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- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // This header file defines statistics server's shared memory format
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // v1.0 memory structure
- typedef struct RTSS_SHARED_MEMORY_V_1_0
- {
- DWORD dwSignature;
- //signature allows applications to verify status of shared memory
- //The signature can be set to:
- //'RTSS' - statistics server's memory is initialized and contains
- // valid data
- //0xDEAD - statistics server's memory is marked for deallocation and
- // no longer contain valid data
- //otherwise the memory is not initialized
- DWORD dwVersion;
- //structure version ((major<<16) + minor)
- //must be set to 0x00010000 for v1.0 structure
- DWORD dwTime0;
- //start time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- //Take a note that this field must contain non-zero value to calculate
- //framerate properly!
- DWORD dwTime1;
- //end time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- DWORD dwFrames;
- //amount of frames rendered during (dwTime1 - dwTime0) period
- //to calculate framerate use the following formula:
- //1000.0f * dwFrames / (dwTime1 - dwTime0)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define OSDFLAG_UPDATED 0x00000001
- //use this flag to force the server to update OSD
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // v1.1 memory structure
- typedef struct RTSS_SHARED_MEMORY_V_1_1
- {
- DWORD dwSignature;
- //signature allows applications to verify status of shared memory
- //The signature can be set to:
- //'RTSS' - statistics server's memory is initialized and contains
- // valid data
- //0xDEAD - statistics server's memory is marked for deallocation and
- // no longer contain valid data
- //otherwise the memory is not initialized
- DWORD dwVersion;
- //structure version ((major<<16) + minor)
- //must be set to 0x00010001 for v1.1 structure
- DWORD dwTime0;
- //start time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- //Take a note that this field must contain non-zero value to calculate
- //framerate properly!
- DWORD dwTime1;
- //end time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- DWORD dwFrames;
- //amount of frames rendered during (dwTime1 - dwTime0) period
- //to calculate framerate use the following formula:
- //1000.0f * dwFrames / (dwTime1 - dwTime0)
- DWORD dwOSDFlags;
- //bitmask, containing combination of OSDFLAG_... flags
- //Note: set OSDFLAG_UPDATED flag as soon as you change any OSD related
- //field
- //OSD X-coordinate (coordinate wrapping is allowed, i.e. -5 defines 5
- //pixel offset from the right side of the screen)
- //OSD Y-coordinate (coordinate wrapping is allowed, i.e. -5 defines 5
- //pixel offset from the bottom side of the screen)
- DWORD dwOSDPixel;
- //OSD pixel zooming ratio
- DWORD dwOSDColor;
- //OSD color in RGB format
- char szOSD[256];
- //OSD text
- char szOSDOwner[32];
- //OSD owner ID
- //Use this field to capture OSD and prevent other applications from
- //using OSD when it is already in use by your application.
- //You should change this field only if it is empty (i.e. when OSD is
- //not owned by any application) or if it is set to your own application's
- //ID (i.e. when you own OSD)
- //You shouldn't change any OSD related feilds until you own OSD
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // v1.2 memory structure
- typedef struct RTSS_SHARED_MEMORY_V_1_2
- {
- DWORD dwSignature;
- //signature allows applications to verify status of shared memory
- //The signature can be set to:
- //'RTSS' - statistics server's memory is initialized and contains
- // valid data
- //0xDEAD - statistics server's memory is marked for deallocation and
- // no longer contain valid data
- //otherwise the memory is not initialized
- DWORD dwVersion;
- //structure version ((major<<16) + minor)
- //must be set to 0x00010002 for v1.2 structure
- DWORD dwTime0;
- //start time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- //Take a note that this field must contain non-zero value to calculate
- //framerate properly!
- DWORD dwTime1;
- //end time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- DWORD dwFrames;
- //amount of frames rendered during (dwTime1 - dwTime0) period
- //to calculate framerate use the following formula:
- //1000.0f * dwFrames / (dwTime1 - dwTime0)
- DWORD dwOSDFlags;
- //bitmask, containing combination of OSDFLAG_... flags
- //Note: set OSDFLAG_UPDATED flag as soon as you change any OSD related
- //field
- //OSD X-coordinate (coordinate wrapping is allowed, i.e. -5 defines 5
- //pixel offset from the right side of the screen)
- //OSD Y-coordinate (coordinate wrapping is allowed, i.e. -5 defines 5
- //pixel offset from the bottom side of the screen)
- DWORD dwOSDPixel;
- //OSD pixel zooming ratio
- DWORD dwOSDColor;
- //OSD color in RGB format
- char szOSD[256];
- //primary OSD slot text
- char szOSDOwner[32];
- //primary OSD slot owner ID
- //Use this field to capture OSD slot and prevent other applications from
- //using OSD when it is already in use by your application.
- //You should change this field only if it is empty (i.e. when OSD slot is
- //not owned by any application) or if it is set to your own application's
- //ID (i.e. when you own OSD slot)
- //You shouldn't change any OSD related feilds until you own OSD slot
- char szOSD1[256];
- //OSD slot 1 text
- char szOSD1Owner[32];
- //OSD slot 1 owner ID
- char szOSD2[256];
- //OSD slot 2 text
- char szOSD2Owner[32];
- //OSD slot 2 owner ID
- char szOSD3[256];
- //OSD slot 3 text
- char szOSD3Owner[32];
- //OSD slot 3 owner ID
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define STATFLAG_RECORD 0x00000001
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // v1.3 memory structure
- typedef struct RTSS_SHARED_MEMORY_V_1_3
- {
- DWORD dwSignature;
- //signature allows applications to verify status of shared memory
- //The signature can be set to:
- //'RTSS' - statistics server's memory is initialized and contains
- // valid data
- //0xDEAD - statistics server's memory is marked for deallocation and
- // no longer contain valid data
- //otherwise the memory is not initialized
- DWORD dwVersion;
- //structure version ((major<<16) + minor)
- //must be set to 0x00010003 for v1.3 structure
- DWORD dwTime0;
- //start time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- //Take a note that this field must contain non-zero value to calculate
- //framerate properly!
- DWORD dwTime1;
- //end time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- DWORD dwFrames;
- //amount of frames rendered during (dwTime1 - dwTime0) period
- //to calculate framerate use the following formula:
- //1000.0f * dwFrames / (dwTime1 - dwTime0)
- DWORD dwOSDFlags;
- //bitmask, containing combination of OSDFLAG_... flags
- //Note: set OSDFLAG_UPDATED flag as soon as you change any OSD related
- //field
- //OSD X-coordinate (coordinate wrapping is allowed, i.e. -5 defines 5
- //pixel offset from the right side of the screen)
- //OSD Y-coordinate (coordinate wrapping is allowed, i.e. -5 defines 5
- //pixel offset from the bottom side of the screen)
- DWORD dwOSDPixel;
- //OSD pixel zooming ratio
- DWORD dwOSDColor;
- //OSD color in RGB format
- char szOSD[256];
- //primary OSD slot text
- char szOSDOwner[32];
- //primary OSD slot owner ID
- //Use this field to capture OSD slot and prevent other applications from
- //using OSD when it is already in use by your application.
- //You should change this field only if it is empty (i.e. when OSD slot is
- //not owned by any application) or if it is set to your own application's
- //ID (i.e. when you own OSD slot)
- //You shouldn't change any OSD related feilds until you own OSD slot
- char szOSD1[256];
- //OSD slot 1 text
- char szOSD1Owner[32];
- //OSD slot 1 owner ID
- char szOSD2[256];
- //OSD slot 2 text
- char szOSD2Owner[32];
- //OSD slot 2 owner ID
- char szOSD3[256];
- //OSD slot 3 text
- char szOSD3Owner[32];
- //OSD slot 3 owner ID
- DWORD dwStatFlags;
- //bitmask containing combination of STATFLAG_... flags
- DWORD dwStatTime0;
- //statistics record period start time
- DWORD dwStatTime1;
- //statistics record period end time
- DWORD dwStatFrames;
- //total amount of frames rendered during statistics record period
- DWORD dwStatCount;
- //amount of min/avg/max measurements during statistics record period
- DWORD dwStatFramerateMin;
- //minimum instantaneous framerate measured during statistics record period
- DWORD dwStatFramerateAvg;
- //average instantaneous framerate measured during statistics record period
- DWORD dwStatFramerateMax;
- //maximum instantaneous framerate measured during statistics record period
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define APPFLAG_DD 0x00000010
- #define APPFLAG_D3D8 0x00000100
- #define APPFLAG_D3D9 0x00001000
- #define APPFLAG_OGL 0x00010000
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // v2.0 memory structure
- typedef struct RTSS_SHARED_MEMORY
- {
- DWORD dwSignature;
- //signature allows applications to verify status of shared memory
- //The signature can be set to:
- //'RTSS' - statistics server's memory is initialized and contains
- // valid data
- //0xDEAD - statistics server's memory is marked for deallocation and
- // no longer contain valid data
- //otherwise the memory is not initialized
- DWORD dwVersion;
- //structure version ((major<<16) + minor)
- //must be set to 0x00020000 for v2.0 structure
- DWORD dwAppEntrySize;
- //size of RTSS_SHARED_MEMORY_OSD_ENTRY for compatibility with future versions
- DWORD dwAppArrOffset;
- //offset of arrOSD array for compatibility with future versions
- DWORD dwAppArrSize;
- //size of arrOSD array for compatibility with future versions
- DWORD dwOSDEntrySize;
- //size of RTSS_SHARED_MEMORY_APP_ENTRY for compatibility with future versions
- DWORD dwOSDArrOffset;
- //offset of arrApp array for compatibility with future versions
- DWORD dwOSDArrSize;
- //size of arrOSD array for compatibility with future versions
- DWORD dwOSDFrame;
- //Global OSD frame ID. Increment it to force the server to update OSD for all currently active 3D
- //applications.
- //OSD slot descriptor structure
- {
- char szOSD[256];
- //OSD slot text
- char szOSDOwner[256];
- //OSD slot owner ID
- //application descriptor structure
- {
- //application identification related fields
- DWORD dwProcessID;
- //process ID
- char szName[MAX_PATH];
- //process executable name
- DWORD dwFlags;
- //instantaneous framerate related fields
- DWORD dwTime0;
- //start time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- //Take a note that this field must contain non-zero value to calculate
- //framerate properly!
- DWORD dwTime1;
- //end time of framerate measurement period (in milliseconds)
- DWORD dwFrames;
- //amount of frames rendered during (dwTime1 - dwTime0) period
- DWORD dwFrameTime;
- //frame time (in microseconds)
- //to calculate framerate use the following formulas:
- //1000.0f * dwFrames / (dwTime1 - dwTime0) for framerate calculated once per second
- //or
- //1000000.0f / dwFrameTime for framerate calculated once per frame
- //framerate statistics related fields
- DWORD dwStatFlags;
- //bitmask containing combination of STATFLAG_... flags
- DWORD dwStatTime0;
- //statistics record period start time
- DWORD dwStatTime1;
- //statistics record period end time
- DWORD dwStatFrames;
- //total amount of frames rendered during statistics record period
- DWORD dwStatCount;
- //amount of min/avg/max measurements during statistics record period
- DWORD dwStatFramerateMin;
- //minimum instantaneous framerate measured during statistics record period
- DWORD dwStatFramerateAvg;
- //average instantaneous framerate measured during statistics record period
- DWORD dwStatFramerateMax;
- //maximum instantaneous framerate measured during statistics record period
- //OSD related fields
- //OSD X-coordinate (coordinate wrapping is allowed, i.e. -5 defines 5
- //pixel offset from the right side of the screen)
- //OSD Y-coordinate (coordinate wrapping is allowed, i.e. -5 defines 5
- //pixel offset from the bottom side of the screen)
- DWORD dwOSDPixel;
- //OSD pixel zooming ratio
- DWORD dwOSDColor;
- //OSD color in RGB format
- DWORD dwOSDFrame;
- //Application specific OSD frame ID. Don't change it directly!
- //array of OSD slots
- //array of application descriptors
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////