PC World 2005 December
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var args;
var globalScreenName = null;
var anonymous=false;
var mywindow = null;
* Function: WarnUserOnload()
* Arguments: None
* Return: None
* Description: This function is called when the warn dialog is loaded. The screenname variable
* is getting passed from the window open function which is now retrieved. A Warning message
* with the obtained screen name is added to the dilaog along with the OK and Cancel button.
function WarnUserOnload()
var screenName = top.window.arguments[0].screenName;
var message = " " + aimString("confirm.WarnUser").replace(/%ScreenName%/g, screenName);
var element = document.getElementById("WarningHtml");
var textNode = document.createTextNode(message);
labels = document.getElementById("okCancelButtonsRight");
element = document.getElementById("ok");
element.setAttribute("label", labels.getAttribute("button1Label"));
element = document.getElementById("cancel");
element.setAttribute("label", labels.getAttribute("button2Label"));
doSetOKCancel(WarnTheSucker, DontWarnTheSucker);
* Function: WarnUserOnUnload()
* Arguments: None
* Return: None
* Description: This function is called when the warn dialog is unloaded.
* DO we need this??
function WarnUserOnUnload()
// WarnUserOnUnload
* Function: toggleWarnAnonymouslyPref()
* Arguments: None
* Return: None
* Description: This function is called when the warn anonymously check box in the
* warning dialog gets clicked. If the user chooses to issue a warning anonymously (less
* severe warning and warnee is not revealed), then a global variable anonymous is set.
* This will be later used by WarnUser function in WarnTheSucker where the actual warning is done.
function toggleWarnAnonymouslyPref()
var element = document.getElementById("WarnAnonymouslyCheckbox");
anonymous = element.checked;
* Function: cmdPeopleWarn()
* Arguments: None
* Return: None
* Description: This function is used to show the warning dialog. This is called
* when uses clicks on the warn button or menu item People->Warn is invoked. It
* gets the screenname and puts the warning dialog window. The screen name is passed
* as an argument to the window open function which will be retrieved later by the
* WarnUserOnload() function. (See Above)
function cmdPeopleWarn()
globalScreenName = AimIMGetFormScreenName();
if (!globalScreenName)
var warnUserArgs = new Object();
warnUserArgs.screenName = globalScreenName;
window.openDialog("chrome://aim/content/WarnUser.xul","_blank", "chrome,dialog=no",warnUserArgs)
* The warnUserCallback is he mechanism that gets used to process the results back from the server
* and backend once a warning request has been issued.
var warnUserCallback = new Object();
* Function: OnWarnUserComplete
* Arguments: None
* Return:
* screenName -- the warned screen name
* delta -- the actual warning amount
* newPercent -- the updated warning percent after the delta has been added.
* Description: This is the callback that gets called if the warning went through successfully.
* It opens a alert window with the information that the screen name has been warned and their new
* warning level.
warnUserCallback.OnWarnUserComplete = function(screenName,delta,newPercent)
top.alert(aimString("msg.WarnComplete").replace(/%ScreenName%/, screenName).replace(/%DeltaApplied%/, delta).replace(/%NewLevel%/, newPercent));
* Function: OnWarnUserError
* Arguments: None
* Return:
* screenName -- the warned screen name
* pErrMsg -- the reason for warning failure
* Description: This is the callback that gets called if the warning failed for some reason. It opens a alert
* window describing that the specified screen name target could not be warned and the reason for it.
warnUserCallback.OnWarnUserError = function(screenName,pErrMsg)
top.alert(aimString("msg.WarnError").replace(/%ScreenName%/, screenName));
* Function: WarnTheSucker()
* Arguments: None
* Return: None
* Description: This function gets the aimWarnings interface and uses the WarnUser method to
* issue a warning. The screenname to warn is obtained from the warning dialog window.
* The global variable anonymous holds the information whether the user wants to warn directly or anonymously.
* These values are passed as parameters to WarnUser method along with the warnUserCallback (See Above). The
* call back will then hold the return values of the warning.
function WarnTheSucker()
var pIAimWarnings = aimWarnings();
if (!pIAimWarnings)
//actually C++ does not use the callback object right now
pIAimWarnings.WarnUser( top.window.arguments[0].screenName , anonymous , warnUserCallback);
* Function: DontWarnTheSucker()
* Arguments: None
* Return: None
* Description: This function is used when the user decides not to warn the user from warning dialog,
* by clikcing on Cancel button. It just closes the warning dialog window.
function DontWarnTheSucker()