KAVMailQBBody=The file will be sent to Kaspersky Lab for analysis.
InvalidEmail=You have entered an invalid e-mail.
ErrorSendEmail=In order to send an e-mail you should have a configured email client.
ForderNotEmpty=The folder you have specified is not empty. All data will be lost.\nDo you wish to continue?
ForderNotExist=The folder you have specified does not exist.\nDo you wish to create it?
KlopLimited=The program cannot be started on your computer because the license key is being used on N computers.
AskResumeScan=Task "$ProfileDescription" was interrupted. Do you want to resume the scan?\nIn order to restart the scan from the beginning, select "No".
AskUpdateBeforeFullScan=$BasesOutOfDate Do you want to update them?
KeyFileDeleteQuestion=Are you sure you want to delete the$(nVal1,KeyFileActiveDelete) key file?$(nVal1,KeyFileDeleteQuestion)
;--------------------- Service --------------------------
ProductTitle=$ProductName is an anti-virus software developed by Kaspersky and brought to you by AOL.
Copyright=$(Copyright,global)All rights reserved.\n\nPortions ⌐ 2006 AOL Premium Services LLC.All rights reserved.
Warning=AOL and AOL logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of AOL LLC in the United States and / or other countries.
Warning2=Kaspersky and the Kaspersky logo are either registered service marks or service marks of Kaspersky Lab.
Product=Product info
Licence=License info
SysInfo=System info
Version=Product version:
VersionHotfix=Product hotfix:
ThreatDate=Signatures published:
ThreatCount=Number of signatures:
LicenceNumber=License number:
ExpirationDate=Expiration date:
OSVersion=Operating system:
;------------- data files -----------
Description=Infected files are copied to Backup before further processing. Suspicious files are stored in Quarantine, and all program events are logged in Reports.
DeleteAll=Clean up...
dlg_caption=Clean up
Reports=Delete History $Reports
Quarantine=Delete files from $Quarantine
Backup=Delete files from $Backup
;------------- Data Files -----------
QuarantineGroup=$Quarantine && $Backup
FullReport=Log non-critical events
KeepRecent=Keep only recent events
DeleteCheck=Delete reports after
DeleteCheck=Delete items from\nQuarantine and Backup after
;------------- Network Settings -----------
Header=Network Settings
Description=Traffic analysis will be performed on specified ports. For HTTP, POP3, SMTP, IMAP or NNTP protocol traffic detection, it will be redirected to the appropriate component.
PortGroup=Monitored Ports
AppGroup=Trusted Connections
Text=Traffic passing through these ports will be passed to $Mail_Monitor$(Ins_ProductType,global,PortDescriptionKIS), depending on data type.
Settings=Port settings...
kis=, $Web_Monitor, $Anti_Spy or $Anti_Spam
wks=, $Web_Monitor, $Anti_Spy or $Anti_Spam
default=\ or $Web_Monitor
dlg_caption=Port Settings
Text=You are advised to restart your e-mail program and web browser to apply the new settings properly.
IconAnimation=Animate tray icon when processing items
LoginShow=Show icon above Microsoft Windows login window
Transparency=Enable semi-transparent windows
Text=Transparency factor:
StandartGuiStyle=Use system colors and styles
;------------- Rescue Disk -----------
Description=It is a good idea to make an anti-virus rescue disk to be sure that if your computer system is completely destroyed by a virus, you will be able to recover it.
Description2=Additional information
MakeRescueDisk=Start Wizard...
Text1 = It is necessary to have <a v(url:www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/)>PE Builder</a> version 3.1.3 or higher installed on your computer. Additionally, you must have Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation CD.\n\nA CD-R or CD-RW device is required to create the Rescue Disk.
TrialWarning = You are using a trial version of $ProductName.
Text = ItÆs time to renew your free Active Virus Shield service. To keep your free up-to-date virus protection, you must click <a v(url:www.activevirusshield.com)>here</a>.
0 = has expired
default = will expire in $(LicInfo.DaysTillExpiration,global) days
1=System error. $(ErrorCode,SystemError)
2=Cannot add "$(KeyFile)" key file. $(ErrorCode,LicenseError)\n\nTo purchase a new license please contact AOL Sales Department</a>
0x8947901e=License key creation or activation date is invalid. Check system date settings
0x8947901f=Cannot register trial key while another trial key is in use
0x89479020=Blacklist file is either missing or corrupted
0x89479021=Update description is missing or corrupted
0x89479022=Internal license info is invalid for this product
0x89479023=Cannot register non-valid backup key
0x89479024=User form data completion error
0x89479025=Sending HTTP request error
0x89479026=Request incorrect key data
0x89479027=Unable to obtain response status
0x89479028=Error saving temporary file
0x89479029=Error saving destination file
0x8947902a=License is not current
0x8947902b=Failed to retrieve uncorrupted license
0x8947902c=Error requesting syntax
0x8947902d=Authorization required
0x8947902e=Access denied
0x8947902f=Resource not found
0x89479030=Method denied
0x89479031=Requested information of specified format not found
0x89479032=Proxy authorization required
0x89479033=Waiting request timeout
0x89479034=Conflict - need more info
0x89479035=Resource is permanently deleted
0x89479036=Content length is needed
0x89479037=Precalculating is false
0x89479038=Request is too long
0x89479039=URL is too long
0x8947903a=Unsupported data format
0x8947903b=Unspecified error on client side
0x8947903c=Internal server error
0x8947903d=Functionality is not supported
0x8947903e=Invalid server response
0x8947903f=Resource is temporary unavailable
0x89479040=Waiting request timeout
0x89479041=Unsupported protocol by server
0x89479042=Unspecified error on server side
0x89479043=Unspecified HTTP error
0x89479044=Invalid resource identifier
0x89479045=Incorrect info in field "key"
0x89479046=Incorrect URL
0x89479047=Incorrect destination folder
0x89479048=Memory allocation error
0x89479049=Error converting parameters to ANSI string (url, folder, agent)
0x8947904a=Error creating working thread
0x8947904b=Working thread is already running
0x8947904c=Working thread is not running
0x8947904d=The key you are trying to install will expire before the expiration date of the active key
;------------- Support -----------
Description=If you need technical assistance or have any questions about the product, our Support Center is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please follow the link below to access the Support Center.
LinkAOL=$FAQLink\eActive Virus Shield Support Center
;LinkSendExep=v(mail:avs_bugs_report@listserv.aol.com?subject=Exclusion list&body=Your exclusion list will be sent to Kaspersky Lab for analysis.)Submit exclusion list
;LinkAsBases=v(mail:avs_bugs_report@listserv.aol.com?subject=Anti-Spam database&body=Your Anti-Spam database will be sent to Kaspersky Lab for analysis.)Submit Anti-Spam database
;------------- System Report Export Dialog ------------
dlg_caption=Gathering System Information
Saving=Please wait a moment...
;------------- CloseRequestDialog -------------
dlg_caption=Close Request
1=Another process is trying to stop our service. Are you sure?
2=Another process is trying to kill our process. Are you sure?
;------------- ConfigureWizard -------------
dlg_caption=Setup Wizard: $ProductName
CancelWizardWarning=Setup Wizard is not complete. Do you really want to exit the Setup Wizard?
Header=Objects from the previous installation
Text1=Select objects for reuse
Text=Some objects have been detected that had been saved during uninstallation of Kaspersky Anti-Virus 5.0.\n\nPlease, select objects that you wish to reuse in $ProductName.
InheritSettings=Protection settings
InheritQuarantine=Quarantined objects
InheritBackup=Backup objects
InheritLicense=Activation data
Text2=$ProductName is now being configured to protect your computer. \n\nTo use $ProductName you must activate the software. This will help ensure that you have the latest virus and security updates.
ActivateCommercial =Activate using the activation code
ActivateTrial =Activate trial version (30 days)
ChooseKey =Apply existing license key
Later =Activate later
Text3=Please be aware that if you do not activate the software, the software is disabled and you will not be protected from viruses and other malware.
Text1=Enter activation code
Text2=Please enter the activation code you received in your email when you completed the registration for $ProductName. You will need an internet connection to complete this activation. \n\nYou must enter the activation code exactly as it appears in your email (letters are case sensitive and dashes are required). To avoid typing the key incorrectly, it is best if you copy the activation code from your email and paste it in the box below.
;Text3=Please provide your contact information:
ActivationCodeLabel =Activation code
;UserNameLabel =Name
;UserEmailLabel =E-mail
;CountryLabel =Country
;CityLabel =City
Text1=Please wait...
Text2=$ProductName is connecting to the activation server. This may take some time, depending on the speed of your Internet connection. Please waità
ConnectingInfo =Connecting to Activation Server...
SendingCodeInfo =Sending activation code...
RetrievingKeyInfo =Receiving license key...
Text1=Select license key
Text2=Please, specify license key file.
KeyPathLabel =License key:
KeyBrowse =$Browse
KeyInfo =License info
1 = i(info)Activation not needed
default = i(ok)Activation complete
1 = i(info)License key already available.
default = i(ok)License key successfully applied.
Header = Activation
KeyInfo = License key info
Header =Update
Text1 =Update
Text2 =In order to protect your computer from new threats that appear every day, it is necessary to update your protection routinely. Please select an update mode:
UpdateType =Update mode
UpdateNow =Update now
Header=Regular scans
Text1=Regular scans
Text2=Regular scans ensure that your computer is free of malicious programs. It also improves the productivity of real-time protection.\n\nPlease select a scan method:
Scan_Startup =Scan Startup Objects
Scan_My_Computer =Full Computer Scan
Scan_Critical_Areas=Scan Critical Areas
ScanNow =Scan My Computer
Text1=Security Zones
Header=Network Applications
Text1=Network Applications
Text =$(fw.AppRules,size) network applications have been detected. $ProductName has created allow rules for these applications according to application type.\n\nClick "Applications..." to view these applications and the rules created for them.
Text3=Additional protection
Text2=To avoid data leakage, it is recommended to disable local domain names caching (DNS cache service).\n\nWarning! Disabling DNS cache service may cause malfunctions in programs that establish multiple network connections (for example, file sharing clients).
EnableDns =Disable DNS cache
Text1=Network Applications
Text =Please wait while your network applications data is being collected...
Header=Interactive protection
Text1=Protection mode
Text2=Interactive protection can detect system settings modification attempts, as well as suspicious system and network activity. If anything is detected, the user is prompted to decide whether such activity should be allowed or denied.\n\nSelect a protection mode:
NoInteractive=Basic protection (recommended for most users)\nNotify me only about dangerous events
Interactive=Interactive protection (recommended for experienced users)\nNotify me about dangerous and suspicious events
TrainingMode=Enable Anti-Hacker Training Mode
RegGuard=Enable Registry Guard
Intrusion=Enable Extended Proactive Defense
Header = Password
Text1 = Password
Text2 = Password protection prevents unauthorized attempts at disabling protection or changing settings.
Enable = Enable password protection
PswdText = Enter password:
ConfPswdText = Confirm password:
AskPswrdSettings = Scope
Header = Additional protection
EnableAppMon = Enable Application Integrity Control
AppMonitoring = Additional protection
AppMonDescr = Application Integrity Control can prevent the possible substitution of the components of your applications for malicious code.
Header=Additional protection
AppMonitoring=Additional protection
ProgressDescr=Please wait, check sums of executable files are being collected...
Header=Reset settings
Text=Warning! Settings listed below may contain important data. Do you want to reset them as well?
Header = Installation
Finish = Installation complete.
Reboot = Restart computer
StartProduct = Start product
1 = Your computer needs to be restarted to complete the installation of Active Virus Shield. Click ôFinishö to do so.
default = You can start $ProductName now.
1 = If you do not wish to restart your computer now, please uncheck the selection below and then click ôFinishö.
Text1 = Please choose a Rescue Disk creation method:
Info = Additional information
Text1 = It is necessary to have Microsoft Windows Preinstallation Environment (http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/programs/sa/benefits/winpe.mspx) installed on your computer. Additionally, you must have Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation CD.\n\nA CD-R or CD-RW device is required to create the Rescue Disk.
Text2 = It is necessary to have Bart PE Builder (http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder) version 3.1.3 or higher installed on your computer. Additionally, you must have Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 installation CD.\n\nA CD-R or CD-RW device is required to create the Rescue Disk.
Text3 = Files required for the Rescue Disk will be saved to the selected folder. The Rescue Disk can be created using these files and any software that can create bootable CDs.