as settings for security, rendering, and web features.">
<!ENTITY balloonHelp.securityCenter.description "Your main control center for browser security. Allows you to view and change settings.">
<!ENTITY balloonHelp.autoFill.title "AutoFill">
<!ENTITY balloonHelp.autoFill.description "Use to save and store form and login information for future use so you wont have to reenter the data again and again.">