$ImportantEventSelfProt=Process $(ImagePath) (PID $(nPID)) tried $(eNotifyType,ImportantEventSelfProtType), but it has been blocked. This is Self-Defense monitoring, and you do not need to do anything.
ErrOldPswrdWrong=The old password is wrong or empty.
ErrDifferPswrds=The passwords you typed do not match. Type the same password in both text boxes.
ErrSamePswrds=The old and new passwords are the same. Please define a different new password.
ErrNoPasswordEntered=No program protection password specified.
DiscardThreatsWarning=Objects removed from the "Detected" list remain on your computer.\nDo you really want to discard these objects?
ProtLevel=Security Level:
ProtLevel=Security Level:
#espAccessToProcess = to access $ProductName process (PID $(nOurPID))
#espAccessToFile = to access $ProductName file $(FileName)
#espAccessToReg = to access $ProductName value $(RegVal) in registry key $(RegKey)
;------------- Indicators --------------
0x001 =i(alert24)f(Bold_red)System vulnerability
0x002 =i(alert24)f(Bold_red)Phishing detected
0x004 =i(alert24)f(Bold_red)Hacker attack has been blocked
0x008 =i(ok24)All threats have been treated
0x020 =i(danger24)f(Bold_red)Threats have been detected
0x040 =i(danger24)f(Bold_red)Please restart your computer
default =i(ok24)No threats detected
0x001 =Auto updates off
0x008 =i(danger24)f(Bold_red)Signatures are obsolete ($(AVService.BasesDate,datetime))
0x010 =i(alert24)f(Bold_red)Some signatures are corrupted ($(AVService.BasesDate,datetime))
0x020 =i(alert24)f(Bold_red)Signatures are out of date ($(AVService.BasesDate,datetime))
0x040 =i(alert24)f(Bold_red)Please restart your computer
0x080 =i(alert24)f(Bold_red)Program updates are disabled
0x100 =i(danger24)f(Bold_red)Signatures are corrupted
Text=Rule description (click underlined values to edit):
#BL_fExclOpenFiles = Do not scan opened files
#BL_fExclBehavior = Do not control application activity
#BL_fExclRegistry = Do not control registry access
#BL_fExclNet = Do not scan network traffic
1=Do not scan opened files\n
1=Do not control application activity\n
1=Do not control registry access\n
1=Do not scan network traffic\n at <a ExclNetHost v(#(nTriggers)) bits(#BL_fExclNetHost) enum(0,1)>$(nTriggers,bits(#BL_fExclNetHost),!!,AnyObject)</a> remote host$(nTriggers,bits(#BL_fExclNetHost),!!,TrustedAppDescr_ExclNetHost_Specify)\n and at <a ExclNetPort v(#(nTriggers)) bits(#BL_fExclNetPort) enum(0,1)>$(nTriggers,bits(#BL_fExclNetPort),!!,AnyObject)</a> remote port$(nTriggers,bits(#BL_fExclNetPort),!!,TrustedAppDescr_ExclNetPort_Specify)\n
dlg_caption=Remote Address
Text=Specify IP-address:
dlg_caption=Remote Port
Text=Specify port number:
;------------- ExclusionEdit -----------
dlg_caption=Exclusion Mask
Text=Rule description (click underlined values to edit):
$ExclusionMasksDescr=The object will not be scanned if the following conditions are met:\n $(Triggers,bits(#AVS_fObjectMask),!!,ExclusionMasksDescr_ObjectMask) $(Triggers,bits(#AVS_fVerdictMask),!!,ExclusionMasksDescr_VerdictMask) Checking task: <a AnyTaskList v(#(Triggers)) bits(#AVS_fTaskList) enum(0,1)>$(Triggers,bits(#AVS_fTaskList),AnyObject)</a> task$(Triggers,bits(#AVS_fTaskList),!!,ExclusionMasksDescr_TaskList_Display)