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- // This effect Copyright (C) 2004 and later Cockos Incorporated
- // License: GPL - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
- desc: wah
- slider1:0<0,1>position
- slider2:0.7<0,1>resonance (top) (0..1)
- slider3:0.1<0,1>resonance (bottom) (0..1)
- slider4:0.05<0,0.1>filter distortion
- @slider
- maxfreq=2000;
- minfreq=200;
- pos=slider1/.819;
- pos=1-pos;
- fh=minfreq+(pos)*(maxfreq-minfreq);
- fh<minfreq?fh=minfreq;
- fh>maxfreq?fh=maxfreq;
- res = slider2*pos + slider3*(1-pos);
- res=min(max(res,0.0),1);
- res*=res;
- drive=min(max(slider4,0),0.1); // 0 to 0.1
- freq = 2 * sin($pi*min(0.25,fh/(srate*2)));
- damp = min(2*(1-pow(res,0.25)), min(2,2/freq - freq*0.5));
- /*band*=0.3;
- notch*=0.3;
- low*=0.3;
- high*=0.3;
- */
- @sample
- in = spl0;
- notch = in - damp*band;
- low = low + freq*band;
- high = notch - low;
- band = freq*high + band - drive*band*band*band;
- out = 0.5*band;
- notch = in - damp*band;
- low = low + freq*band;
- high = notch - low;
- band = freq*high + band - drive*band*band*band;
- out += 0.5*band;
- spl0=band;