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- <h2>Image Menu</h2>
- <p> This menu contains commands that affect all layers of the current image.
- This contrasts to the commands in the <a href="Layers.html">Layers menu</a>, which only affect the
- currently active layer.</p>
- <blockquote>
- <img border="0" src="Images/ImageMenu.png"><p> </p></blockquote>
- <ul>
- <li>
- <h3><a name="CropToSelection"></a>Crop to Selection
- </h3><p>This menu item is only available if a selection is active.
- Clicking on this menu item will cause the image to be replaced with only
- the area that was selected. If the selection is not a rectangle or
- square, then the bounding rectangle around the selection will be used.
- However, the pixels that were not in the selection will be made
- transparent.</p>
- <p>Original image:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw.jpg">
- <p>Here we have selected the area we want to crop:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw_selected.jpg">
- <p>Here is the new image after having clicked on the Crop to Selection
- menu item. Note that the bounding rectangle of the selection outline was
- used to determine the new image's size, but that any pixel that was
- outside of the selection was made transparent. Also, keep in mind that
- the checkerboard pattern is used to indicate areas of the image that are
- transparent. It is not actually part of the image.</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw_irregular_cropped.jpg">
- </li>
- <li>
- <h3><a name="Resize"></a>Resize
- </h3><p>This command lets you change the size of the image. In so doing,
- the image is either stretched or shrunken to the size you specify. You
- may specify a relative percentage to resize the image by, or you specify
- the absolute pixel or print size that you desire. If the "Maintain
- aspect ratio" option is checked, then typing a new Width value will
- maintain a proportional Height value, and vice versa.</p>
- <p>If you choose to modify the print size of an image, the pixel size
- will be based on the resolution, which defaults to 96 pixels per inch,
- which is the same as 37.8 pixels per centimeter. For example, if you
- specify the image to be 1 inch wide, and the resolution is 96
- pixels/inch, then the image will be resized to be 96 pixels wide.</p>
- <p>You can use this dialog to affect the print size of an image by
- adjusting just the resolution. Note that if you only modify the
- resolution of the image, the pixel size will remain the same and no
- resampling is performed. </p>
- <p>There are multiple types of resampling that you may choose.
- "Resampling" is the process of computing what the new pixels should be
- based on what the old pixels are. Some algorithms produce better looking
- results, but take longer to complete. It is recommended that you use the
- default option, "Best Quality," unless you have a specific need for and
- understanding of the other choices (Bilinear, Bicubic, and Nearest
- Neighbor). Best Quality will automatically choose either Bicubic or
- Super Sampling depending on the new size that you specify.</p>
- <h3></h3><img border="0" src="Images/ResizeDialog.png">
- <p>Original image:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw.jpg">
- <p>After being enlarged, using the Resize command:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw_after_enlarge.jpg">
- <p>After being shrunken, using the Resize command:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw_after_shrink.jpg">
- </li>
- <li>
- <h3><a name="CanvasSize"></a>Canvas Size
- </h3><p>This command lets you enlarge or shrink the image canvas without
- changing the size of the image itself. It works similarly to the Resize
- dialog, but adds an Anchor selection. </p>
- <h3>
- </h3>
- <img border="0" src="Images/CanvasSize.png">
- <p>Original image:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw.jpg">
- <p>After enlarging the canvas and using the center anchor point:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw_after_canvas_size.jpg">
- <p>After shrinking the canvas and using the center anchor point:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw_after_canvas_shrink.jpg">
- </li>
- <li>
- <h3><a name="Flip"></a>Flip
- </h3><p>This submenu allows you to flip the image horizontally or
- vertically.</p><h3>
- </h3><p>Original image:</p><h3>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw.jpg">
- </h3><p>After being flipped horizontally:</p><h3>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw_after_horiz_flip.jpg">
- </h3></li>
- <li>
- <h3><a name="Rotate"></a>Rotate
- </h3><p>This submenu gives you several commands for rotating the image
- by 90, 180, or 270 degrees in either the clockwise or counter-clockwise
- directions.</p><h3>
- </h3><p>Original image:</p><h3>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw.jpg">
- </h3><p>After being rotated 90 degrees clockwise:</p>
- <img border="1" src="../images/bmw_after_90_cw_rotate.jpg"><h3>
- </h3></li>
- <li>
- <h3><a name="Flatten"></a>Flatten
- </h3><p>This takes the multiple layers of an image and combines them
- into one layer. It is only available if the image has more than one
- layer.</p></li>
- </ul>
- </blockquote>
- <!-- #EndEditable -->
- <h4><br>
- <br>
- </h4>
- <p align="center">
- <font color="#808080" size="1">Copyright <font face="Times New Roman">⌐ 2006 </font>
- Rick Brewster, Tom
- Jackson, and past contributors. Portions Copyright
- <font face="Times New Roman">⌐ 2006 </font>Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.</font><font size="1"> <br>
- </font>
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