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Text File | 2005-02-07 | 37.7 KB | 1,141 lines
[Do | Do...Until] Do statements ... Until |<expression> ; [For | For...Next] For <variable> = <start> To <stop> [Step <stepval>] statements ... ; [Func | Func...EndFunc] Func functioname ( [ByRef] $param1, ..., [ByRef] $paramN) ... [Return [value]] EndFunc ; [If...Then | If...Then] If <expression> Then statement ; [If...ElseIf...Else...EndIf | If...ElseIf...Else...EndIf ] If <expression> Then statements ... ElseIf expression-n Then ElseIf statements ... ... Else Else statements ... EndIf ; [Select...Case...EndSelect | Select...Case...EndSelect] Select Case <expression> statement1 ... [Case statement2 ...] [Case Else statementN ...] EndSelect ; [Abs | Calculates the absolute value of a number.] Abs ( |expression ) ; [ACos | Calculates the arcCosine of a number.] ACos ( |expression ) ; [AdlibDisable | Disables the adlib functionality.] AdlibDisable ( |) ; [AdlibEnable | Enables Adlib functionality.] AdlibEnable ( |"function" [, time] ) ; [Asc | Returns the ASCII code of a character.] Asc ( |"char" ) ; [ASin | Calculates the arcsine of a number.] ASin ( |expression ) ; [Assign | Assigns a variable by name with the data.] Assign ( |"varname", "data" [, flag] ) ; [ATan | Calculates the arctangent of a number.] ATan ( |expression ) ; [AutoItSetOption | Changes the operation of various AutoIt functions/parameters.] AutoItSetOption ( |"option", param ) ; [AutoItWinGetTitle | Retrieves the title of the AutoIt window.] AutoItWinGetTitle ( |) ; [AutoItWinSetTitle | Changes the title of the AutoIt window.] AutoItWinSetTitle ( |"newtitle" ) ; [BitAND | Performs a bitwise AND operation.] BitAND ( |value1, value2 [, value n] ) ; [BitNOT | Performs a bitwise NOT operation.] BitNOT ( |value ) ; [BitOR | Performs a bitwise OR operation.] BitOR ( |value1, value2 [, value n] ) ; [BitShift | Performs a bit shifting operation.] BitShift ( |value, shift ) ; [BitXOR | Performs a bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) operation.] BitXOR ( |value1, value2 [, value n] ) ; [BlockInput | Disable/enable the mouse and keyboard.] BlockInput ( |flag ) ; [Break | Enables or disables the users' ability to exit a script from the tray icon menu.] Break ( |mode ) ; [Call | Calls a user-defined function contained in a string parameter.] Call ( |"function" ) ; [CDTray | Opens or closes the CD tray.] CDTray ( |"drive", "status" ) ; [Chr | Returns a character corresponding to an ASCII code.] Chr ( |ASCIIcode ) ; [ClipGet | Retrieves text from the clipboard.] ClipGet ( |) ; [ClipPut | Writes text to the clipboard.] ClipPut ( |"value" ) ; [ConsoleWrite | Writes data to a stream that text editors can sometimes read.] ConsoleWrite ( |"data" ) ; [ControlClick | Sends a mouse click command to a given control.] ControlClick ( |"title", "text", controlID [, button] [, clicks]] ) ; [ControlCommand | Sends a command to a control.] ControlCommand ( |"title", "text", controlID, "command", "option" ) ; [ControlDisable | Disables or "grays-out" a control.] ControlDisable ( |"title", "text", controlID) ; [ControlEnable | Enables a "grayed-out" control.] ControlEnable ( |"title", "text", controlID ) ; [ControlFocus | Sets input focus to a given control on a window.] ControlFocus ( |"title", "text", controlID ) ; [ControlGetFocus | Returns the ControlRef# of the control that has keyboard focus within a specified window.] ControlGetFocus ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [ControlGetHandle | Retrieves the internal handle of a control.] ControlGetHandle ( |"title", "text", controlID ) ; [ControlGetPos | Retrieves the position and size of a control relative to it's window.] ControlGetPos ( |"title", "text", controlID ) ; [ControlGetText | Retrieves text from a control.] ControlGetText ( |"title", "text", controlID ) ; [ControlHide | Hides a control.] ControlHide ( |"title", "text", controlID ) ; [ControlListView | Sends a command to a ListView32 control.] ControlListView ( |"title", "text", controlID, "command" [, option1 [, option2]] ) ; [ControlMove | Moves a control within a window.] ControlMove ( |"title", "text", controlID, x, y [, width [, height]] ) ; [ControlSend | Sends a string of characters to a control.] ControlSend ( |"title", "text", controlID, "string" [, flag] ) ; [ControlSetText | Sets text of a control.] ControlSetText ( |"title", "text", controlID, "new text" ) ; [ControlShow | Shows a control that was hidden.] ControlShow ( |"title", "text", controlID ) ; [Cos | Calculates the cosine of a number.] Cos ( |expression ) ; [Dec | Returns a numeric representation of a hexadecimal string.] Dec ( |"hex" ) ; [DirCopy | Copies a directory and all sub-directories and files (Similar to xcopy).] DirCopy ( |"source dir", "dest dir" [, flag] ) ; [DirCreate | Creates a directory/folder.] DirCreate ( |"path" ) ; [DirGetSize | Returns the size in bytes of a given directory.] DirGetSize( |"path" [, flag] ) ; [DirMove | Moves a directory and all sub-directories and files.] DirMove ( |"source dir", "dest dir" [, flag] ) ; [DirRemove | Deletes a directory/folder.] DirRemove ( |"path" [, recurse] ) ; [DllCall | Dynamically calls a function in a DLL.] DllCall ( |"dll", "return type", "function" [, "type1", param1 [, "type n", param n]] ) ; [DllClose | Closes a previously opened DLL.] DllClose ( |dllhandle ) ; [DllOpen | Opens a dll file for use in DllCall.] DllOpen ( |"filename" ) ; [DriveGetDrive | Returns an array containing the enumerated drives.] DriveGetDrive ( |"type" ) ; [DriveGetFileSystem | Returns File System Type of a drive.] DriveGetFileSystem ( |"path" ) ; [DriveGetLabel | Returns Volume Label of a drive, if it has one.] DriveGetLabel ( |"path" ) ; [DriveGetSerial | Returns Serial Number of a drive.] DriveGetSerial ( |"path" ) ; [DriveGetType | Returns drive type.] DriveGetType ( |"path" ) ; [DriveMapAdd | Maps a network drive.] DriveMapAdd( |"device", "remote share" [, flags [, "user" [, "password"]]] ) ; [DriveMapDel | Disconnects a network drive.] DriveMapDel( |"device" ) ; [DriveMapGet | Retreives the details of a mapped drive.] DriveMapGet( |"device" ) ; [DriveSetLabel | Sets the Volume Label of a drive.] DriveSetLabel ( |"path", "label" ) ; [DriveSpaceFree | Returns the free disk space of a path in Megabytes.] DriveSpaceFree ( |"path" ) ; [DriveSpaceTotal | Returns the total diskspace of a path in Megabytes.] DriveSpaceTotal ( |"path" ) ; [DriveStatus | Returns the status of the drive as a string.] DriveStatus ( |"path" ) ; [EnvGet | Retrieves an environment variable.] EnvGet ( |"envvariable" ) ; [EnvSet | Writes an environment variable.] EnvSet ( |"envvariable" [, "value"] ) ; [EnvUpdate | Refreshes the OS environment.] EnvUpdate ( |) ; [Eval | Return the value of the variable whose name is given by the expression.] Eval ( |expression ) ; [Exp | Calculates <i><b>e</b></i> to the power of a number.] Exp ( |expression ) ; [FileChangeDir | Changes the current working directory.] FileChangeDir ( |"path" ) ; [FileClose | Closes a previously opened text file.] FileClose ( |filehandle ) ; [FileCopy | Copies one or more files.] FileCopy ( |"source", "dest" [, flag] ) ; [FileCreateShortcut | Creates a shortcut (.lnk) to a file.] FileCreateShortcut ( |"file", "lnk" [, "workdir" [, "args" [, "desc" [, "icon" [, "hotkey" [, icon number [, state]]]]]]] ) ; [FileDelete | Delete one or more files.] FileDelete ( |"path" ) ; [FileExists | Checks if a file or directory exists.] FileExists ( |"path" ) ; [FileFindFirstFile | Returns a filename according to search string.] FileFindFirstFile ( |"filename" ) ; [FileFindNextFile | Returns a filename according to a previous call to FileFindFirstFile.] FileFindNextFile ( |search ) ; [FileGetAttrib | Returns a code string representing a file's attributes.] FileGetAttrib ( |"filename" ) ; [FileGetLongName | Returns the long path+name of the path+name passed.] FileGetLongName ( |"file" ) ; [FileGetShortcut | Retrieves details about a shortcut.] FileGetShortcut ( |"lnk" ) ; [FileGetShortName | Returns the 8.3 short path+name of the path+name passed.] FileGetShortName ( |"file" ) ; [FileGetSize | Returns the size of a file in bytes.] FileGetSize ( |"filename" ) ; [FileGetTime | Returns the time and date information for a file.] FileGetTime ( |"filename" [, option [, format]] ) ; [FileGetVersion | Returns the "File" version information.] FileGetVersion ( |"filename" ) ; [FileInstall | Include and install a file with the compiled script.] FileInstall ( |"source", "dest" [, flag] ) ; [FileMove | Moves one or more files] FileMove ( |"source", "dest" [, flag] ) ; [FileOpen | Opens a text file for reading or writing.] FileOpen ( |"filename", mode ) ; [FileOpenDialog | Initiates a Open File Dialog.] FileOpenDialog ( |"title", "init dir", "filter" [, options [, "default name"]] ) ; [FileRead | Read in a number of characters from a previously opened text file.] FileRead ( |filehandle or "filename", count ) ; [FileReadLine | Read in a line of text from a previously opened text file.] FileReadLine ( |filehandle or "filename" [, line] ) ; [FileRecycle | Sends a file or directory to the recycle bin.] FileRecycle ( |"source" ) ; [FileRecycleEmpty | Empties the recycle bin.] FileRecycleEmpty ( |["drive"] ) ; [FileSaveDialog | Initiates a Save File Dialog.] FileSaveDialog ( |"title", "init dir", "filter" [, options [, "default name"]] ) ; [FileSelectFolder | Initiates a Browse For Folder GUI.] FileSelectFolder ( |"dialog text", "root dir" [, flag [, "initial dir"]] ) ; [FileSetAttrib | Sets the attributes of one or more files.] FileSetAttrib ( |"file pattern", "+-RASHNOT" [, recurse] ) ; [FileSetTime | Sets the timestamp of one of more files.] FileSetTime ( |"file pattern", "time", type [, recurse] ) ; [FileWrite | Append a line of text to the end of a previously opened text file.] FileWrite ( |filehandle or "filename", "line" ) ; [FileWriteLine | Append a line of text to the end of a previously opened text file.] FileWriteLine ( |filehandle or "filename", "line" ) ; [FtpSetProxy | Sets the internet proxy to use for ftp access.] FtpSetProxy ( |mode [, "proxy:port" [, "username", "password"]] ) ; [GUICreate | Create a GUI window.] GUICreate ( |"title" [, width [, height [, left [, top [, style [, exStyle [, parent]]]]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateAvi | Creates an AVI video control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateAvi ( |filename, subfileid, left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateButton | Creates a Button control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateButton ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateCheckbox | Creates a Checkbox control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateCombo | Creates a ComboBox control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateCombo ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateContextMenu | Creates a context menu for a control or entire GUI window.] GUICtrlCreateContextMenu ( |[controlID] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateDate | Creates a date control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateDate ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateDummy | Creates a Dummy control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateDummy ( |) ; [GUICtrlCreateEdit | Creates an Edit control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateEdit ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateGroup | Creates a Group control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateGroup ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateIcon | Creates an Icon control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateIcon ( |filename, iconID, left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateInput | Creates an Input control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateInput ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateLabel | Creates a static Label control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateLabel ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateList | Creates a List control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateList ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateListView | Creates a ListView control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateListView ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateListViewItem | Creates a ListView item.] GUICtrlCreateListViewItem ( |"text", listviewID ) ; [GUICtrlCreateMenu | Creates a Menu control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateMenu ( |"submenutext" [, menuID [, menuentry]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateMenuItem | Creates a MenuItem control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ( |"text", menuID [, menuentry [, menuradioitem]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreatePic | Creates a Picture control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreatePic ( |filename, left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateProgress | Creates a Progress control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateProgress ( |left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateRadio | Creates a Radio button control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateRadio ( |"text", left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateSlider | Creates a Slider control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateSlider ( |left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateTab | Creates a Tab control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateTab ( |left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateTabItem | Creates a TabItem control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateTabItem ( |"text" ) ; [GUICtrlCreateTreeView | Creates a TreeView control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateTreeView ( |left, top [, width [, height [, style [, exStyle]]]] ) ; [GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem | Creates a TreeViewItem control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem ( |"text", treeviewID ) ; [GUICtrlCreateUpdown | Creates an UpDown control for the GUI.] GUICtrlCreateUpdown ( |inputcontrolID [,style] ) ; [GUICtrlDelete | Deletes a control.] GUICtrlDelete ( |controlID ) ; [GUICtrlGetState | Gets the current state of a control] GUICtrlGetState ( |[controlID] ) ; [GUICtrlRead | Read state or data of a control.] GUICtrlRead ( |controlID ) ; [GUICtrlRecvMsg | Send a message to a control and retrieve information in lParam.] GUICtrlRecvMsg ( |controlID , msg [, wParam [, lParamType]] ) ; [GUICtrlSendMsg | Send a message to a control.] GUICtrlSendMsg ( |controlID, msg , wParam, lParam ) ; [GUICtrlSendToDummy | Sends a message to a Dummy control.] GUICtrlSendToDummy ( |controlID [, state] ) ; [GUICtrlSetBkColor | Sets the background color of a control.] GUICtrlSetBkColor ( |controlID, backgroundcolor ) ; [GUICtrlSetColor | Sets the text color of a control.] GUICtrlSetColor ( |controlID, textcolor) ; [GUICtrlSetCursor | Sets mouse cursor icon for a particular control.] GUICtrlSetCursor ( |controlID, cursorID ) ; [GUICtrlSetData | Modifies the data for a control.] GUICtrlSetData ( |controlID, data [, default] ) ; [GUICtrlSetFont | Sets the font for a control.] GUICtrlSetFont (controlID, size [, weight [, attribute [, fontname]]] ) ; [GUICtrlSetImage | Sets the bitmap or icon image to use for a control.] GUICtrlSetImage ( |controlID, filename [, iconID [, icontype]] ) ; [GUICtrlSetLimit | Limits the number of characters/pixels for a control.] GUICtrlSetLimit ( |controlID, max [, min] ) ; [GUICtrlSetOnEvent | Defines a user-defined function to be called when a control is clicked.] GUICtrlSetOnEvent ( |controlID, "function" ) ; [GUICtrlSetPos | Changes the position of a control within the GUI window.] GUICtrlSetPos ( |controlID, left, top [, width [, height]] ) ; [GUICtrlSetResizing | Defines the resizing method used by a control.] GUICtrlSetResizing ( |controlID, resizing ) ; [GUICtrlSetState | Changes the state of a control.] GUICtrlSetState ( |controlID, state ) ; [GUICtrlSetStyle | Changes the style of a control.] GUICtrlSetStyle ( |controlID, style [, exStyle] ) ; [GUICtrlSetTip | Sets the tip text associated with a control.] GUICtrlSetTip ( |controlID, tiptext ) ; [GUIDelete | Deletes a GUI window and all controls that it contains.] GUIDelete ( |[winhandle] ) ; [GUIGetCursorInfo | Gets the mouse cursor position relative to GUI window.] GUIGetCursorInfo ( |[winhandle] ) ; [GUIGetMsg | Polls the GUI to see if any events have ocurred.] GUIGetMsg ( |[advanced] ) ; [GUISetBkColor | Sets the background color of the GUI window.] GUISetBkColor ( |background [, winhandle] ) ; [GUISetCoord | Sets absolute coordinates for next control.] GUISetCoord ( |left, top [, width [, height [, winhandle]]] ) ; [GUISetCursor | Sets the mouse cursor icon for a GUI window.] GUISetCursor ( |[cursorID [, override [, winhandle]]] ) ; [GUISetFont | Sets the default font for a GUI window.] GUISetFont (size [, weight [, attribute [, fontname [, winhandle]]]] ) ; [GUISetHelp | Sets an executable file that will be run when F1 is pressed.] GUISetHelp ( |helpfile [, winhandle] ) ; [GUISetIcon | Sets the icon used in a GUI window.] GUISetIcon ( |iconfile [, iconID [, winhandle]] ) ; [GUISetOnEvent | Defines a user function to be called when a control is clicked.] GUISetOnEvent ( |specialID, "function" [, winhandle] ) ; [GUISetState | Changes the state of a GUI window.] GUISetState ( |[flag [, winhandle]] ) ; [GUIStartGroup | Defines that any subsequent controls that are created will be "grouped" together.] GUIStartGroup ( |[winhandle] ) ; [GUISwitch | Switches the current window used for GUI functions.] GUISwitch ( |winhandle ) ; [Hex | Returns a string representation of an integer converted to hexadecimal.] Hex ( |number, length ) ; [HotKeySet | Sets a hotkey that calls a user function.] HotKeySet ( |"key" [, "function"] ) ; [HttpSetProxy | Sets the internet proxy to use for http access.] HttpSetProxy ( |mode [, "proxy:port" [, "username", "password"]] ) ; [InetGet | Downloads a file from the internet using the http or ftp protocol.] InetGet ( |"URL", "filename" [, reload [, background]] ) ; [InetGetSize | Returns the size (in bytes) of a file located on the internet.] InetGetSize ( |"URL" ) ; [IniDelete | Deletes a value from a standard format .ini file.] IniDelete ( |"filename", "section" [, "key"] ) ; [IniRead | Reads a value from a standard format .ini file.] IniRead ( |"filename", "section", "key", "default" ) ; [IniReadSection | Reads all key/value pairs from a section in a standard format .ini file.] IniReadSection ( |"filename", "section" ) ; [IniReadSectionNames | Reads all sections in a standard format .ini file.] IniReadSectionNames ( |"filename" ) ; [IniWrite | Writes a value to a standard format .ini file.] IniWrite ( |"filename", "section", "key", "value" ) ; [InputBox | Displays an input box to ask the user to enter a string.] InputBox ( |"title", "Prompt" [, "Default" [, "password char" [, Width, Height [, Left, Top [, TimeOut]]]]] ) ; [Int | Returns the integer (whole number) representation of an expression.] Int ( |expression ) ; [IsAdmin | Checks if the current user has administrator privileges.] IsAdmin ( |) ; [IsArray | Checks if a variable is an array type.] IsArray ( |variable ) ; [IsDeclared | Check if a variable has been declared.] IsDeclared ( |expression ) ; [IsFloat | Checks if a variable or expression is a float-type.] IsFloat ( |variable ) ; [IsInt | Checks if a variable or expression is an integer type.] IsInt ( |variable ) ; [IsNumber | Checks if a variable's base type is numeric.] IsNumber ( |variable ) ; [IsString | Checks if a variable is a string type.] IsString ( |variable ) ; [Log | Calculates the natural logarithm of a number.] Log ( |expression ) ; [MemGetStats | Retrieves memory related information.] MemGetStats ( |) ; [Mod | Performs the modulus operation.] Mod ( |value1, value2 ) ; [MouseClick | Perform a mouse click operation.] MouseClick ( |"button" [, x, y [, clicks [, speed ]]] ) ; [MouseClickDrag | Perform a mouse click and drag operation.] MouseClickDrag ( |"button", x1, y1, x2, y2 [, speed] ) ; [MouseDown | Perform a mouse down event at the current mouse position.] MouseDown ( |"button" ) ; [MouseGetCursor | Returns a cursor ID Number of the current Mouse Cursor.] MouseGetCursor ( |) ; [MouseGetPos | Retrieves the current position of the mouse cursor.] MouseGetPos ( |) ; [MouseMove | Moves the mouse pointer.] MouseMove ( |x, y [, speed] ) ; [MouseUp | Perform a mouse up event at the current mouse position.] MouseUp ( |"button" ) ; [MouseWheel | Moves the mouse wheel up or down. NT/2000/XP ONLY.] MouseWheel ( |"direction" [, clicks] ) ; [MsgBox | Displays a simple message box with optional timeout.] MsgBox ( |flag, "title", "text" [, timeout] ) ; [Number | Returns the numeric representation of an expression.] Number ( |expression ) ; [Ping | Pings a host and returns the roundtrip-time.] Ping ( |address or hostname [, timeout] ) ; [PixelChecksum | Generates a checksum for a region of pixels.] PixelChecksum ( |left, top, right, bottom [, step] ) ; [PixelGetColor | Returns a pixel color according to x,y pixel coordinates.] PixelGetColor ( |x , y ) ; [PixelSearch | Searches a rectangle of pixels for the pixel color provided.] PixelSearch ( |left, top, right, bottom, color [, shade-variation] [, step]] ) ; [ProcessClose | Terminates a named process.] ProcessClose ( |"process" ) ; [ProcessExists | Checks to see if a specified process exists.] ProcessExists ( |"process" ) ; [ProcessList | Returns an array listing the currently running processes (names and PIDs).] ProcessList ( |["name"] ) ; [ProcessSetPriority | Changes the priority of a process] ProcessSetPriority ( |"process", priority) ; [ProcessWait | Pauses script execution until a given process exists.] ProcessWait ( |"process" [, timeout] ) ; [ProcessWaitClose | Pauses script execution until a given process does not exist.] ProcessWaitClose ( |"process" [, timeout] ) ; [ProgressOff | Turns Progress window off.] ProgressOff ( |) ; [ProgressOn | Creates a customizable progress bar window.] ProgressOn ( |"title", "maintext" [, "subtext" [, x pos [, y pos [, opt]]]] ) ; [ProgressSet | Sets the position and/or text of a previously created Progress bar window.] ProgressSet ( |percent [, "subtext" [, "maintext"]] ) ; [Random | Generates a pseudo-random float-type number.] Random ( |[Min [, Max [, Flag]]] ) ; [RegDelete | Deletes a key or value from the registry.] RegDelete ( |"keyname" [, "valuename"] ) ; [RegEnumKey | Reads the name of a subkey according to it's instance.] RegEnumKey ( |"keyname", instance ) ; [RegEnumVal | Reads the name of a value according to it's instance.] RegEnumVal ( |"keyname", instance ) ; [RegRead | Reads a value from the registry.] RegRead ( |"keyname", "valuename" ) ; [RegWrite | Creates a key or value in the registry.] RegWrite ( |"keyname" [,"valuename", "type", value] ) ; [Round | Returns a number rounded to a specified number of decimal places.] Round ( |expression [, decimalplaces] ) ; [Run | Runs an external program.] Run ( |"filename" [, "workingdir" [, flag]] ) ; [RunAsSet | Initialise a set of user credentials to use during Run and RunWait operations. 2000/XP or later ONLY.] RunAsSet ( |["user", "domain", "password" [, options]] ) ; [RunWait | Runs an external program and pauses script execution until the program finishes.] RunWait ( |"filename" [, "workingdir" [, flag]] ) ; [Send | Sends simulated keystrokes to the active window.] Send ( |"keys" [, flag] ) ; [SetError | Manually set the value of the @error macro.] SetError ( |code ) ; [SetExtended | Manually set the value of the @extended macro.] SetExtended ( |code ) ; [Shutdown | Shuts down the system.] Shutdown ( |code ) ; [Sin | Calculates the sine of a number.] Sin ( |expression ) ; [Sleep | Pause script execution.] Sleep ( |delay ) ; [SoundPlay | Play a sound file.] SoundPlay ( |"filename" [, wait] ) ; [SoundSetWaveVolume | Sets the system wave volume by percent.] SoundSetWaveVolume ( |percent ) ; [SplashImageOn | Creates a customizable image popup window.] SplashImageOn ( |"title", "file" [, width [, height [, x pos [, y pos [, opt]]]]] ) ; [SplashOff | Turns SplashText or SplashImage off.] SplashOff ( |) ; [SplashTextOn | Creates a customizable text popup window.] SplashTextOn ( |"title", "text" [, w [, h [, x pos [, y pos [, opt [, "fontname" [, "fontsz" [, "fontwt"]]]]]]]] ) ; [Sqrt | Calculates the square-root of a number.] Sqrt ( |expression ) ; [StatusbarGetText | Retrieves the text from a standard status bar control.] StatusbarGetText ( |"title" [, "text" [, part]] ) ; [String | Returns the string representation of an expression.] String ( |expression ) ; [StringAddCR | Takes a string and prefixes all linefeed characters ( Chr(10) ) with a carriage return character ( Chr(13) ).] StringAddCR ( |"string" ) ; [StringFormat | Returns a formatted string (similar to the C sprintf() function).] StringFormat ( |"format control", var1 [, ... var32] ) ; [StringInStr | Checks if a string contains a given substring.] StringInStr ( |"string", "substring" [, casesense [, occurance]] ) ; [StringIsAlNum | Checks if a string contains only alphanumeric characters.] StringIsAlNum ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsAlpha | Checks if a string contains only alphabetic characters.] StringIsAlpha ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsASCII | Checks if a string contains only ASCII characters in the range 0x00 - 0x7f (0 - 127).] StringIsASCII ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsDigit | Checks if a string contains only digit (0-9) characters.] StringIsDigit ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsFloat | Checks if a string is a floating point number.] StringIsFloat ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsInt | Checks if a string is an integer.] StringIsInt ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsLower | Checks if a string contains only lowercase characters.] StringIsLower ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsSpace | Checks if a string contains only whitespace characters.] StringIsSpace ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsUpper | Checks if a string contains only uppercase characters.] StringIsUpper ( |"string" ) ; [StringIsXDigit | Checks if a string contains only hexadecimal digit (0-9, A-F) characters.] StringIsXDigit ( |"string" ) ; [StringLeft | Returns a number of characters from the left-hand side of a string.] StringLeft ( |"string", count ) ; [StringLen | Returns the number of characters in a string.] StringLen ( |"string" ) ; [StringLower | Converts a string to lowercase.] StringLower ( |"string" ) ; [StringMid | Extracts a number of characters from a string.] StringMid ( |"string", start [, count] ) ; [StringReplace | Replaces substrings in a string.] StringReplace ( |"string", "searchstring" or start, "replacestring" [, count [, casesense]] ) ; [StringRight | Returns a number of characters from the right-hand side of a string.] StringRight ( |"string", count ) ; [StringSplit | Splits up a string into substrings depending on the given delimiters.] StringSplit ( |"string", "delimiters" [, flag ] ) ; [StringStripCR | Removes all carriage return values ( Chr(13) ) from a string.] StringStripCR ( |"string" ) ; [StringStripWS | Strips the white space in a string.] StringStripWS ( |"string", flag ) ; [StringTrimLeft | Trims a number of characters from the left hand side of a string.] StringTrimLeft ( |"string", count ) ; [StringTrimRight | Trims a number of characters from the right hand side of a string.] StringTrimRight ( |"string", count ) ; [StringUpper | Converts a string to uppercase.] StringUpper ( |"string" ) ; [Tan | Calculates the tangent of a number.] Tan ( |expression ) ; [TimerDiff | Returns a difference in time from a previous call to TimerInit().] TimerDiff ( |timestamp ) ; [TimerInit | Returns a timestamp (in milliseconds).] TimerInit ( |) ; [ToolTip | Creates a tooltip anywhere on the screen.] ToolTip ( |"text" [, x [, y]] ) ; [TrayTip | Displays a balloon tip from the AuotIt Icon. (2000/XP only)] TrayTip ( |"title", "text", timeout [, option] ) ; [UBound | Returns the size of array dimensions.] UBound ( |Array [, Dimension] ) ; [WinActivate | Activates (gives focus to) a window.] WinActivate ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinActive | Checks to see if a specified window exists and is currently active.] WinActive ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinClose | Closes a window.] WinClose ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinExists | Checks to see if a specified window exists.] WinExists ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinGetCaretPos | Returns the coordinates of the caret in the foreground window] WinGetCaretPos ( |) ; [WinGetClassList | Retrieves the classes from a window.] WinGetClassList ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinGetClientSize | Retrieves the size of a given window's client area.] WinGetClientSize ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinGetHandle | Retrieves the internal handle of a window.] WinGetHandle ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinGetPos | Retrieves the position and size of a given window.] WinGetPos ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinGetProcess | Retrieves the Process ID (PID) associated with a window.] WinGetProcess ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinGetState | Retrieves the state of a given window.] WinGetState ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinGetText | Retrieves the text from a window.] WinGetText ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinGetTitle | Retrieves the full title from a window.] WinGetTitle ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinKill | Forces a window to close.] WinKill ( |"title" [, "text"] ) ; [WinList | Retrieves a list of windows.] WinList ( |["title" [, "text"]] ) ; [WinMenuSelectItem | Invokes a menu item of a window.] WinMenuSelectItem ( |"title", "text", "item" [, "item" [, "item" [, "item" [, "item" [, "item" [, "item"]]]]]] ) ; [WinMinimizeAll | Minimizes all windows.] WinMinimizeAll ( |) ; [WinMinimizeAllUndo | Undoes a previous WinMinimizeAll function.] WinMinimizeAllUndo ( |) ; [WinMove | Moves and/or resizes a window.] WinMove ( |"title", "text", x, y [, width [, height]] ) ; [WinSetOnTop | Change a window's "Always On Top" attribute.] WinSetOnTop ( |"title", "text", flag ) ; [WinSetState | Shows, hides, minimizes, maximizes, or restores a window.] WinSetState ( |"title", "text", flag ) ; [WinSetTitle | Changes the title of a window.] WinSetTitle ( |"title", "text", "newtitle" ) ; [WinSetTrans | Sets the transparency of a window. (Windows 2000/XP or later)] WinSetTrans ( |"title", "text", transparency ) ; [WinWait | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window exists.] WinWait ( |"title" [, "text" [, timeout]] ) ; [WinWaitActive | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is active.] WinWaitActive ( |"title", ["text"], [timeout] ) ; [WinWaitClose | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window does not exist.] WinWaitClose ( |"title" [, "text" [, timeout]] ) ; [WinWaitNotActive | Pauses execution of the script until the requested window is not active.] WinWaitNotActive ( |"title" [, "text" [, timeout]] ) ; [@AppDataCommonDir | path to Application Data] @AppDataCommonDir ; [@AppDataDir | path to current user's Application Data] @AppDataDir ; [@AutoItExe | The full path and filename of the AutoIt executable currently running. For compiled scripts it is the path of the compiled script.] @AutoItExe ; [@AutoItVersion | Version number of AutoIt such as] @AutoItVersion ; [@CommonFilesDir | path to Common Files folder] @CommonFilesDir ; [@Compiled | Returns 1 if script is a compiled executable; otherwise, returns 0.] @Compiled ; [@ComputerName | Computer's network name.] @ComputerName ; [@ComSpec | value of %comspec%, the SPECified secondary COMmand interpreter;<br>primarily for command line uses, e.g. <i>Run(@ComSpec & " /k help | more")</i>] @ComSpec ; [@CR | Carriage return, Chr(13); sometimes used for line breaks.] @CR ; [@CRLF | = @CR & @LF ;occasionally used for line breaks.] @CRLF ; [@DesktopCommonDir | path to Desktop] @DesktopCommonDir ; [@DesktopDir | path to current user's Desktop] @DesktopDir ; [@DesktopHeight | Height of the desktop screen in pixels. (horizontal resolution)] @DesktopHeight ; [@DesktopWidth | Width of the desktop screen in pixels. (vertical resolution)] @DesktopWidth ; [@DesktopDepth | Depth of the desktop screen in bits per pixel. ] @DesktopDepth ; [@DesktopRefresh | Refresh rate of the desktop screen in hertz. ] @DesktopRefresh ; [@DocumentsCommonDir | path to Documents] @DocumentsCommonDir ; [@error | Status of the error flag. See the SetError function.] @error ; [@extended | <td height="16">Extended function return - used in certain functions such as StringReplace.] @extended ; [@FavoritesCommonDir | path to Favorites] @FavoritesCommonDir ; [@FavoritesDir | path to current user's Favorites] @FavoritesDir ; [@GUI_CtrlId | Last click control identifier. See the GUICtrlSetOnEvent function.] @GUI_CtrlId ; [@GUI_CtrlHandle | Last click control handle. See the GUICtrlSetOnEvent function.] @GUI_CtrlHandle ; [@GUI_WinHandle | Last click GUI window handle. See the GUICtrlSetOnEvent function.] @GUI_WinHandle ; [@HomeDrive | Drive letter of drive containing current user's home directory.] @HomeDrive ; [@HomePath | Directory part of current user's home directory. To get the full path, use in conjunction with @HomeDrive.] @HomePath ; [@HomeShare | @HomeShare - Server and share name containing current user's home directory.] @HomeShare ; [@HOUR | Hours value of clock in 24-hour format. Range is 00 to 23] @HOUR ; [@InetGetActive | Is 1 if a InetGet download is currently active, otherwise is 0. ] @InetGetActive ; [@InetGetBytesRead | During a InetGet download this is the number of bytes currently read. It is -1 when there is an error downloading. ] @InetGetBytesRead ; [@IPAddress1 | IP address of first network adapter. Tends to return on some computers.<br>] @IPAddress1 ; [@IPAddress2 | IP address of second network adapter. Returns if not applicable.] @IPAddress2 ; [@IPAddress3 | IP address of third network adapter. Returns if not applicable.] @IPAddress3 ; [@IPAddress4 | IP address of fourth network adapter. Returns if not applicable.] @IPAddress4 ; [@LF | Line feed, Chr(10); typically used for line breaks.] @LF ; [@LogonDNSDomain | Logon DNS Domain.] @LogonDNSDomain ; [@LogonDomain | Logon Domain.] @LogonDomain ; [@LogonServer | Logon server.] @LogonServer ; [@MDAY | Current day of month. Range is 01 to 31] @MDAY ; [@MIN | Minutes value of clock. Range is 00 to 59] @MIN ; [@MON | Current month. Range is 01 to 12] @MON ; [@MyDocumentsDir | path to My Documents target] @MyDocumentsDir ; [@NumParams | Number of parameters used to call the user functions] @NumParams ; [@OSBuild | Returns the OS build number. For example, Windows 2003 Server returns 3790] @OSBuild ; [@OSLang | Returns code denoting OS Language. See <a href="appendix/OSLangCodes.htm">Appendix</a> for possible values.] @OSLang ; [@OSServicePack | Service pack info in the form of "Service Pack 3" or, for Windows 95, it may return "B"] @OSServicePack ; [@OSTYPE | Returns "WIN32_NT" for NT/2000/XP/2003 and returns "WIN32_WINDOWS" for 95/98/Me] @OSTYPE ; [@OSVersion | Returns one of the following: "WIN_2003", "WIN_XP", "WIN_2000", "WIN_NT4", "WIN_ME", "WIN_98", "WIN_95"] @OSVersion ; [@ProgramFilesDir | path to Program Files folder] @ProgramFilesDir ; [@ProgramsCommonDir | path to Start Menu's Programs folder] @ProgramsCommonDir ; [@ProgramsDir | path to current user's Programs (folder on Start Menu)] @ProgramsDir ; [@ScriptDir | Directory containing the running script. (Result does not contain a trailing backslash)] @ScriptDir ; [@ScriptFullPath | Equivalent to @ScriptDir & "\" & @ScriptName] @ScriptFullPath ; [@ScriptName | Long filename of the running script.] @ScriptName ; [@SEC | Seconds value of clock. Range is 00 to 59] @SEC ; [@StartMenuCommonDir | path to Start Menu folder] @StartMenuCommonDir ; [@StartMenuDir | path to current user's Start Menu] @StartMenuDir ; [@StartupCommonDir | path to Startup folder] @StartupCommonDir ; [@StartupDir | current user's Startup folder] @StartupDir ; [@SW_DISABLE | Disables the window. ] @SW_DISABLE ; [@SW_ENABLE | Enables the window. ] @SW_ENABLE ; [@SW_HIDE | Hides the window and activates another window. ] @SW_HIDE ; [@SW_MAXIMIZE | Maximizes the specified window. ] @SW_MAXIMIZE ; [@SW_MINIMIZE | Minimizes the specified window and activates the next top-level window in the Z order. ] @SW_MINIMIZE ; [@SW_RESTORE | Activates and displays the window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when restoring a minimized window. ] @SW_RESTORE ; [@SW_SHOW | Activates the window and displays it in its current size and position. ] @SW_SHOW ; [@SW_SHOWDEFAULT | Sets the show state based on the SW_ value specified by the program that started the application. ] @SW_SHOWDEFAULT ; [@SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED | Activates the window and displays it as a maximized window. ] @SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ; [@SW_SHOWMINIMIZED | Activates the window and displays it as a minimized window. ] @SW_SHOWMINIMIZED ; [@SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE | Displays the window as a minimized window. This value is similar to @SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, except the window is not activated. ] @SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE ; [@SW_SHOWNA | Displays the window in its current size and position. This value is similar to @SW_SHOW, except the window is not activated. ] @SW_SHOWNA ; [@SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE | Displays a window in its most recent size and position. This value is similar to @SW_SHOWNORMAL, except the window is not actived. ] @SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE ; [@SW_SHOWNORMAL | Activates and displays a window. If the window is minimized or maximized, the system restores it to its original size and position. An application should specify this flag when displaying the window for the first time. ] @SW_SHOWNORMAL ; [@SystemDir | path to Windows' System (or System32) folder] @SystemDir ; [@TAB | Tab character, Chr(9)] @TAB ; [@TempDir | Path to the temporary files folder.] @TempDir ; [@UserProfileDir | Path to current user's Profile folder.] @UserProfileDir ; [@UserName | ID of the currently logged on user.] @UserName ; [@WDAY | Numeric day of week. Range is 1 to 7 which corresponds to Sunday through Saturday.] @WDAY ; [@WindowsDir | path to Windows folder] @WindowsDir ; [@WorkingDir | Current/active working directory. (Result does not contain a trailing backslash)] @WorkingDir ; [@YDAY | Current day of year. Range is 1 to 366 (or 365 if not a leap year)] @YDAY ; [@YEAR | Current four-digit year] @YEAR ;