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/ PC World 2005 November / PCWorld_2005-11_cd.bin / software / vyzkuste / divfix / DivFix110.exe / Source / DivFix.dof < prev    next >
INI File  |  2003-05-05  |  1KB  |  76 lines

  1. [Compiler]
  2. A=1
  3. B=0
  4. C=1
  5. D=1
  6. E=0
  7. F=0
  8. G=1
  9. H=1
  10. I=1
  11. J=1
  12. K=0
  13. L=1
  14. M=0
  15. N=1
  16. O=1
  17. P=1
  18. Q=0
  19. R=0
  20. S=0
  21. T=0
  22. U=0
  23. V=1
  24. W=0
  25. X=1
  26. Y=0
  27. Z=1
  28. ShowHints=1
  29. ShowWarnings=1
  30. UnitAliases=WinTypes=Windows;WinProcs=Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE;
  31. [Linker]
  32. MapFile=0
  33. OutputObjs=0
  34. ConsoleApp=1
  35. DebugInfo=0
  36. MinStackSize=16384
  37. MaxStackSize=1048576
  38. ImageBase=4194304
  39. ExeDescription=
  40. [Directories]
  41. OutputDir=
  42. UnitOutputDir=
  43. SearchPath=
  44. Packages=VCLX30;VCL30;VCLDB30;VCLDBX30;VCLSMP30;QRPT30
  45. Conditionals=
  46. DebugSourceDirs=
  47. UsePackages=0
  48. [Parameters]
  49. RunParams=
  50. HostApplication=
  51. [Version Info]
  52. IncludeVerInfo=1
  53. AutoIncBuild=0
  54. MajorVer=1
  55. MinorVer=1
  56. Release=0
  57. Build=0
  58. Debug=0
  59. PreRelease=0
  60. Special=0
  61. Private=0
  62. DLL=0
  63. Locale=1038
  64. CodePage=1250
  65. [Version Info Keys]
  66. CompanyName=Budai Csaba
  67. FileDescription=Utility for reindexing DivX AVI files
  68. FileVersion=
  69. InternalName=
  70. LegalCopyright=Copyright (C) 2000-2002  Csaba Budai
  71. LegalTrademarks=
  72. OriginalFilename=DivFix.exe
  73. ProductName=DivFix
  74. ProductVersion=1.10
  75. Comments=This program is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License