home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- -- StrongDC++ 2.01 --
- *** WARNING ***
- This version fixes a security bug, upgrade unless you want to experience runtime errors
- *** WARNING ***
- * fixed bug in fake detection
- * fixed bug that dots in log filenames were transformed to _
- * hopefully fixed crash when subtracting filelists
- * fixed loading which columns are hidden in queue
- * bots shouldn't be checked on join anymore
- * added reason to Readd menu when TTH inconsistency occurs
- * fixed runtime error when only <nick> without message comes to mainchat (THX darwusch)
- * using UTF8 to get filelist from ADC users
- * fixed sharing finished files (THX MaynardK)
- * fixed removing diacritics from national chars
- * always using STL exception to avoid Runtime errors
- * *.antifrag and *.dctmp files are always unshared regardless the "Remove forbidden" settings
- -- StrongDC++ 2.00 --
- !!! This version will break your queue sources and favorite users, so you will lost them !!!
- * changed graphics
- * chunk splitting with download speed awareness
- * verify downloaded block on chunk done
- * fixed many deadlocks
- * fixed many crashes
- * fixed many memory leaks
- * updated to last DC++ SVN
- * updated to STLPort CVS and WTL CVS
- * added some AMD/MMX/SSE CPU optimizations
- * should work on Win9x
- * added finished file sharing
- * performance tweaks
- * removed some obsolete functions (MP3 Info, SFV check...)
- * project ported to Visual Studio .net 2005
- * reworked user filter - for activation you need always press Enter
- * for complete changelog see cvs-changelog.txt
- -- StrongDC++ 1.00 RC10 --
- * fixed issue with international nicknames
- * fixed issue with unicode chars in timestamps
- * added doubleclick actions for userlist, mainchat and transferview (CZDC++)
- * added option to switch to faster user at the end of downloading
- * fixed elapsed time of downloading
- * fixed progressbars for files > 2GB
- * added chunk transfers for GetZBlock and UGetBlock
- * fixed crash in QueueManager's critial section
- * rewritten search queue (THX Naga)
- * readded chat diacritics removing (THX popKorn)
- * added finished chunks grouping in finished uploads
- * removed global emulation; use local one for each hub when necessary; all features of multisource can be used w/o emulation only
- * added option to disable multi-source downloading and use standard way with rollback
- * added option to display chunk info on progressbars
- * added more userlist colors (CZDC++)
- * you can use %[targetdrive] in Unfinished Downloads Path (e.g. "%[targetdrive]\Temp\DCdownloads\") (BCDC++)
- * file download slots doesn't apply for filelists
- * fixed sorting in upload queue frame
- * hopefully fixed problem with removing users from queue
- * fixed unicode in webserver
- * search results grouping is dependent on file size
- * added option to use old oDC progressbars style
- * added ZoneAlarm detection (Zion++)
- * changed upload limiter policy to 5*(slots+1) to respect DC rules
- * improved lists columns settings (CZDC++)
- * improved hub dependent connection mode
- * finally fixed removeSource(s) and readd, maybe :)
- * added Ctrl+A shortcut to select all items in list
- * fixed dupe items issue in Color settings
- * garbage command changed to NMDC protocol format, it shouldn't time out anymore
- * fixed maximum alternates settings
- * added /csfd chat command (THX Atom)
- * added typing notification sound event
- * readded autodrop sources below 1.2 kB/s to avoid abusing of multisource downloading
- * added reason to Readd source menu in queue
- * DC++ emulation is enabled when entering hub using Quick Connect
- * download is disconnected when priority is changed to paused status
- * changed queue saving from seconds to minutes to avoid file corruption on crash
- * fixed icon loading from file
- * added options to set accepted timeouts/disconnects
- * fixed memory leak for menu's titles
- * fixed memory leak in upload queue
- * fixed scrolling when switching between hub windows
- * added emoticons dialog (THX Rm.)
- * fixed rare deadlock when faker is found
- * added support for emoticons pack (save it to EmoPacks subfolder)
- * rewritten code for grouping downloads in TransferView
- * added partial file sharing (idea from RevConnect)
- * fixed critical bug in zlib library
- -- StrongDC++ 1.00 RC9 --
- *** WARNING ***
- This update will change all your config files and queues, and it is
- very probable that you won't be able to revert back to an older version
- once the update has been done!!!
- Also, finish your queue file before upgrading if you care for your
- international filenames in it - they will not be correctly converted.
- *** WARNING ***
- * fixed progressbar drawing in upload queue
- * added item to remove offline users for multiple files
- * added average share size (THX Corvik)
- * added webserver (PhantomDC++, THX Chmelic for web-interface)
- * fixed bug with crash on startup on old Windows (THX Prologic)
- * readded kick messages history
- * fixed crash on readd source
- * updated to PCRE 5.0
- * moved the core structures to UTF-8 to allow correct internationalisation
- * fixed 100% CPU usage when downloading TTH tree for large files
- * fixed columns in Finished uploads
- * hopefully fixed buffer overrun
- * stored TTH tree is loaded at startup
- * items with 1 user are displayed without [+]
- * added option to set minimum search interval
- * added userlist colors settings (iDC++)
- * improved debug commands (DCDM++)
- * fixed crash when invalid regular expression was used
- * option to expand new search results (BCDC++ SVN)
- * grant slot connects immediately (BCDC++ SVN)
- * don't reconnect when chunk done at the end of file (THX Liny)
- * updated to WTL 7.5.4291
- * hopefully fixed transfers deadlock
- * fixed crash when importing theme
- * added rmDC++ 0.403B[7] and 0.403D[1] detection with DC++ emulation
- * queue progressbars display verified blocks
- * added option to disable realtime queue updating (to decrease CPU usage)
- * added option to suppress main chat (zDC++)
- * fixed occassional deadlock when trying to open queue window
- * changed progressbars appearance
- * fixed bug when sharing whole root folder
- * TTH tool hashes in his own thread (THX Prologic)
- * added main menu item to open indexing process status (fulDC)
- * fixed downloading when temporary file of full size already exists
- * updated to ZLIB 1.2.2
- * removed removing diacritics from international chars
- * colors change immediately w/o restart (CZDC++)
- * added country flags (CZDC++)
- * you can choose active/passive mode for each favorite hub
- * added main menu item Open my filelist (fulDC)
- * improved slow downloads disconnecting (seconds!!!; when segm. downloading only; fixed No Free Block)
- * fixed moving subfolders in queueframe
- * added file:// protocol support in chat
- * fixed No Free Block when decompression error occurs
- * added option to switch userlist to horizontal view (DCDM++)
- * real elapsed time is displayed in transferview
- * added Pause Search button (CZDC++)
- * added option to limit maximum simultaneous files (default = 15)
- * fixed bug with losing search results
- * time to next search is displayed
- * added option to enable/disable antifragmentation method
- * segments have fixed size and no reconnect is needed when block's finished
- -- StrongDC++ 1.00 RC8 --
- * away is saved when exiting
- * slow downloads disconnecting can be enabled/disabled for each file
- * added missing button Downloaded MP3 info on toolbar
- * added Copy menu to tab context menu of hub
- * added setting to switch to old Share UI
- * added confirmation when removing file from TransferView
- * added percentage progress of TTH checking
- * added button to sound preview in settings
- * added 2 items to tab context menu of user's filelist
- * added balloon tips for a few events
- * added icons to queue to display if TTH tree is available
- * search spy supports searching by TTH
- * settings files are stored to separated folder (iDC++) - move your .xml files to Settings folder
- * filelist is updated after hashing is finished (CZDC++)
- * added background image (DCDM++)
- * added progressbar to Upload queue (iDC++)
- * added option to add magnet link to queue (CZDC++)
- * added waiting time and added time to upload queue (CZDC++)
- * synchronized with CVS DC++ 0.40325
- * updated to WTL 4.5.4196
- * search filter is activated after pressing Enter
- * search queue has delay 30 seconds
- * upload queue code moved to UI thread (against deadlock)
- * chat/PM logs are arranged to subfolders
- * optimized item grouping in Transfers
- * only sources with the same TTH are listed in "Download to" menu
- * improved colors settings
- * fixed search filter when columns are't sorted in default way
- * fixed memory leak when NetLimiter is detected
- * fixed memory leak when hashing finished file (THX PPK)
- * fixed random crash when removing TestSUR on disconnect
- * fixed bug when starting to download MP3 info
- * fixed user-defined compression level
- * fixed a few possible deadlocks
- * fixed list drawing on Win2000
- * fixed user icons after get user response
- -- StrongDC++ 1.00 RC7 --
- * when Tiger Tree is available, only corrupted blocks are redownloaded
- * added a button on toolbar to enable/disable sounds
- * grouping search results by TTH under 1 item with [+]
- * added search filter (supports regexp)
- * added new user checking
- * added an item to remove offline users from queue
- * added some new sound events
- * added a few items to popupmenu on segmented downloads
- * added online/offline/away icons to Favorite users
- * autosearching alternates copied from RevConnect
- * search queue against searchspam with delay 15 seconds (RevConnect)
- * some news and changes from CZDC++
- * highlighted search results that are already in your queue (PhantomDC++)
- * added reconnection attempt if download reaches 0 B/s (DCDM++)
- * added option to report alternate search send in status bar (CZDC++)
- * added option to load few last lines of private message (CZDC++)
- * synchronized with CVS DC++ 0.404
- * improved commands receiving from clients (CZDC++)
- * autodrop slow sources can be disabled
- * compression is defaultly on and should work with segmented downloading
- * NetLimiter is detected if StrongDC++ is limited only
- * removed Flood cache for progressbars
- * removed Don't send tag feature
- * userfilter rewritten + regular expressions
- * splash screen isn't Always on top
- * improved new version updating (oDC++)
- * improved magnet handling (BCDC++)
- * improved segment downloading that ensures good file integrity (THX Liny)
- * improved client profiles (DCDM++)
- * changed menus to XP look (zDC++)
- * changed About dialog look (oDC++)
- * changed crash dialog look
- * fixed bug in DC++ emulation (THX PPK)
- * fixed bug in share settings
- * fixed memory leak in SearchFrame
- * fixed bug with case-sensitive nicks on Toomaxx
- * fixed sound on own nick
- * fixed impossibility download from clients based on DC++ 0.402 CVS and above
- * fixed away on minimize
- * fixed Import theme
- * fixed loading RAW commands
- * fixed connecting to user, which has multiple files in queue, when downloading at max segments
- * fixed upload sorting in transferview
- -- StrongDC++ 1.00 RC6 --
- * tabs from CZDC++
- * fixed preview in Settings
- * autodrop sources slower than 1 kB/s, checking every 20 seconds
- * fixed crash on receiving $MyInfo from Robocop
- * changes in segmented downloading
- * fixed loading and saving OP's colours
- * hashing has IDLE priority
- * grouping multiple sources under 1 item with [+] (experimental)
- * added option to search files with TTH only
- * fixed freeze on Tukan
- * added missing item Copy TTH in searchframe
- * added item Bitzi Lookup in searchframe (RevConnect)
- * TTH string can be copied to clipboard in TTH tool
- * TTH tool displays magnet-link
- * Message appears on progressbar while hashing finished downloads
- * magnet-links support (CZDC++)
- * low priority on minimize (only Win2000/XP)
- * autosearch exact file name is disabled on default
- * fixed command /me in chat
- * improved receiving hub's commands (CZDC++)
- * added option to set maximum emoticons in one chat message (CZDC++)
- * option to remove diacritics from Czech chars (CZDC++)
- * debug commands (DCDM++)
- * option to autosave queue in time interval
- * queue backup is created on save
- * compression allowed only with clients >= 0.307
- * changes from last DC++ CVS 0.402
- * fixed popupmenu when userlist is hidden
- * hopefully fixed chat scrolling
- * client profiles are compatible with DCDM++
- * simple NetLimiter detection
- * added progressbar to queueframe (CZDC++)
- * autopriority mode (PhantomDC++)
- * fixed crash on slow downloads disconnecting
- * added special progressbars for segments where downloaded segments are displayed (CZDC++)
- * added Nick column into Search spy frame
- * treeview for setting share folders, not existed folders are automatically removed (PossumMod)
- * alternative sources are searched by TTH in TransferView popupmenu
- * minimum segment size is set automatically by filesize
- * upgraded to WTL 7.5
- * added feature to display bandwidth in description
- * updated to STLPort 4.6.2
- * corrupted file is redownloaded in 10 seconds