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  83. <div id="content">
  84.     <!-- #BeginEditable "content" -->
  85.     <h2>Effects</h2>
  86.     <p>This menu contains many commands that can be used for applying special effects to your image.</p>
  87.     <blockquote>
  88.         <img border="0" src="Images/EffectsMenu.png"><p></p>
  89.     </blockquote>
  90.     <p>The following image will be used to show what each effect (except for Red Eye Removal) is capable of: </p>
  91.     <ul>
  92.         <li class="nobullet">
  93.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small.jpg"></p>
  94.         </li>
  95.         <li>
  96.         <h3>Repeat [effect name] </h3>
  97.         <p>If you have run an effect before, you may use this command to run it again with the same settings.</p>
  98.         </li>
  99.         <li>
  100.         <h3>Add Noise</h3>
  101.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_AddNoise.jpg"></p>
  102.         </li>
  103.         <li>
  104.         <h3>Gaussian Blur</h3>
  105.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_GaussianBlur.jpg"></p>
  106.         </li>
  107.         <li>
  108.         <h3>Motion Blur</h3>
  109.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_MotionBlur.jpg"></p>
  110.         </li>
  111.         <li>
  112.         <h3>Radial Blur </h3>
  113.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_RadialBlur.jpg"> </p>
  114.         </li>
  115.         <li>
  116.         <h3>Edge Detect</h3>
  117.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_EdgeDetect.jpg"> </p>
  118.         </li>
  119.         <li>
  120.         <h3>Emboss</h3>
  121.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_Emboss.jpg"> </p></li>
  122.         <li>
  123.         <h3>Frosted Glass</h3>
  124.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_FrostedGlass.jpg"> </p>
  125.         </li>
  126.         <li>
  127.         <h3>Oil Painting</h3>
  128.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_OilPainting.jpg"> </p>
  129.         </li>
  130.         <li>
  131.         <h3>Pixelate</h3>
  132.         <p><img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_Pixelate.jpg"> </p>
  133.         </li>
  134.         <li>
  135.         <h3>Red Eye Removal </h3>
  136.         <p>This can be used to correct for red eye in digital photographs. This removal operation works best when you use 
  137.         a selection tool to limit the effect's calculations to just the subject's eyes, as shown in the sequence of images 
  138.         below.</p>
  139.         <table border="0" width="85%" id="table1">
  140.             <tr>
  141.                 <td>
  142.                 <p align="center">
  143.                 <img border="1" src="../images/RedEyeEffectBefore.jpg"></p></td>
  144.                 <td>
  145.                 <p align="center">
  146.                 <img border="1" src="../images/RedEyeEffectSelection.jpg"></p>
  147.                 </td>
  148.                 <td>
  149.                 <p align="center">
  150.                 <img border="1" src="../images/RedEyeEffectAfter.jpg"></p></td>
  151.             </tr>
  152.             <tr>
  153.                 <td align="center">
  154.                 <p>1. Before</p></td>
  155.                 <td align="center">
  156.                 <p>2. Eyes selected</p></td>
  157.                 <td align="center">
  158.                 <p>3. After</p></td>
  159.             </tr>
  160.         </table></li>
  161.         <li>
  162.         <h3>Relief </h3>
  163.         <img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_Relief.jpg"> </li>
  164.         <li>
  165.         <h3>Sharpen </h3>
  166.         <img border="1" src="../images/SanDiego_small_Sharpen.jpg"></li>
  167.     </ul>
  168.     <blockquote>
  169.     </blockquote>
  170.     <!-- #EndEditable -->
  171.     <h4><br>
  172.     <br>
  173.     </h4>
  174.     <p align="center">
  175.     <font color="#808080" size="1">Copyright <font face="Times New Roman">⌐ 2006 </font>Rick Brewster, 
  176.     Chris Crosetto, Dennis Dietrich, Tom 
  177.     Jackson, Michael Kelsey, Brandon Ortiz, Craig Taylor, Chris Trevino, and Luke Walker. Portions Copyright
  178.     <font face="Times New Roman">⌐ 2006 </font>Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.</font><font size="1"> <br>
  179.     </font>
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