home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <ML_ConfigSpec version="1">
- <!-- Static folders have a ClassID and PIDL specified in the config spec and
- these are the only information that is needed to intialize themselves.
- Once the parent creates a static folder from its clsid, it passes the PIDL in
- IPersistFolder::Initialize for the Subfolder to initialize itself.
- -->
- <!--
- This section defines the actual folder hierarchy.
- <Folder>
- Attributes:
- Path = the full path PIDL of the folder
- DisplayName = the actual string to display
- DisplayNameResID = the resource ID used to load the appropriate display name. (has precedence over DisplayName.)
- DescriptionResID = the resource ID used to load the appropriate description
- DefaultIconResID = the resource ID used to load the default icon.
- InvalidIconResID = the resource ID used to load the invalid icon.
- ContextInfoID = the class ID used to create the appropriate context information class.
- Modifiable = (0 or 1) Determines if the folder's settings are modifiable by the user. (default=0)
- Removable = (0 or 1) Determines if the folder is removable by the user. (default=0)
- <SubfolderGroupInfo>
- Attributes:
- Index = The index of the SubfolderGroupInfo. Must be unique among its siblings.
- Type = "Simple" (1-to-1 mapping of entry to folder) or "Query" (1-to-many mapping of entry to folders)
- ClassID = The class id of the folder to create
- SubfolderGroupInfo where Type="Simple":
- Node text:
- The relative PIDL of the SubfolderGroupInfo
- The only 2 pieces of "metadata" available for a static folder are Name and Description.
- SubfolderGroupInfo where Type="MetadataQuery":
- <MetadataHierarchy> node text = A semicolon separated list of metadata types that defines the grouping hierarchy of the folder's contents
- <LeafContents> node text = The metadata type of the leaf level's contents
- <Scope> node text = The scope of the MIM queries (applies to all levels)
- <Filter> node text = Additional filter for the MIM queries (applies to all levels)
- <ViewInfo>
- The view itself will come to this file and read its own information
- Info is found using full PIDL + Index and traversing up the hierarchy until it finds a match.
- Each metadata type represented in <MetadataHierarchy> and <LeafContents> SHOULD have a corresponding ViewInfo section.
- Attributes:
- MetadataType = Defines which metadata type this view information is for
- Children:
- <MetadataSet> node text = The name of the metadata set that is to be used in this view (see the MetadataSet section below)
- Note that the MetadataSet can be overridden for any given level and will be saved in this file, identified by PIDL.
- If no metadata set information is provided, just show name.
- <TooltipSet> node text = The name of the tooltip set that is to be used in this view (see the TooltipSetSection below)
- -->
- <!-- each unique browser instance maps to the following cspec roots as in the Text Node -->
- <Roots>
- </Roots>
- <!-- the text node value should match the strContentID passed in to LibraryPageObj CreatePage
- see Contentpageids.h -->
- <ContentID>
- <LibraryPageType>EMBEDDED.LIBRARY.MAIN</LibraryPageType>
- <CDCopyPageType>POPUP.CD.COPY</CDCopyPageType>
- <CDPlayPageType>EMBEDDED.CD.PLAY</CDPlayPageType>
- <PlaylistPageType>POPUP.PLAYLISTS</PlaylistPageType>
- <AutoDJPageType>POPUP.AUTODJ</AutoDJPageType>
- <PortablePageType>POPUP.PORTABLES</PortablePageType>
- <TestPageType>TESTPAGE</TestPageType>
- </ContentID>
- <Folders>
- <!-- This is the root folder. The children are enumerated in <SubfolderGroupInfo></SubfolderGroupInfo>
- Beware this root is used for the Add Tracks dialog, so all these sources need to be here-->
- <Folder PathID="PID_Root"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.Root">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="Static">PID_MyLibrary</SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="2" Type="Static">PID_Playlists</SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="5" Type="Static">PID_CDRoms</SubfolderGroupInfo>
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="PID_PlayCDRoot"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.CDPlay"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="0">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="DeviceQuery">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <Scope>cddvd</Scope>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="PID_CDRoot"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.CDRoms"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="0">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="DeviceQuery">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <Scope>cddvd</Scope>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="1" Type="Static">Lib.RecLineIn</SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="2" Type="Static">Lib.RecMicIn</SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="3" Type="Static">Lib.RecMixerIn</SubfolderGroupInfo>
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="Lib.RecLineIn"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.RecLineIn"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="0">
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="Lib.RecMicIn"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.RecMicIn"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="0">
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="Lib.RecMixerIn"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.RecMixerIn"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="0">
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="PID_PortableRoot"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.Portables"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="0">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="DeviceQuery" MetadataSpec="PID_PortablesMeta">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <Scope>portable</Scope>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="PID_PlaylistsRoot"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.Playlists"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="1">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="Static">PID_Playlists</SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <Scope>database</Scope>
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="PID_Playlists"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.Playlists"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="1">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="MetadataQuery">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Playlist</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <!-- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="1" Type="MetadataQuery" ViewLevels="1">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>AutoDJMix</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- --> <Scope>database</Scope>
- </Folder>
- <!--"My Library" Folder's children are user configurable metadata groups-->
- <!-- temp node for usability -->
- <Folder PathID="Lib.NoDevicesFound"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.NoDevicesFound"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0">
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="PID_CDRoms"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.CDRoms"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="1">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="DeviceQuery">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <Scope>cddvd</Scope>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="PID_AutoDJ"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.AutoDJMixes"
- Attributes="DatabaseAttrs"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="1">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="MetadataQuery">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>AutoDJMix</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <Scope>database</Scope>
- </Folder>
- <!-- <Folder PathID="PID_Playlists"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.Playlists"
- Attributes="DatabaseAttrs"
- IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" IsHidden="1">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="MetadataQuery">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Playlist</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <Scope>database</Scope>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <Scope>database</Scope>
- </Folder>
- -->
- <Folder PathID="PID_TestRoot"
- ResourceKeyword="Lib.Root">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="Static">PID_MyLibraryTest</SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="1" Type="MetadataQuery" IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="0" DisplayInTree="0" IsHidden="1">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>ArtistName</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <QueryFilter>TrackType!=2</QueryFilter>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="2" Type="DeviceQuery">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>cddvd</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <Scope>cddvd</Scope>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- <Scope>database</Scope>
- </Folder>
- <Folder PathID="PID_MyLibraryTest" ResourceKeyword="Lib.MyLibrary" IsNavItem="1" HasNavItems="1" ViewStyle="26">
- <SubfolderGroupInfo Index="0" Type="MetadataQuery" IsNavItem="0" HasNavItems="0" DisplayInTree="0">
- <SubfoldersHierarchy>Track</SubfoldersHierarchy>
- <Scope>database</Scope>
- <QueryFilter>TrackType!=2</QueryFilter>
- </SubfolderGroupInfo>
- </Folder>
- </Folders>
- </ML_ConfigSpec>