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;InnoSetupVersion=5.0.4 [Setup] AppName=ISOpen AppVerName=ISOpen V4.3 AppId=ISOpen AppPublisher=SicX AppPublisherURL=http://koyotstar.free.fr AppSupportURL=http://koyotstar.free.fr AppUpdatesURL=http://koyotstar.free.fr DefaultDirName={pf}\ISOpen DefaultGroupName=ISOpen OutputBaseFilename=setup Compression=lzma WizardImageFile=embedded\WizardImage0.bmp WizardSmallImageFile=embedded\WizardSmallImage0.bmp [Files] Source: "{tmp}\isxdl.dll"; DestDir: "{tmp}"; Flags: deleteafterinstall dontcopy Source: "{app}\Config.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{sys}\atl,1.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; DestName: "atl.dll"; Flags: uninsneveruninstall restartreplace regserver sharedfile Source: "{sys}\atl,2.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; DestName: "atl.dll"; MinVersion: 5.0,0.0; Flags: uninsneveruninstall restartreplace regserver sharedfile Source: "{sys}\OLEAUT32.DLL"; DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: uninsneveruninstall restartreplace regserver sharedfile Source: "{sys}\msvcr70.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: onlyifdoesntexist Source: "{sys}\MSVCRT.DLL"; 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DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\Hellenic - Greece#Nikomas Maragos.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\Espa ol - M xico#.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\Dutch - Belgium#Joris.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\Deutsch#Andreas Glasauer.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\Danish#Esben Th gersen.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\Slovak#Peter.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\Chinese - CHT - Traditional Chinese#.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\Romana#PoeMihai.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabTurkish.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabSpanish.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabPolish.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabKorean.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabEnglish.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabFrancais.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabItaliano.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabArabic.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabCzech.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\Lang\GrabRussian.lng"; DestDir: "{app}\Lang"; Flags: ignoreversion Source: "{app}\file_id.diz"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion [Dirs] Name: "{app}\Ressources"; Name: "{app}\Lang"; Name: "{app}\temp"; Name: "{app}\TempAudio"; [Registry] Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".iso"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "ISOpen"; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKCR; Subkey: "ISOpen"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "ISOpen Image File"; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKCR; Subkey: "ISOpen\Shell\Open\Command"; ValueType: String; ValueData: """{app}\ISOpen.exe"" ""%1"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKCR; Subkey: "ISOpen\DefaultIcon"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "{app}\ISO.ico,0"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKCR; Subkey: ".iZo"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "ISOpen2"; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKCR; Subkey: "ISOpen2"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "ISOpen Project file"; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKCR; Subkey: "ISOpen2\Shell\Open\Command"; ValueType: String; ValueData: """{app}\ISOpen.exe"" ""%1"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKCR; Subkey: "ISOpen2\DefaultIcon"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "{app}\izo.ico,0"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\ISOpen"; ValueName: "Path"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "{app}\ISOpen.exe"; Flags: uninsclearvalue Root: HKCR; Subkey: "*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\{{B7BE318A-2A8B-6B37-5A0F-C444B8F28B2C}"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "ISOpenMenuHandler"; Flags: uninsdeletekey [Run] Filename: "{app}\ISOpen.exe"; Description: "Launch ISOpen now"; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait [Icons] Name: "{group}\ISOpen"; Filename: "{app}\ISOpen.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,ISOpen}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Name: "{userdesktop}\ISOpen"; Filename: "{app}\ISOpen.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: desktopicon; Name: "{userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\ISOpen"; Filename: "{app}\ISOpen.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Tasks: quicklaunchicon; [Tasks] Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Name: "quicklaunchicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateQuickLaunchIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; [CustomMessages] en.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2 en.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons: en.CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon en.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon en.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web en.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1 en.LaunchProgram=Launch %1 en.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension en.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension... en.WMASUP=Warning : If you want to support Wma format, you need to install Wma runtimes files. Click Yes to download and install this file. If not, you will not be able to convert from/to WMA format. fr.NameAndVersion=%1 version %2 fr.AdditionalIcons=Ic nes suppl mentaires : fr.CreateDesktopIcon=Cr er une ic ne sur le &Bureau fr.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Cr er une ic ne dans la barre de &Lancement rapide fr.ProgramOnTheWeb=Page d'accueil de %1 fr.UninstallProgram=D sinstaller %1 fr.LaunchProgram=Ex cuter %1 fr.AssocFileExtension=&Associer %1 avec l'extension de fichier %2 fr.AssocingFileExtension=Associe %1 avec l'extension de fichier %2... fr.WMASUP=Attention : Les fichiers n ssaires au format WMA doivent etre install s. Cliquez sur oui pour telecharger et installer WMFDIST de Microsoft. Dans le cas contraire, il est probable que vous ne puissiez pas g rer le format WMA. cz.NameAndVersion=%1 verze %2 cz.AdditionalIcons=Dal stupci: cz.CreateDesktopIcon=Vytvo stupce na &plo cz.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Vytvo stupce na panelu &Snadn cz.ProgramOnTheWeb=Aplikace %1 na internetu cz.UninstallProgram=Odinstalovat aplikaci %1 cz.LaunchProgram=Spustit aplikaci %1 cz.AssocFileExtension=Vytvo it &asociaci mezi soubory typu %2 a aplikac cz.AssocingFileExtension=Vytv se asociace mezi soubory typu %2 a aplikac %1... cz.WMASUP=Warning : If you want to support Wma format, you need to install Wma runtimes files. Click Yes to download and install this file. If not, you will not be able to convert from/to WMA format. du.NameAndVersion=%1 versie %2 du.AdditionalIcons=Extra snelkoppelingen: du.CreateDesktopIcon=Maak een snelkoppeling op het &bureaublad du.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Maak een snelkoppeling op de &Snel starten werkbalk du.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 op het Web du.UninstallProgram=Verwijder %1 du.LaunchProgram=&Start %1 du.AssocFileExtension=&Koppel %1 aan de %2 bestandsextensie du.AssocingFileExtension=Bezig met koppelen van %1 aan de %2 bestandsextensie... du.WMASUP=Warning : If you want to support Wma format, you need to install Wma runtimes files. Click Yes to download and install this file. If not, you will not be able to convert from/to WMA format. po.NameAndVersion=%1 wersja %2 po.AdditionalIcons=Dodatkowe ikony: po.CreateDesktopIcon=Utw rz ikon na &pulpicie po.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Utw rz ikon na pasku &szybkiego uruchamiania po.ProgramOnTheWeb=Strona WWW programu %1 po.UninstallProgram=Deinstalacja programu %1 po.LaunchProgram=Uruchom program %1 po.AssocFileExtension=&Przypisz program %1 do rozszerzenia pliku %2 po.AssocingFileExtension=Przypisywanie programu %1 do rozszerzenia pliku %2... po.WMASUP=Warning : If you want to support Wma format, you need to install Wma runtimes files. Click Yes to download and install this file. If not, you will not be able to convert from/to WMA format. es.NameAndVersion=%1 versi es.AdditionalIcons=Icones addicionals: es.CreateDesktopIcon=Crear una icona a l'&Escriptori es.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Crear una icona a la &Barra de tasques es.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 a Internet es.UninstallProgram=Desinstal lar %1 es.LaunchProgram=Obrir %1 es.AssocFileExtension=&Associar %1 amb l'extensi de fitxer %2 es.AssocingFileExtension=Associant %1 amb l'extensi de fitxer %2... es.WMASUP=Warning : If you want to support Wma format, you need to install Wma runtimes files. Click Yes to download and install this file. If not, you will not be able to convert from/to WMA format. [Languages] ; These files are stubs ; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files Name: "en"; MessagesFile: "embedded\en.isl"; LicenseFile: "embedded\enLicense.txt"; Name: "fr"; MessagesFile: "embedded\fr.isl"; LicenseFile: "embedded\frLicense.txt"; Name: "cz"; MessagesFile: "embedded\cz.isl"; LicenseFile: "embedded\czLicense.txt"; Name: "du"; MessagesFile: "embedded\du.isl"; LicenseFile: "embedded\duLicense.txt"; Name: "po"; MessagesFile: "embedded\po.isl"; LicenseFile: "embedded\poLicense.txt"; Name: "es"; MessagesFile: "embedded\es.isl"; LicenseFile: "embedded\esLicense.txt";