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[Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" AdvancedINF=2.5 ExtensionGUID = {d0e72d64-e6ab-11d1-9362-00c04fd92f7b} Title=%SCETITLE% LayoutFile=SCEFILES.INF ; Main [AppInstall] RegCheck = HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,,CurrentVersion,>=4.0,%WrongNTVersion% RegCheck = HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion,,CSDVersion,>=Service Pack 4,%WrongNTServicePack% UserCheck = ,Administrators,%LogonAsAdmin% Switch = C,%InstallCmdLineHelp%,\ ;Help for this switch MFCCheck, \ ;Check for MFC42U.DLL InstallCmdLine,\ ;Command Line install CmdLineCheckInstall,\ ;Make sure installion succeded. SecureDirectory,\ ;Secure our directory. PostSecureDirectory,\ ;Delete SCP path item DefFinish ;Display message to user Switch = ,%DefaultInstallHelp%,\ ;Help for this switch. MFCCheck,\ ;Check for MFC42U.DLL CheckForIE,\ ;Checks to make sure IE was installed DefPromptUser,\ ;Prompt user with install message. CheckMMCVer,\ ;Install MMC DefaultInstall,\ ;Copy SCE files and register the DLLS CmdLineCheckInstall,\ DefCheckInstallation,\ ;Make sure registration completed successfuly CheckForMMC,\ ;Makes sure MMC was installed SecureDirectory,\ ;Secure our directory. PostSecureDirectory,\ ;Delete SCP path item DefFinish ;Tell the user we finished successfuly ;Alpha check the version of MFC42U.DLL [MFCCheck.NTAlpha] ; Reverse version check. FileCheck = %11%\MFC42U.DLL,==,%IncompatibleFileVersion%,FC_VERTRUE_END ; Install command line only [InstallCmdLine] PreInstallPrompt = %InstallQuestionCmd% FileCheck = %11%\WLDAP32.DLL,>=5.0,%FileNotFound% CopyFiles = CmdLineCopy,InfCopy,SceTemplatesCopy,AcluiHelpCopy Addreg = MMCReg PostRunApp = PostSetupCmdSection ; Make sure command line was installed correctly. [CmdLineCheckInstall] RegCheck = HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows Nt\CurrentVersion\Secedit,,,,%SetupNotComplete% FileCheck =%11%\SceDLL.dll,,%SetupNotCompleteFile% FileCheck =%11%\secedit.exe,,%SetupNotCompleteFile% ; Check for the version of the MMC file, if it's later then do nothing. [CheckMMCVer] FileCheck =if( %11%\MMC.EXE,>5.00.1713.1 ) == SETUP_NORMAL,END,RUN(InstallMMCOnly) ; Prompt user to install MMC. [InstallMMCOnly] InstallPrompt = %InstallMMCQ%,,MB_YESNOCANCEL|MB_ICONQUESTION InstallPrompt = %InstallMMCWarn%,,MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLMATION PostRunApp = RunMMC ;Make sure IE is installed. [CheckForIE] FileCheck = %11%\WLDAP32.DLL,,%WrongIEVersion% FileCheck = %11%\SHLWAPI.DLL,,%WrongIEVersion% FileCheck = %11%\URLMON.DLL,,%WrongIEVersion% FileCheck = %11%\WININET.DLL,,%WrongIEVersion% ;Default installation prompt [DefPromptUser] PreInstallPrompt = %InstallQuestionDef% ;Make sure MMC was installed. [CheckForMMC] RegCheck = HKLM,Software\Microsoft\MMC,,,,%MMCNotInstalled% ; i386 Install everything [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles = CmdLineCopy, SceTemplatesCopy, WinSysCopy, InfCopy, ,AcluiHelpCopy RegisterDll = RegisterDLLSection Addreg = MMCReg ; Alpha install. ;[DefaultInstall.NTAlpha] ; CopyFiles = CmdLineCopyNTAlpha, SceTemplatesCopy, WinSysCopy, InfCopy, ,AcluiHelpCopy ; RegisterDll = RegisterDLLSection ; Addreg = MMCReg ;Make sure our reg key exists. [DefCheckInstallation] RegCheck = HKLM,Software\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\{803E14A0-B4FB-11D0-A0D0-00A0C90F574B},,,,%SetupNotCompleteMMC% ; Success ful message [DefFinish] PostInstallPrompt = %FinishMessage% ; Directory Creation area, and where to copy. [DestinationDirs] ; SCE stuff. SceDirCopy=25, Security SceTemplatesCopy = 25, Security\Templates WinSysCopy=11, CmdLineCopy=11 InfCopy=25, Inf AclUiHelpCopy=25,help ; Install MMC [RunMMC.NTx86] IMMC.EXE [RunMMC.NTAlpha] AMMC.EXE ; Secure out directoies and registry keys. [PostSecureDirectory] DelReg = DelRegSecEdit PostRunApp = DeleteSetupSAD [SecureDirectory] FileCheck = %11%\scedll.dll,,%FileNotFound% FileCheck = %11%\secedit.exe,,%FileNotFound% PostRunApp = RunSecureDirectory [RunSecureDirectory] secedit.exe /configure /areas FILESTORE REGKEYS /cfg .\scesetup.inf /db %25%\security\database\scesetup.sdb /overwrite [DeleteSetupSAD] del /F /Q %25%\security\database\scesetup.sdb [RegisterDLLSection] %11%\Scedll.dll %11%\wsecedit.dll ; If the register section didn't work, then we'll do this instead. [PostSetupCmdSection] regsvr32.exe %11%\scedll.dll /s regsvr32.exe %11%\wsecedit.dll /s [MMCPostSetupCmdSection] regsvr32.exe %11%\mmcndmgr.dll /s regsvr32.exe %11%\hhctrl.ocx /s regsvr32.exe %11%\itss.dll /s regsvr32.exe %11%\itircl.dll /s ; BEGIN Register section [MMCreg] HKCR,.msc,,2,mscfile HKCR,mscfile\shell\open\command,,,"%11%\MMC.EXE ""%%1""" HKCR,Clsid\%CLSID_RSHX_NTFS%,,,%DESCRIPTION% HKCR,Clsid\%CLSID_RSHX_NTFS%\InProcServer32,,,%MODULENAME% HKCR,Clsid\%CLSID_RSHX_NTFS%\InProcServer32,"ThreadingModel",,Apartment HKCR,*\%SHEXPS%\%CLSID_RSHX_NTFS%,,, HKCR,Drive\%SHEXPS%\%CLSID_RSHX_NTFS%,,, HKCR,Directory\%SHEXPS%\%CLSID_RSHX_NTFS%,,, HKCR,Clsid\%CLSID_BRIEFCASE%\%SHEXPS%\%CLSID_RSHX_NTFS%,,, [DelRegSecEdit] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows Nt\CurrentVersion\Secedit,DefaultProfile HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows Nt\CurrentVersion\Secedit,TemplateUsed ; END Registr section ; BEGIN Copy Files sections ; Template files to %windir%\security\templates [AclUiHelpCopy] Aclui.hlp,,,32 [SceTemplatesCopy] securws4.inf,,,32 securdc4.inf,,,32 basicwk4.inf,,,32 basicsv4.inf,,,32 basicdc4.inf,,,32 compws4.inf,,,32 compdc4.inf,,,32 hisecws4.inf,,,32 hisecdc4.inf,,,32 off97sr1.inf,,,32 ; Win sys copy to %windir%\system32 [CmdLineCopy] ; Sec edit. SeCEdit.exe,,,32 scedll.dll,,,32 Aclui.dll,,,32 Rshx32_5.dll,,,32 ; Jet enjine esent.dll,,,32 esentprf.dll,,,32 esentutl.exe,,,32 ; ACL editor dlls. [CmdLineCopyNTAlpha] ; Sec edit. SeCEdit.exe,,,32 scedll.dll,,,32 ; ACL editor dlls. Aclui.dll,,,32 Rshx32_5.dll,,,32 ; Jet enjine esent.dll,,,32 esentprf.dll,,,32 esentutl.exe,,,32 mfc42u.dll,,,32 [WinSysCopy] ; Secedit Executables. wsecedit.dll,,,32 [InfCopy] SCEregvl.inf,,,32 ; String declartions [Strings] WrongNTVersion="You must install Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or greater." WrongNTServicePack="You must install Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4." WrongIEVersion="You must install Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or greater." LogonAsAdmin="You must be logged on as adminitrator." SCETITLE="Microsoft Windows NT Security Configuration Manager" DISKTITLE="Microsoft Windows NT Service Pack 4 CD" FinishMessage="Setup completed successfully." InstallCmdLineHelp="Install command line tools only." InstallMMCOnlyHelp="Install MMC only." MMCNotInstalled="You must install Microsoft Management." DefaultInstallHelp="Default installation installs the UI and command line tools." MODULENAME=rshx32_5.dll DESCRIPTION=Security Shell Extension SHEXPS=shellex\PropertySheetHandlers InstallQuestionDef="Install Microsoft Windows NT Security Configuration Editor - Full install?" InstallQuestionCmd="Install Microsoft Windows NT Security Configuration Editor - Command line tool only?" CLSID_RSHX_NTFS={1f2e5c40-9550-11ce-99d2-00aa006e086c} CLSID_BRIEFCASE={85BBD920-42A0-1069-A2E4-08002B30309D} InstallMMCQ="Would you like to Install Microsoft Management Console?" InstallMMCWarn="This portion of setup may request that you reboot your computer. Please reboot the computer and run setup again if you are asked to do so." SetupNotCompleteFile="MSSCE did not complete successfully. File '%0' not found." SetupNotComplete="Setup did not complete successfully! Please run setup again" SetupNotCompleteMMC="Microsoft Management console was not found. Please run setup again and install Microsoft Manage Console." IncompatibleFileVersion="'%0' is incompatible with Security Configuration Editor. Please install a compatible version before installing Security Configuration Editor. Setup aborting"