PC World 2005 October
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Text File
374 lines
# encoding= latin1
0 Files
1 Open
2 New XHTML 1.1 document
3 New XHTML 1.0 Transitional document
4 New XHTML 1.0 Strict document
5 New XHTML 1.0 Basic document
6 New MathML document
7 New SVG document
8 New CSS style sheet
9 From template
10 Open document
11 Open in new tab
12 Open in new window
13 Clear
14 Click
15 Document saved: %s
16 Attribute
17 URL
18 Text
19 Name
20 Password
21 Use as class
22 Fetching %s
23 Cannot load %s
24 Finished!
25 Select the target
26 Invalid target
27 Insert the URI or browse
28 Title
29 Change Title
30 Document modified - Do you want to save it?
31 Redirection fetching of %s
32 Too many redirections detected
33 Cannot create local file %s
34 Cannot create directory %s
35 Waiting for a free socket
36 Reading %s
37 Writing %s
38 Waiting for connection
39 Contacting %s
40 Looking up %s
41 Unknown Status
42 Authentication Dialogue
43 Please authenticate for
44 Authorization failure for %s
45 %s loaded but no data is available
46 Transfer interrupted!
47 %s is not available at the moment. Please retry later
48 %s loaded
49 Saving %s
50 Cannot save in: %s
51 English system errors messages
52 An anchor cannot contain these elements
53 Cannot create an anchor within an anchor
54 Sorry, no GET support yet for URLs of this type: %s
55 Sorry, no PUT support yet for URLs of this type: %s
56 This version of Amaya does not support this feature
57 Finished writing %s
58 Could not normalize %s
59 Could not create temporary file directory %s
60 No transformation applicable to the selection
61 Transformation failed
62 syntax error in file HTML.trans line %s
63 Maths
64 Graphics
65 Save as
66 Please authenticate for realm \'%s\' at server \'%s\'
67 Realm: %s
68 Server: %s
69 Editor/Browser
70 Request timeout - server did not respond
71 %s already exists. Overwrite it?
72 %s has changed. Overwrite it?
73 Background image
74 Background image not allowed here
75 CSS
76 Saving will save following images too?
77 Failed to save to URL
78 Save to disk ?
79 Copy Images
80 Transform URLs
81 Document location
82 Images directory
83 Object location
84 CSS files
85 Open CSS
86 Disable CSS
87 Enable CSS
88 Remove CSS
89 W3C's editor/browser for the Web
90 (mail issues to www-amaya@w3.org)
91 Can't handle URLs having more than %s chars
92 Only default type is allowed
93 Links update: %s%% has been done
94 Nothing new to be saved
95 repeat-y
96 Please enter username:
97 %d outstanding requests
98 No CSS file available
99 Don't save
100 no-repeat
101 Document doesn't have a name. Saving to:
102 Plugins
103 Unknown error while saving URL %s
104 Cannot make a connection to the server
105 Access to %s is forbidden by the server
106 Operation succeeded for %s
107 %s has been created
108 %s has been updated
109 Operation completed with a %s status code
110 Server did not understand the request syntax
111 Server has no new information to send back
112 This method is not allowed
113 Please authenticate to access %s
114 Verifying ...
115 Saving to %s failed, Save to disk?
116 Saving to %s seems corrupted, ignore?
117 URL %s redirected to %s, ignore?
118 Reload of %s failed, ignore?
119 Server reports a 501 error: %s
120 Server reports a 501 error
121 Server does not support this request method
122 Filter
123 active transfers
124 queued transfers
125 Table of contents
126 Table of links
127 Repeat Mode
128 repeat
129 repeat-x
130 Your previous Amaya session failed. Do you want to reload backup documents?
131 Authentication failed. Retry?
132 Operation will be redirected. Continue?
133 Number of Rows
134 Number of Columns
135 Border
136 Alternate text
137 The Alternate text is mandatory
138 Print URL
139 Apply
140 Defaults
141 Flush cache
142 Cache
143 Enable cache
144 Cache protected documents
145 Disconnected mode
146 Ignore Expires: header
147 Cache directory
148 Cache size (Mb)
149 Cache entry size limit (Mb)
150 Proxy
151 HTTP proxy (e.g., www.w3.org:1234)
152 Proxy domain list (e.g., lists.w3.org)
153 General
154 Home Page
155 ToolTip delay (ms)
156 Double click delay (ms)
157 Menu font size
158 Font zoom
159 Dialogue language
160 Enable line-by-line paste
161 Generate backup files
162 Save geometry on exit
163 Show background images
164 Show button bar
165 Show address
166 Show targets
167 Export CR/LF
168 Browsing
169 Load images (img)
170 Double click activates link
171 Publishing
172 Use ETAGS and preconditions
173 Verify each PUT with a GET
174 Default name for URLs finishing in '/'
175 Geometry
176 Save current geometry
177 Restore default geometry
178 The change will be effective when you open a new window.
179 Colors
180 Document foreground color
181 Document background color
182 Menu foreground color
183 Menu background color
184 Couldn't start the cache. You may have specified an invalid cache directory or another Amaya is using the cache.
185 List of preferred languages like "en, fr":
186 These changes won't be effective until Amaya is restarted
187 Allow automatic PUT redirections to these domains
188 Ignore style sheets
189 Transform type
190 (separate each entry with a space)
191 No proxy on these domains
192 Only proxy these domains
193 Character name
194 Amaya user directory
195 Temporary directory
196 Use palette
197 Language Negotiation
198 Annotations
199 Annotation and bookmark user
200 Annotation post server
201 Annotation servers
202 Autoload local annotations
203 Autoload remote annotations
204 Disable remote autoload at each startup (for off-line work)
205 Selection color
206 Selection background color
207 Orientation
208 Portrait
209 Landscape
210 Enable FTP
211 Not Well-Formed XML document - Reload as HTML or show parsing errors?
212 Not Well-Formed XML document - Show parsing errors?
213 Try the 'File/Force a Character Coding' entry
214 Invalid characters
215 Document profile:
216 Errors detected - see File/Show parsing errors
217 The encoding of this document is not supported by Amaya
218 Editing and saving this document will change its type
219 Not available
220 Browse
221 File Browser
222 Selection
223 Annotation Local Filter Menu
224 Show
225 Hide
226 Show all
227 Hide all
228 * means hidden, - means partially hidden
229 Filter options
230 By author
231 By type
232 By server
233 Access keys
234 Ignore
235 Style element
236 Cannot create an XPointer
237 Impossible to attach a start XPointer on an internal added element
238 Impossible to attach an end XPointer on an internal added element
239 Cannot find where to move the annotation
240 Cannot move the annotation to a different document
241 You cannot annotate a modified document. Please save it first.
242 No annotation user declared. Please open the Annotations/Configure menu.
243 Unable to build an XPointer for this annotation
244 Make a new annotation
245 Failed to post the annotation
246 Failed to delete the annotation
247 Annotation deleted!
248 Failed to load the annotation index
249 Error
250 Select a Character Coding
251 Select a MIME type
252 Change Character Coding
253 Change MIME type
254 Change
255 This type of document doesn't support charsets
256 The target must be an HTTP URL to use this option
257 Error: invalid MIME type
258 Unknown
259 Styles are ignored - see Views/Show parsing errors
260 This document is already loaded in another Window
261 Saving that instance may cause a lost update problem
262 Adding or changing the doctype will remove some elements or attributes
263 Please confirm operation
264 Use the application/xhtml+xml MIME type for XHTML documents
265 Charset for new documents
266 Lock succeed!
267 Lock failed!
268 Locking %s...
269 Document %s is locked!
270 Document %s is locked by %s (timeout %s)
271 Overwrite lock information?
272 Copy the lock information?
273 Try to unlock the document before...
274 Unlock succeed!
275 Unlock failed!
276 Unlocking %s...
277 Document %s is unlocked!
278 Unlock the document?
279 Document properties
280 Document properties are not available
281 Document properties are temporarily unavailable. Try again later...
282 Looking for document properties...
283 Sorry, no WebDAV support for URLs of this type %s
284 Failed to save lock info in the local base
285 Failed to remove lok info from local base
286 Sorry, this operation is not allowed for %s
287 Request failed! Reason: Failed Dependency
288 Request failed! Reason: %s
289 Try again?
290 WebDAV
291 User's Personal Reference (URL)
292 User's WebDAV Resource List (URL URL)
293 Lock Depth
294 infinity
295 Lock Timeout
296 Infinite
297 Other (Seconds)
298 Lock Scope
299 exclusive
300 shared
301 Awarenees
302 General awareness
303 Awareness on exit
304 Animation
305 SVG Library
306 Copy option
307 Copy selection
308 Refer to selection
309 Add new model into library
310 URL of the new SVG file ...
311 Library title
312 Library URL
313 Create library
314 Browse library
315 Create or search library
316 The selection includes no SVG elements. Please reselect
317 The library title is mandatory
318 Move the position cursor in edited document to define a new key position...
319 Key position defined. Move the slider to define animation duration...
320 Select starting color of element...
321 Starting color defined. Move the slider to define animation duration...
322 Select ending color...
323 Animation defined.
324 Animated attribute
325 Element without ID
326 Add ID
327 Remove ID
328 Add/Remove IDs
329 Apply operation
330 Enter an element name
331 Apply CSS
332 Current screen type
333 New Topic
334 Bookmark Properties
335 Topic Properties
336 Topic hierarchy:
337 Title:
338 Recalls:
339 Author:
340 Created:
341 Last modified:
342 Description:
343 Please select an element
344 All CSS
345 CSS style rules applied to the <%s> element\n
346 Blue lines are links activated by a double (or a single) click\n
347 Load objects (object, embed, iframe)
348 No style rule for this element
349 No insert position defined. Please select first
350 Document information
351 Document Type
352 MIME Type
353 Charset
354 Content Length
355 Content Location
356 Preferences
357 Character (&xxx;)
358 Create Object
359 Directory
360 File
361 Replace current
362 In new tab
363 In new tab (not yet available on Mac OSX)
364 In new Window
365 Anti-aliasing
366 ISO format for date
367 New documents location
368 Opening location
369 Warn when closing multiple tabs
370 Max url number in history
371 Clear url list