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<h2>Edit Menu</h2>
<p>The Edit Operations allow for easy manipulation of the image history, the selected region of the image, the selection
itself, and the clipboard. </p>
<p>An important thing to note about selected regions is that all drawing operations are clipped to remain within
them. For example, if you use the <a href="SelectionTools.html">Ellipse Select</a> tool to select a circular region in the middle of the image, you
will be unable to draw anything outside of that circle while the selection is active.
<a href="Effects.html">Effects</a> and <a href="Adjustments.html">Adjustments</a> will
only affect the selected area as well.</p>
<li class="nobullet"><img border="0" src="Images/EditMenu.png"><p></p>
<h3>Undo </h3>
<p>This undoes the most recent action that you've taken that affects the image, if any. This functionality is
also available from the <a href="HistoryWindow.html">History Window</a>.</p>
<h3>Redo </h3>
<p>This redoes the most recent action that you've undone, if any. This functionality is also available from
the <a href="HistoryWindow.html">History Window</a>.</p>
<h3>Cut </h3>
<p>You may use this to remove a selected portion of the active layer. You can select a portion of the layer
by using the <a href="SelectionTools.html">Rectangle Select, Lasso Select, Ellipse Select</a>, or
<a href="MagicWand.html">Magic Wand</a> tools. Once you perform the cut operation,
that area of the layer is moved to the clipboard and replaced with transparent pixels. The current selection
outline is also removed.</p>
<h3>Copy </h3>
<p>This is similar to the Cut command, except that the selected region remains on the active layer and the selection
outline is not removed.</p>
<h3>Paste </h3>
<p>If there is an image in the clipboard, this command will allow you to paste it on to the active layer. The
pasted pixels will then be selected and the <a href="MoveTools.html">Move Selected Pixels</a> tool will automatically be switched to. This
will allow you to move, scale, or rotate the pixels into the desired location and orientation.</p>
<p>If the image being pasted is too wide and/or too tall for the current canvas size, you will be asked if you
want to resize the canvas. This is a quick shortcut to the
<a href="Image.html#CanvasSize">Image<b> → </b>Canvas Size</a> command so that you can make
sure that what you are pasting will fit.</p>
<h3><a name="PasteInToNewLayer"></a>Paste in to New Layer </h3>
<p>This is similar to Paste, except that it creates a new layer,
makes it active, and then performs the Paste
<h3>Erase Selection </h3>
<p>This command erases the currently selected region of the active layer. All pixels that lie within the selected
region are placed with transparency. This is similar to the Cut command, except that the selected pixels are
not copied to the clipboard.</p>
<h3>Invert Selection </h3>
<p>If there is a selected region, this will cause all pixels that are selected to be unselected, and vice-versa.</p>
<h3><a name="SelectAll"></a>Select All </h3>
<p>This causes the entire canvas to be selected.</p>
<h3><a name="deselect"></a>Deselect </h3>
<p>After you select this menu item, no pixels will be selected.</p>
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<p align="center">
<font color="#808080" size="1">Copyright <font face="Times New Roman">⌐ 2006 </font>Rick Brewster,
Chris Crosetto, Dennis Dietrich, Tom
Jackson, Michael Kelsey, Brandon Ortiz, Craig Taylor, Chris Trevino, and Luke Walker. Portions Copyright
<font face="Times New Roman">⌐ 2006 </font>Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.</font><font size="1"> <br>
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