Name: "fa_mpc"; Description: "Make Media Player Classic the default player for:"; GroupDescription: "File associations"; Components: "player\mpclassic"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "fa_mpc\real"; Description: "RealMedia (.rm .ram .rmvb etc)"; GroupDescription: "File associations"; Components: "player\mpclassic AND NOT real\codec"; Check: "foundReal()"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "fa_wmp"; Description: "Make Windows Media Player the default player for:"; GroupDescription: "File associations"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND (sourcefilter\mp4 OR video\3ivx OR sourcefilter\matroska OR sourcefilter\ogg\oggds OR sourcefilter\ogg\haali OR (qt\directshow AND qt\codec) OR (real\directshow AND real\codec))"; Check: "foundWMP()"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "fa_wmp\ogm"; Description: "Ogg (.ogm)"; GroupDescription: "File associations"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND (sourcefilter\ogg\oggds OR sourcefilter\ogg\haali)"; Check: "foundWMP()"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "fa_wmp\mp4"; Description: "MP4 (.mp4)"; GroupDescription: "File associations"; Components: "NOT player\mpclassic AND (sourcefilter\mp4 OR video\3ivx)"; Check: "foundWMP()"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "fa_wmp\qt"; Description: "QuickTime (.mov .qt .hdmov .3gp etc)"; GroupDescription: "File associations"; Components: "qt\directshow AND qt\codec AND NOT player\mpclassic"; Check: "foundWMP()"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "fa_wmp\real"; Description: "RealMedia (.rm .ram .rmvb etc) (Note: WMP can only play RealMedia files from your harddrive, it will NOT be able to play streaming RealMedia content)"; GroupDescription: "File associations"; Components: "real\directshow AND real\codec AND NOT player\mpclassic"; Check: "foundWMP()"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "ff_video"; Description: "Decode the following video formats with ffdshow:"; GroupDescription: "ffdshow configuration"; Components: "ffdshow"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "videovfw"; Description: "VFW video codecs:"; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "videovfw\info"; Description: "INFO: VFW codecs are for use in video encoding/editing software. Some can also be used for playback, but only if there is no corresponding DirectShow filter available."; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Name: "qt2\note"; Description: "NOTE: The included version of QuickTime Alternative works only on Windows 2000/XP. Windows 98/ME users should download QuickTime Alternative version 1.51 separately."; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0; OnlyBelowVersion: 0.0,5.0;
Name: "audioacm\info"; Description: "INFO: ACM codecs are for use in audio encoding and video editing software. Some can also be used for playback, but only if there is no corresponding DirectShow filter available."; MinVersion: 4.1,4.0;
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{commonappdata}\Apple Computer\QuickTime"; Components: qt\codec; Check: NOT isInstalled('QuicktimeAlt_is1') AND NOT isInstalledKL('QTCodec');