Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6"; ValueName: "AppPath"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "{app}\SysMech6.exe"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6"; ValueName: "FirstRun"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletevalue dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6"; ValueName: "Initialization"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletevalue dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6"; ValueName: "Orig Installed"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletevalue dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6"; ValueName: "Launch tool code"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletevalue dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6\Hints"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6\Advanced"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6\Options"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6\General Options"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6\webupdate"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6\communications"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6\logs"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\iolo\System Mechanic 6\Spython"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKCR; Subkey: "CLSID\{{23CE4E06-2508-11D0-1977-0734210ABE0B}"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: uninsdeletekey dontcreatekey
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{{5911B5C5-AE00-4843-B2AF-8EE916229951}\{{DE260599-4D7E-45FB-8EB1-7FF633914AF3}"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; AfterInstall: "StoreUserData"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{{5911B5C5-AE00-4843-B2AF-8EE916229951}\{{DE260599-4D7E-45FB-8EB1-7FF633914AF3}"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; AfterInstall: "StoreUserData"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; OnlyBelowVersion: 0.0,5.0;
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{{5911B5C5-AE00-4843-B2AF-8EE916229951}\{{DE260599-4D7E-45FB-8EB1-7FF633914AF3}"; Check: "GetModifyMode or GetRepairMode or GetWebUpdateMode"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;
Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{{5911B5C5-AE00-4843-B2AF-8EE916229951}\{{DE260599-4D7E-45FB-8EB1-7FF633914AF3}"; Check: "GetModifyMode or GetRepairMode or GetWebUpdateMode"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; OnlyBelowVersion: 0.0,5.0;
Filename: "{app}\SysMech6.exe"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,System Mechanic 6}"; Check: "not GetModifyMode AND not GetRepairMode AND not GetWebUpdateMode AND not WizardSilent"; MinVersion: 4.1.1998,5.0; Flags: postinstall skipifsilent nowait
default.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
default.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
default.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
default.LaunchProgram=Launch %1
default.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
default.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
SysReq_Shell32=System Mechanic requires %1 version %2 or higher, contained in the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 Shell Enhancements package. Would you like to learn more about this issue?
SysReq_MSI=This product requires components from Microsoft Windows Installer update 1.1 or later. Would you like to learn more about this issue?
SysReq_HTMLHelp=This product requires components from Microsoft HTML Help update 1.3 or later. Would you like to learn more about this issue?
SetupAppRunningDetail=Setup has detected that the following components are currently running:%n%n%1%nPlease close all instances of those now, then click OK to continue, or Cancel to exit.
UninstallAppRunningDetail=Uninstall has detected that the following components are currently running:%n%n%1%nPlease close all instances of those now, then click OK to continue, or Cancel to exit.
SetupOlderThanInstal=You may not install an older version of System Mechanic over a newer version.%n%nThe version you are installing is %1 while currently installed version was %2.
SettingPermissionsOnDir=Setting permissions on directory: %1
SettingPermissionsOnRegKey=Setting permissions on registry key: %1
SetupNewInstallAvailable=An important update to System Mechanic has been downloaded and is ready to be installed.%n%nInstall now?
UninstallOldProduct_Message=Uninstallation of %1 is in progress...
UninstallOldProduct_FormCaption=Old version detected
UninstallOldProduct_FormDescription=Preparing for uninstallation
UninstallOldProduct_Notice=In order to complete the installation of System Mechanic 6 the removal of all previous versions of %1 is necessary.
UninstallOldProduct_Question=In order to complete the installation of System Mechanic 6%nremoval of the following product(s) is necessary:
UninstallOldProduct_Continue=Do you want to uninstall older versions now?
UninstallOldProduct_Warning=Installing System Mechanic 6 when%nolder versions of its components are also installed is not recommended.%n%nInstall anyway?
UninstallPreviousInstallNotCompleted=To complete the installation or removal of a previous version you will need to restart your computer.%n%nAfter restarting your computer, run Setup again to complete the installation of System Mechanic 6.
UninstallThenAutoStart=Would you like to automatically resume this installation after uninstallation is complete?
License_UserID=User ID:
License_SerialNo=Serial Number:
Billing_detailsCaption=ENTER BILLING DETAILS
Billing_detailsDescription=Items marked with * are required. Note: iolo technologies does not sell, rent or otherwise distribute your details to any third party.
Shipping_detailsCaption=ENTER SHIPPING DETAILS
Shipping_detailsDescription=Items marked with * are required.
LicenseNow_FormCaption=License Software Now?
LicenseNow_FormDescription=Would you like to purchase this product now and license it instantly?
LicenseNow_BigInfo=Currently, you are installing System Mechanic as a trial version, which only allows limited-time use before it will cease to function. You can gain immediate and permanent use of System Mechanic by purchasing a license now, directly from within this installation program. The transaction is fast, secure, and, best of all, you get to start using your software immediately as a fully licensed owner.%n%nSystem Mechanic %1 price: %2%3 (%4)
LicenseNow_PurchaseNow=Purchase and automatically license System Mechanic now
LicenseNow_Continue30Day=No thanks, continue with time-limited trial installation
LicenseNow_Note=Note: Select this option if you have purchased this product already.
PurchaseNow_FormDescription=Items marked with * are required.
PurchaseNow_DeliveryNote=Automatic and immediate online licensing and e-mail details are included free of charge. Additional delivery options are as follows:
PurchaseNow_MailPhysical=Mail me a physical copy. %1 shipping and handling: %2%3 (%4)
PurchaseNow_CardBilledFor=Your credit card will be billed for %1%2 (%3)
PurchaseNow_EmailedInvoice=An e-mail invoice will be sent to %1.
PurchaseNow_MissingInfoNotice=The following information must be entered before proceeding:
Error_BadEmail=Verify email address doesn't match first email address
Error_NotValid=Valid %1
UserDetails_FirstName=First Name*
UserDetails_LastName=Last Name*
UserDetails_CompanyName=Company Name
UserDetails_Address=Street address*
UserDetails_Suite=Suite, number, etc.
UserDetails_PostalCode=Zip/Postal Code
UserDetails_State=State or Province
UserDetails_OtherState=If Other
UserDetails_Email=Email address*
UserDetails_VerifyEmail=Verify email address*
UserDetails_SameBAddress=Same as billing address
UserDetails_CardFirstName=Credit card holder's first name*
UserDetails_CardLastName=Credit card holder's last name*
UserDetails_CardNumber=Credit card number*
UserDetails_ExpMonth=Expiration month*
UserDetails_ExpYear=Expiration year*
UserDetails_DeliveryOptions=Delivery Options
UserDetails_PhysNote=Note: Please allow %1 business days for physical delivery.
UserDetails_ConfirmOrder=Confirm Order
UserDetails_ClickPurchase=Click the button labeled Purchase to complete this order now using iolo's secure network.
ConnectionType_Broadband_PPPoE=Broadband over PPPoE
ConnectionType_NoConnection=No connection
ConnectionType_FormCaption=Internet Connection
ConnectionType_FormDescription=Please specify your connection details.
ConnectionType_Message=To ensure optimal performance, System Mechanic needs to know how you connect to the Internet. Please choose the method that best describes your connection:
ConnectionType_PPPoEMoreInfo=A PPPoE connection is a broadband connection (DSL, cable, wireless, etc.) that%nrequires special log-on software before you can connect. If you are unsure%nabout your connection type, this is the safest default setting.
BootableCD_RemoveWarning=Please remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM device before restarting.
; These files are stubs
; To achieve better results after recompilation, use the real language files