This value allows yous to specify custom hardware initialization script, which will be executed by the startup daemon module right after applying startup settings. Power may use it to access some dangerous things, which are not available in RivaTuner's GUI due to safety reasons. The script can contain the queue of the following commands:
[b]wr[reg],[data][/b] - writes [b][data][/b] to register [b][reg][/b]
[b]ar[reg],[data][/b] - reads register [b][reg][/b], ANDs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]or[reg],[data][/b] - reads register [b][reg][/b], ORs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]xr[reg],[data][/b] - reads register [b][reg][/b], XORs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]wp[reg],[data][/b] - writes [b][data][/b] to PLL register [b][reg][/b]
[b]ap[reg],[data][/b] - reads PLL register [b][reg][/b], ANDs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]op[reg],[data][/b] - reads PLL register [b][reg][/b], ORs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]xp[reg],[data][/b] - reads PLL register [b][reg][/b], XORs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]wm[reg],[data][/b] - writes [b][data][/b] to MC register [b][reg][/b]
[b]am[reg],[data][/b] - reads MC register [b][reg][/b], ANDs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]om[reg],[data][/b] - reads MC register [b][reg][/b], ORs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]xm[reg],[data][/b] - reads MC register [b][reg][/b], XORs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]wi[bus],[dev],[reg],[data][/b] - writes [b][data][/b] to register [b][reg][/b] of I2C device [b][dev][/b] on I2C bus [b][bus][/b]
[b]ai[bus],[dev],[reg],[data][/b] - reads register [b][reg][/b] of I2C device [b][dev][/b] on I2C bus [b][bus][/b], ANDs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]oi[bus],[dev],[reg],[data][/b] - reads register [b][reg][/b] of I2C device [b][dev][/b] on I2C bus [b][bus][/b], ORs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back
[b]xi[bus],[dev],[reg],[data][/b] - reads register [b][reg][/b] of I2C device [b][dev][/b] on I2C bus [b][bus][/b], XORs it with [b][data][/b] and writes it back