Method that allows a user to connect his computer to an FTP server without a user name (ID) or password. The FTP server in question must authorize this type of connection.
An Internet Service that uses a database, Archie assists in locating servers that contain files the user is searching for.
Acronym for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A table of codes made up of 7-bit characters, ASCII code enables 128 different characters to be represented (does not include accented characters and many symbols).
Programming command (Authentication) issued to the server to request SSL communication.
NAME=CHMOD (commands)
The CHMOD command is used when directory access permission is required. Normally, you have to know the exact name of the file you want to access.
Computer or program that connects to another computer (called a server) to carry out file management operations on the server. The operations are initiated by the client and executed by the server.
A collision occurs when, during a file transfer, there is an encounter between two files that have the same name but feature differences (for example, when a file is being copied).
Operation that establishes a communications link between two devices (e.g.: between 2 computers).
NAME=Connection classes
Connection classes are useful for managing several FTP sites on an internal network (within a company, for example), or on the Internet (particularly if you manage several web sites).
NAME=Connection file
File containing all the parameters (properties) needed for a specific connection.
NAME=Connection file properties
Files for connections created by the user which record the parameters required for each connection. The parameters may be viewed and modified by examining the properties of each connection file.
NAME=Connection properties
Parameters required by a connection to work properly.
NAME=DDE (Message)
DDE is the acronym for Dynamic Data Exchange, which is a communications modeùenabling dynamic data exchangeùused by software that works under Windows.
To transfer files from a server to another computer (download) or vice versa (upload).
The process of transferring files from a server to another computer (download) or from the computer to the server (upload).
Acronym for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Codeá [IBM]. Table of characters used on very old IBM computers.
Encryption is a programmed language conversion process (by numbers) used in order to ensure documents will not be read. Only users with the appropriate decryption key will be able to access the file. Encryption uses mostly the SSL process (Secure Sockets Layers).
NAME=File Transfer Protocol
Acronym for FTP. File Transfer Protocol is a communications protocol used by two computers to carry out file transfers.
A firewall allows network access only to those who possess the appropriate passwords.
FTP, see File Transfer Protocol.
Server to server file transfer mode.
A computer that is called during a connection û for example, the server on which your web site resides. A server called by AceFTP 2 plays the role of the host.
An abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. This is the convention used by a computer and a web server that allows web pages to be transferred and interpreted.
NAME=IP Address
(see TCP/IP)
Keys are used to encrypt or decrypt messages or texts sent over the Internet. Keys ensure secured transfer transactions. (See also Encryption and SSL).
NAME=Local (Computer)
A userÆs computer once it is connected to a server
The simultaneous display of several files on the same server using several views.
NAME=Multiple connections
Simultaneous connections to one or more servers by a single computer.
NAME=Passive mode
Passive file transfer mode, required by some servers which use a firewall. Only the firewall can authorize the client to establish a connection with the server and vice versa, using firewall configuration parameters. By default, AceFTP uses active mode, which allows a connection to be established by the client only toward the server, using a port number.
Number or code associated with a network application or service.
A standardized language that enables two different types of computers to communicate. Computers can only communicate with each other if they use the same protocol. FTP is the protocol used by file transfer software. A file transfer software may also use TCP/IP to provide computer addressing information. Use of the latter is usually invisible.
See Firewall.
A computer that provides service(s) to other computers using a network (e.g.: FTP server, Web server (http)).
A session starts with the initial connection and ends when all connections have been terminated.
NAME=Session Manager
AceFTP work space located under the main toolbar, containing the following tabs: Log, Queues, View and Progress.
NAME=Site Manager
An application that enables all the user-defined connection files to be managed.
NAME=Sockets (Socks)
A work method that allows different processes to communicate. For bilateral communication (on-line mode), sockets are required on both the server and client terminal (local); but they are required only on the server terminal if communication is in a single direction (off-line mode) û for receiving email, for example.
SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) is a layer between sockets allowing securing certain Internet based transactions. SSL uses an encryption public key process to lock files, and only users with the appropriate decryption key will be able to access the file. This key exchange process is most of the times transparent to the user. SSL is a Netscape granted patent (See TLS).
TCP/IP is the acronym for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. TCP/IP protocol enables computers to recognize each other using a numerical address made up of four numbers (from 0 to 255). No two computers have the same address. When you access a web site, the browserÆs status bar displays the address using the form protocol properties need only be configured if you use the advanced functions of AceFTP, for example if you are using a firewall.
TLS (Transport Layer Security) is very similar to SSL (Security Sockets Layers). This process ensures confidential transfers over Internet (See SSL).
Acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. A method for accessing servers on the Internet using a well-defined syntax for the address. In short, an FTP site address on the Internet (e.g.: