home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- """ This module tries to retrieve as much platform-identifying data as
- possible. It makes this information available via function APIs.
- If called from the command line, it prints the platform
- information concatenated as single string to stdout. The output
- format is useable as part of a filename.
- """
- # This module is maintained by Marc-Andre Lemburg <mal@egenix.com>.
- # If you find problems, please submit bug reports/patches via the
- # Python SourceForge Project Page and assign them to "lemburg".
- #
- # Note: Please keep this module compatible to Python 1.5.2.
- #
- # Still needed:
- # * more support for WinCE
- # * support for MS-DOS (PythonDX ?)
- # * support for Amiga and other still unsupported platforms running Python
- # * support for additional Linux distributions
- #
- # Many thanks to all those who helped adding platform-specific
- # checks (in no particular order):
- #
- # Charles G Waldman, David Arnold, Gordon McMillan, Ben Darnell,
- # Jeff Bauer, Cliff Crawford, Ivan Van Laningham, Josef
- # Betancourt, Randall Hopper, Karl Putland, John Farrell, Greg
- # Andruk, Just van Rossum, Thomas Heller, Mark R. Levinson, Mark
- # Hammond, Bill Tutt, Hans Nowak, Uwe Zessin (OpenVMS support),
- # Colin Kong, Trent Mick
- #
- # History:
- # 1.0.1 - reformatted to make doc.py happy
- # 1.0.0 - reformatted a bit and checked into Python CVS
- # 0.8.0 - added sys.version parser and various new access
- # APIs (python_version(), python_compiler(), etc.)
- # 0.7.2 - fixed architecture() to use sizeof(pointer) where available
- # 0.7.1 - added support for Caldera OpenLinux
- # 0.7.0 - some fixes for WinCE; untabified the source file
- # 0.6.2 - support for OpenVMS - requires version 1.5.2-V006 or higher and
- # vms_lib.getsyi() configured
- # 0.6.1 - added code to prevent 'uname -p' on platforms which are
- # known not to support it
- # 0.6.0 - fixed win32_ver() to hopefully work on Win95,98,NT and Win2k;
- # did some cleanup of the interfaces - some APIs have changed
- # 0.5.5 - fixed another type in the MacOS code... should have
- # used more coffee today ;-)
- # 0.5.4 - fixed a few typos in the MacOS code
- # 0.5.3 - added experimental MacOS support; added better popen()
- # workarounds in _syscmd_ver() -- still not 100% elegant
- # though
- # 0.5.2 - fixed uname() to return '' instead of 'unknown' in all
- # return values (the system uname command tends to return
- # 'unknown' instead of just leaving the field emtpy)
- # 0.5.1 - included code for slackware dist; added exception handlers
- # to cover up situations where platforms don't have os.popen
- # (e.g. Mac) or fail on socket.gethostname(); fixed libc
- # detection RE
- # 0.5.0 - changed the API names referring to system commands to *syscmd*;
- # added java_ver(); made syscmd_ver() a private
- # API (was system_ver() in previous versions) -- use uname()
- # instead; extended the win32_ver() to also return processor
- # type information
- # 0.4.0 - added win32_ver() and modified the platform() output for WinXX
- # 0.3.4 - fixed a bug in _follow_symlinks()
- # 0.3.3 - fixed popen() and "file" command invokation bugs
- # 0.3.2 - added architecture() API and support for it in platform()
- # 0.3.1 - fixed syscmd_ver() RE to support Windows NT
- # 0.3.0 - added system alias support
- # 0.2.3 - removed 'wince' again... oh well.
- # 0.2.2 - added 'wince' to syscmd_ver() supported platforms
- # 0.2.1 - added cache logic and changed the platform string format
- # 0.2.0 - changed the API to use functions instead of module globals
- # since some action take too long to be run on module import
- # 0.1.0 - first release
- #
- # You can always get the latest version of this module at:
- #
- # http://www.egenix.com/files/python/platform.py
- #
- # If that URL should fail, try contacting the author.
- __copyright__ = """
- Copyright (c) 1999-2000, Marc-Andre Lemburg; mailto:mal@lemburg.com
- Copyright (c) 2000-2003, eGenix.com Software GmbH; mailto:info@egenix.com
- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- documentation for any purpose and without fee or royalty is hereby granted,
- provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
- both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
- supporting documentation or portions thereof, including modifications,
- that you make.
- """
- __version__ = '1.0.1'
- import sys,string,os,re
- ### Platform specific APIs
- _libc_search = re.compile(r'(__libc_init)'
- '|'
- '(GLIBC_([0-9.]+))'
- '|'
- '(libc(_\w+)?\.so(?:\.(\d[0-9.]*))?)')
- def libc_ver(executable=sys.executable,lib='',version='',
- chunksize=2048):
- """ Tries to determine the libc version that the file executable
- (which defaults to the Python interpreter) is linked against.
- Returns a tuple of strings (lib,version) which default to the
- given parameters in case the lookup fails.
- Note that the function has intimate knowledge of how different
- libc versions add symbols to the executable and thus is probably
- only useable for executables compiled using gcc.
- The file is read and scanned in chunks of chunksize bytes.
- """
- f = open(executable,'rb')
- binary = f.read(chunksize)
- pos = 0
- while 1:
- m = _libc_search.search(binary,pos)
- if not m:
- binary = f.read(chunksize)
- if not binary:
- break
- pos = 0
- continue
- libcinit,glibc,glibcversion,so,threads,soversion = m.groups()
- if libcinit and not lib:
- lib = 'libc'
- elif glibc:
- if lib != 'glibc':
- lib = 'glibc'
- version = glibcversion
- elif glibcversion > version:
- version = glibcversion
- elif so:
- if lib != 'glibc':
- lib = 'libc'
- if soversion > version:
- version = soversion
- if threads and version[-len(threads):] != threads:
- version = version + threads
- pos = m.end()
- f.close()
- return lib,version
- def _dist_try_harder(distname,version,id):
- """ Tries some special tricks to get the distribution
- information in case the default method fails.
- Currently supports older SuSE Linux, Caldera OpenLinux and
- Slackware Linux distributions.
- """
- if os.path.exists('/var/adm/inst-log/info'):
- # SuSE Linux stores distribution information in that file
- info = open('/var/adm/inst-log/info').readlines()
- distname = 'SuSE'
- for line in info:
- tv = string.split(line)
- if len(tv) == 2:
- tag,value = tv
- else:
- continue
- if tag == 'MIN_DIST_VERSION':
- version = string.strip(value)
- elif tag == 'DIST_IDENT':
- values = string.split(value,'-')
- id = values[2]
- return distname,version,id
- if os.path.exists('/etc/.installed'):
- # Caldera OpenLinux has some infos in that file (thanks to Colin Kong)
- info = open('/etc/.installed').readlines()
- for line in info:
- pkg = string.split(line,'-')
- if len(pkg) >= 2 and pkg[0] == 'OpenLinux':
- # XXX does Caldera support non Intel platforms ? If yes,
- # where can we find the needed id ?
- return 'OpenLinux',pkg[1],id
- if os.path.isdir('/usr/lib/setup'):
- # Check for slackware verson tag file (thanks to Greg Andruk)
- verfiles = os.listdir('/usr/lib/setup')
- for n in range(len(verfiles)-1, -1, -1):
- if verfiles[n][:14] != 'slack-version-':
- del verfiles[n]
- if verfiles:
- verfiles.sort()
- distname = 'slackware'
- version = verfiles[-1][14:]
- return distname,version,id
- return distname,version,id
- _release_filename = re.compile(r'(\w+)[-_](release|version)')
- _release_version = re.compile(r'([\d.]+)[^(]*(?:\((.+)\))?')
- def dist(distname='',version='',id='',
- supported_dists=('SuSE','debian','redhat','mandrake')):
- """ Tries to determine the name of the Linux OS distribution name.
- The function first looks for a distribution release file in
- /etc and then reverts to _dist_try_harder() in case no
- suitable files are found.
- Returns a tuple (distname,version,id) which default to the
- args given as parameters.
- """
- try:
- etc = os.listdir('/etc')
- except os.error:
- # Probably not a Unix system
- return distname,version,id
- for file in etc:
- m = _release_filename.match(file)
- if m:
- _distname,dummy = m.groups()
- if _distname in supported_dists:
- distname = _distname
- break
- else:
- return _dist_try_harder(distname,version,id)
- f = open('/etc/'+file,'r')
- firstline = f.readline()
- f.close()
- m = _release_version.search(firstline)
- if m:
- _version,_id = m.groups()
- if _version:
- version = _version
- if _id:
- id = _id
- else:
- # Unkown format... take the first two words
- l = string.split(string.strip(firstline))
- if l:
- version = l[0]
- if len(l) > 1:
- id = l[1]
- return distname,version,id
- class _popen:
- """ Fairly portable (alternative) popen implementation.
- This is mostly needed in case os.popen() is not available, or
- doesn't work as advertised, e.g. in Win9X GUI programs like
- PythonWin or IDLE.
- Writing to the pipe is currently not supported.
- """
- tmpfile = ''
- pipe = None
- bufsize = None
- mode = 'r'
- def __init__(self,cmd,mode='r',bufsize=None):
- if mode != 'r':
- raise ValueError,'popen()-emulation only supports read mode'
- import tempfile
- self.tmpfile = tmpfile = tempfile.mktemp()
- os.system(cmd + ' > %s' % tmpfile)
- self.pipe = open(tmpfile,'rb')
- self.bufsize = bufsize
- self.mode = mode
- def read(self):
- return self.pipe.read()
- def readlines(self):
- if self.bufsize is not None:
- return self.pipe.readlines()
- def close(self,
- remove=os.unlink,error=os.error):
- if self.pipe:
- rc = self.pipe.close()
- else:
- rc = 255
- if self.tmpfile:
- try:
- remove(self.tmpfile)
- except error:
- pass
- return rc
- # Alias
- __del__ = close
- def popen(cmd, mode='r', bufsize=None):
- """ Portable popen() interface.
- """
- # Find a working popen implementation preferring win32pipe.popen
- # over os.popen over _popen
- popen = None
- if os.environ.get('OS','') == 'Windows_NT':
- # On NT win32pipe should work; on Win9x it hangs due to bugs
- # in the MS C lib (see MS KnowledgeBase article Q150956)
- try:
- import win32pipe
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- popen = win32pipe.popen
- if popen is None:
- if hasattr(os,'popen'):
- popen = os.popen
- # Check whether it works... it doesn't in GUI programs
- # on Windows platforms
- if sys.platform == 'win32': # XXX Others too ?
- try:
- popen('')
- except os.error:
- popen = _popen
- else:
- popen = _popen
- if bufsize is None:
- return popen(cmd,mode)
- else:
- return popen(cmd,mode,bufsize)
- def _norm_version(version,build=''):
- """ Normalize the version and build strings and return a single
- vesion string using the format major.minor.build (or patchlevel).
- """
- l = string.split(version,'.')
- if build:
- l.append(build)
- try:
- ints = map(int,l)
- except ValueError:
- strings = l
- else:
- strings = map(str,ints)
- version = string.join(strings[:3],'.')
- return version
- _ver_output = re.compile(r'(?:([\w ]+) ([\w.]+) '
- '.*'
- 'Version ([\d.]+))')
- def _syscmd_ver(system='',release='',version='',
- supported_platforms=('win32','win16','dos','os2')):
- """ Tries to figure out the OS version used and returns
- a tuple (system,release,version).
- It uses the "ver" shell command for this which is known
- to exists on Windows, DOS and OS/2. XXX Others too ?
- In case this fails, the given parameters are used as
- defaults.
- """
- if sys.platform not in supported_platforms:
- return system,release,version
- # Try some common cmd strings
- for cmd in ('ver','command /c ver','cmd /c ver'):
- try:
- pipe = popen(cmd)
- info = pipe.read()
- if pipe.close():
- raise os.error,'command failed'
- # XXX How can I supress shell errors from being written
- # to stderr ?
- except os.error,why:
- #print 'Command %s failed: %s' % (cmd,why)
- continue
- except IOError,why:
- #print 'Command %s failed: %s' % (cmd,why)
- continue
- else:
- break
- else:
- return system,release,version
- # Parse the output
- info = string.strip(info)
- m = _ver_output.match(info)
- if m:
- system,release,version = m.groups()
- # Strip trailing dots from version and release
- if release[-1] == '.':
- release = release[:-1]
- if version[-1] == '.':
- version = version[:-1]
- # Normalize the version and build strings (eliminating additional
- # zeros)
- version = _norm_version(version)
- return system,release,version
- def _win32_getvalue(key,name,default=''):
- """ Read a value for name from the registry key.
- In case this fails, default is returned.
- """
- from win32api import RegQueryValueEx
- try:
- return RegQueryValueEx(key,name)
- except:
- return default
- def win32_ver(release='',version='',csd='',ptype=''):
- """ Get additional version information from the Windows Registry
- and return a tuple (version,csd,ptype) referring to version
- number, CSD level and OS type (multi/single
- processor).
- As a hint: ptype returns 'Uniprocessor Free' on single
- processor NT machines and 'Multiprocessor Free' on multi
- processor machines. The 'Free' refers to the OS version being
- free of debugging code. It could also state 'Checked' which
- means the OS version uses debugging code, i.e. code that
- checks arguments, ranges, etc. (Thomas Heller).
- Note: this function only works if Mark Hammond's win32
- package is installed and obviously only runs on Win32
- compatible platforms.
- """
- # XXX Is there any way to find out the processor type on WinXX ?
- # XXX Is win32 available on Windows CE ?
- # Adapted from code posted by Karl Putland to comp.lang.python.
- # Import the needed APIs
- try:
- import win32api
- except ImportError:
- return release,version,csd,ptype
- from win32api import RegQueryValueEx,RegOpenKeyEx,RegCloseKey,GetVersionEx
- from win32con import HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT,\
- # Find out the registry key and some general version infos
- maj,min,buildno,plat,csd = GetVersionEx()
- version = '%i.%i.%i' % (maj,min,buildno & 0xFFFF)
- if csd[:13] == 'Service Pack ':
- csd = 'SP' + csd[13:]
- regkey = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion'
- # Try to guess the release name
- if maj == 4:
- if min == 0:
- release = '95'
- else:
- release = '98'
- elif maj == 5:
- release = '2000'
- elif plat == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT:
- regkey = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion'
- if maj <= 4:
- release = 'NT'
- elif maj == 5:
- release = '2000'
- else:
- if not release:
- # E.g. Win3.1 with win32s
- release = '%i.%i' % (maj,min)
- return release,version,csd,ptype
- # Open the registry key
- try:
- keyCurVer = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,regkey)
- # Get a value to make sure the key exists...
- RegQueryValueEx(keyCurVer,'SystemRoot')
- except:
- return release,version,csd,ptype
- # Parse values
- #subversion = _win32_getvalue(keyCurVer,
- # 'SubVersionNumber',
- # ('',1))[0]
- #if subversion:
- # release = release + subversion # 95a, 95b, etc.
- build = _win32_getvalue(keyCurVer,
- 'CurrentBuildNumber',
- ('',1))[0]
- ptype = _win32_getvalue(keyCurVer,
- 'CurrentType',
- (ptype,1))[0]
- # Normalize version
- version = _norm_version(version,build)
- # Close key
- RegCloseKey(keyCurVer)
- return release,version,csd,ptype
- def _mac_ver_lookup(selectors,default=None):
- from gestalt import gestalt
- import MacOS
- l = []
- append = l.append
- for selector in selectors:
- try:
- append(gestalt(selector))
- except (RuntimeError, MacOS.Error):
- append(default)
- return l
- def _bcd2str(bcd):
- return hex(bcd)[2:]
- def mac_ver(release='',versioninfo=('','',''),machine=''):
- """ Get MacOS version information and return it as tuple (release,
- versioninfo, machine) with versioninfo being a tuple (version,
- dev_stage, non_release_version).
- Entries which cannot be determined are set to the paramter values
- which default to ''. All tuple entries are strings.
- Thanks to Mark R. Levinson for mailing documentation links and
- code examples for this function. Documentation for the
- gestalt() API is available online at:
- http://www.rgaros.nl/gestalt/
- """
- # Check whether the version info module is available
- try:
- import gestalt
- import MacOS
- except ImportError:
- return release,versioninfo,machine
- # Get the infos
- sysv,sysu,sysa = _mac_ver_lookup(('sysv','sysu','sysa'))
- # Decode the infos
- if sysv:
- major = (sysv & 0xFF00) >> 8
- minor = (sysv & 0x00F0) >> 4
- patch = (sysv & 0x000F)
- release = '%s.%i.%i' % (_bcd2str(major),minor,patch)
- if sysu:
- major = int((sysu & 0xFF000000L) >> 24)
- minor = (sysu & 0x00F00000) >> 20
- bugfix = (sysu & 0x000F0000) >> 16
- stage = (sysu & 0x0000FF00) >> 8
- nonrel = (sysu & 0x000000FF)
- version = '%s.%i.%i' % (_bcd2str(major),minor,bugfix)
- nonrel = _bcd2str(nonrel)
- stage = {0x20:'development',
- 0x40:'alpha',
- 0x60:'beta',
- 0x80:'final'}.get(stage,'')
- versioninfo = (version,stage,nonrel)
- if sysa:
- machine = {0x1: '68k',
- 0x2: 'PowerPC'}.get(sysa,'')
- return release,versioninfo,machine
- def _java_getprop(name,default):
- from java.lang import System
- try:
- return System.getProperty(name)
- except:
- return default
- def java_ver(release='',vendor='',vminfo=('','',''),osinfo=('','','')):
- """ Version interface for Jython.
- Returns a tuple (release,vendor,vminfo,osinfo) with vminfo being
- a tuple (vm_name,vm_release,vm_vendor) and osinfo being a
- tuple (os_name,os_version,os_arch).
- Values which cannot be determined are set to the defaults
- given as parameters (which all default to '').
- """
- # Import the needed APIs
- try:
- import java.lang
- except ImportError:
- return release,vendor,vminfo,osinfo
- vendor = _java_getprop('java.vendor',vendor)
- release = _java_getprop('java.version',release)
- vm_name,vm_release,vm_vendor = vminfo
- vm_name = _java_getprop('java.vm.name',vm_name)
- vm_vendor = _java_getprop('java.vm.vendor',vm_vendor)
- vm_release = _java_getprop('java.vm.version',vm_release)
- vminfo = vm_name,vm_release,vm_vendor
- os_name,os_version,os_arch = osinfo
- os_arch = _java_getprop('java.os.arch',os_arch)
- os_name = _java_getprop('java.os.name',os_name)
- os_version = _java_getprop('java.os.version',os_version)
- osinfo = os_name,os_version,os_arch
- return release,vendor,vminfo,osinfo
- ### System name aliasing
- def system_alias(system,release,version):
- """ Returns (system,release,version) aliased to common
- marketing names used for some systems.
- It also does some reordering of the information in some cases
- where it would otherwise cause confusion.
- """
- if system == 'Rhapsody':
- # Apple's BSD derivative
- # XXX How can we determine the marketing release number ?
- return 'MacOS X Server',system+release,version
- elif system == 'SunOS':
- # Sun's OS
- if release < '5':
- # These releases use the old name SunOS
- return system,release,version
- # Modify release (marketing release = SunOS release - 3)
- l = string.split(release,'.')
- if l:
- try:
- major = int(l[0])
- except ValueError:
- pass
- else:
- major = major - 3
- l[0] = str(major)
- release = string.join(l,'.')
- if release < '6':
- system = 'Solaris'
- else:
- # XXX Whatever the new SunOS marketing name is...
- system = 'Solaris'
- elif system == 'IRIX64':
- # IRIX reports IRIX64 on platforms with 64-bit support; yet it
- # is really a version and not a different platform, since 32-bit
- # apps are also supported..
- system = 'IRIX'
- if version:
- version = version + ' (64bit)'
- else:
- version = '64bit'
- elif system in ('win32','win16'):
- # In case one of the other tricks
- system = 'Windows'
- return system,release,version
- ### Various internal helpers
- def _platform(*args):
- """ Helper to format the platform string in a filename
- compatible format e.g. "system-version-machine".
- """
- # Format the platform string
- platform = string.join(
- map(string.strip,
- filter(len,args)),
- '-')
- # Cleanup some possible filename obstacles...
- replace = string.replace
- platform = replace(platform,' ','_')
- platform = replace(platform,'/','-')
- platform = replace(platform,'\\','-')
- platform = replace(platform,':','-')
- platform = replace(platform,';','-')
- platform = replace(platform,'"','-')
- platform = replace(platform,'(','-')
- platform = replace(platform,')','-')
- # No need to report 'unknown' information...
- platform = replace(platform,'unknown','')
- # Fold '--'s and remove trailing '-'
- while 1:
- cleaned = replace(platform,'--','-')
- if cleaned == platform:
- break
- platform = cleaned
- while platform[-1] == '-':
- platform = platform[:-1]
- return platform
- def _node(default=''):
- """ Helper to determine the node name of this machine.
- """
- try:
- import socket
- except ImportError:
- # No sockets...
- return default
- try:
- return socket.gethostname()
- except socket.error:
- # Still not working...
- return default
- # os.path.abspath is new in Python 1.5.2:
- if not hasattr(os.path,'abspath'):
- def _abspath(path,
- isabs=os.path.isabs,join=os.path.join,getcwd=os.getcwd,
- normpath=os.path.normpath):
- if not isabs(path):
- path = join(getcwd(), path)
- return normpath(path)
- else:
- _abspath = os.path.abspath
- def _follow_symlinks(filepath):
- """ In case filepath is a symlink, follow it until a
- real file is reached.
- """
- filepath = _abspath(filepath)
- while os.path.islink(filepath):
- filepath = os.path.normpath(
- os.path.join(filepath,os.readlink(filepath)))
- return filepath
- def _syscmd_uname(option,default=''):
- """ Interface to the system's uname command.
- """
- if sys.platform in ('dos','win32','win16','os2'):
- # XXX Others too ?
- return default
- try:
- f = os.popen('uname %s 2> /dev/null' % option)
- except (AttributeError,os.error):
- return default
- output = string.strip(f.read())
- rc = f.close()
- if not output or rc:
- return default
- else:
- return output
- def _syscmd_file(target,default=''):
- """ Interface to the system's file command.
- The function uses the -b option of the file command to have it
- ommit the filename in its output and if possible the -L option
- to have the command follow symlinks. It returns default in
- case the command should fail.
- """
- target = _follow_symlinks(target)
- try:
- f = os.popen('file %s 2> /dev/null' % target)
- except (AttributeError,os.error):
- return default
- output = string.strip(f.read())
- rc = f.close()
- if not output or rc:
- return default
- else:
- return output
- ### Information about the used architecture
- # Default values for architecture; non-empty strings override the
- # defaults given as parameters
- _default_architecture = {
- 'win32': ('','WindowsPE'),
- 'win16': ('','Windows'),
- 'dos': ('','MSDOS'),
- }
- _architecture_split = re.compile(r'[\s,]').split
- def architecture(executable=sys.executable,bits='',linkage=''):
- """ Queries the given executable (defaults to the Python interpreter
- binary) for various architecture information.
- Returns a tuple (bits,linkage) which contains information about
- the bit architecture and the linkage format used for the
- executable. Both values are returned as strings.
- Values that cannot be determined are returned as given by the
- parameter presets. If bits is given as '', the sizeof(pointer)
- (or sizeof(long) on Python version < 1.5.2) is used as
- indicator for the supported pointer size.
- The function relies on the system's "file" command to do the
- actual work. This is available on most if not all Unix
- platforms. On some non-Unix platforms where the "file" command
- does not exist and the executable is set to the Python interpreter
- binary defaults from _default_architecture are used.
- """
- # Use the sizeof(pointer) as default number of bits if nothing
- # else is given as default.
- if not bits:
- import struct
- try:
- size = struct.calcsize('P')
- except struct.error:
- # Older installations can only query longs
- size = struct.calcsize('l')
- bits = str(size*8) + 'bit'
- # Get data from the 'file' system command
- output = _syscmd_file(executable,'')
- if not output and \
- executable == sys.executable:
- # "file" command did not return anything; we'll try to provide
- # some sensible defaults then...
- if _default_architecture.has_key(sys.platform):
- b,l = _default_architecture[sys.platform]
- if b:
- bits = b
- if l:
- linkage = l
- return bits,linkage
- # Split the output into a list of strings omitting the filename
- fileout = _architecture_split(output)[1:]
- if 'executable' not in fileout:
- # Format not supported
- return bits,linkage
- # Bits
- if '32-bit' in fileout:
- bits = '32bit'
- elif 'N32' in fileout:
- # On Irix only
- bits = 'n32bit'
- elif '64-bit' in fileout:
- bits = '64bit'
- # Linkage
- if 'ELF' in fileout:
- linkage = 'ELF'
- elif 'PE' in fileout:
- # E.g. Windows uses this format
- if 'Windows' in fileout:
- linkage = 'WindowsPE'
- else:
- linkage = 'PE'
- elif 'COFF' in fileout:
- linkage = 'COFF'
- elif 'MS-DOS' in fileout:
- linkage = 'MSDOS'
- else:
- # XXX the A.OUT format also falls under this class...
- pass
- return bits,linkage
- ### Portable uname() interface
- _uname_cache = None
- def uname():
- """ Fairly portable uname interface. Returns a tuple
- of strings (system,node,release,version,machine,processor)
- identifying the underlying platform.
- Note that unlike the os.uname function this also returns
- possible processor information as an additional tuple entry.
- Entries which cannot be determined are set to ''.
- """
- global _uname_cache
- if _uname_cache is not None:
- return _uname_cache
- # Get some infos from the builtin os.uname API...
- try:
- system,node,release,version,machine = os.uname()
- except AttributeError:
- # Hmm, no uname... we'll have to poke around the system then.
- system = sys.platform
- release = ''
- version = ''
- node = _node()
- machine = ''
- processor = ''
- use_syscmd_ver = 1
- # Try win32_ver() on win32 platforms
- if system == 'win32':
- release,version,csd,ptype = win32_ver()
- if release and version:
- use_syscmd_ver = 0
- # Try the 'ver' system command available on some
- # platforms
- if use_syscmd_ver:
- system,release,version = _syscmd_ver(system)
- # In case we still don't know anything useful, we'll try to
- # help ourselves
- if system in ('win32','win16'):
- if not version:
- if system == 'win32':
- version = '32bit'
- else:
- version = '16bit'
- system = 'Windows'
- elif system[:4] == 'java':
- release,vendor,vminfo,osinfo = java_ver()
- system = 'Java'
- version = string.join(vminfo,', ')
- if not version:
- version = vendor
- elif os.name == 'mac':
- release,(version,stage,nonrel),machine = mac_ver()
- system = 'MacOS'
- else:
- # System specific extensions
- if system == 'OpenVMS':
- # OpenVMS seems to have release and version mixed up
- if not release or release == '0':
- release = version
- version = ''
- # Get processor information
- try:
- import vms_lib
- except ImportError:
- pass
- else:
- csid, cpu_number = vms_lib.getsyi('SYI$_CPU',0)
- if (cpu_number >= 128):
- processor = 'Alpha'
- else:
- processor = 'VAX'
- else:
- # Get processor information from the uname system command
- processor = _syscmd_uname('-p','')
- # 'unknown' is not really any useful as information; we'll convert
- # it to '' which is more portable
- if system == 'unknown':
- system = ''
- if node == 'unknown':
- node = ''
- if release == 'unknown':
- release = ''
- if version == 'unknown':
- version = ''
- if machine == 'unknown':
- machine = ''
- if processor == 'unknown':
- processor = ''
- _uname_cache = system,node,release,version,machine,processor
- return _uname_cache
- ### Direct interfaces to some of the uname() return values
- def system():
- """ Returns the system/OS name, e.g. 'Linux', 'Windows' or 'Java'.
- An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.
- """
- return uname()[0]
- def node():
- """ Returns the computer's network name (which may not be fully
- qualified)
- An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.
- """
- return uname()[1]
- def release():
- """ Returns the system's release, e.g. '2.2.0' or 'NT'
- An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.
- """
- return uname()[2]
- def version():
- """ Returns the system's release version, e.g. '#3 on degas'
- An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.
- """
- return uname()[3]
- def machine():
- """ Returns the machine type, e.g. 'i386'
- An empty string is returned if the value cannot be determined.
- """
- return uname()[4]
- def processor():
- """ Returns the (true) processor name, e.g. 'amdk6'
- An empty string is returned if the value cannot be
- determined. Note that many platforms do not provide this
- information or simply return the same value as for machine(),
- e.g. NetBSD does this.
- """
- return uname()[5]
- ### Various APIs for extracting information from sys.version
- _sys_version_parser = re.compile(r'([\w.+]+)\s*'
- '\(#(\d+),\s*([\w ]+),\s*([\w :]+)\)\s*'
- '\[([^\]]+)\]?')
- _sys_version_cache = None
- def _sys_version():
- """ Returns a parsed version of Python's sys.version as tuple
- (version, buildno, builddate, compiler) referring to the Python
- version, build number, build date/time as string and the compiler
- identification string.
- Note that unlike the Python sys.version, the returned value
- for the Python version will always include the patchlevel (it
- defaults to '.0').
- """
- global _sys_version_cache
- import time
- if _sys_version_cache is not None:
- return _sys_version_cache
- version, buildno, builddate, buildtime, compiler = \
- _sys_version_parser.match(sys.version).groups()
- buildno = int(buildno)
- builddate = builddate + ' ' + buildtime
- l = string.split(version, '.')
- if len(l) == 2:
- l.append('0')
- version = string.join(l, '.')
- _sys_version_cache = (version, buildno, builddate, compiler)
- return _sys_version_cache
- def python_version():
- """ Returns the Python version as string 'major.minor.patchlevel'
- Note that unlike the Python sys.version, the returned value
- will always include the patchlevel (it defaults to 0).
- """
- return _sys_version()[0]
- def python_version_tuple():
- """ Returns the Python version as tuple (major, minor, patchlevel)
- of strings.
- Note that unlike the Python sys.version, the returned value
- will always include the patchlevel (it defaults to 0).
- """
- return string.split(_sys_version()[0], '.')
- def python_build():
- """ Returns a tuple (buildno, builddate) stating the Python
- build number and date as strings.
- """
- return _sys_version()[1:3]
- def python_compiler():
- """ Returns a string identifying the compiler used for compiling
- Python.
- """
- return _sys_version()[3]
- ### The Opus Magnum of platform strings :-)
- _platform_cache = None
- _platform_aliased_cache = None
- def platform(aliased=0, terse=0):
- """ Returns a single string identifying the underlying platform
- with as much useful information as possible (but no more :).
- The output is intended to be human readable rather than
- machine parseable. It may look different on different
- platforms and this is intended.
- If "aliased" is true, the function will use aliases for
- various platforms that report system names which differ from
- their common names, e.g. SunOS will be reported as
- Solaris. The system_alias() function is used to implement
- this.
- Setting terse to true causes the function to return only the
- absolute minimum information needed to identify the platform.
- """
- global _platform_cache,_platform_aliased_cache
- if not aliased and (_platform_cache is not None):
- return _platform_cache
- elif _platform_aliased_cache is not None:
- return _platform_aliased_cache
- # Get uname information and then apply platform specific cosmetics
- # to it...
- system,node,release,version,machine,processor = uname()
- if machine == processor:
- processor = ''
- if aliased:
- system,release,version = system_alias(system,release,version)
- if system == 'Windows':
- # MS platforms
- rel,vers,csd,ptype = win32_ver(version)
- if terse:
- platform = _platform(system,release)
- else:
- platform = _platform(system,release,version,csd)
- elif system in ('Linux',):
- # Linux based systems
- distname,distversion,distid = dist('')
- if distname and not terse:
- platform = _platform(system,release,machine,processor,
- 'with',
- distname,distversion,distid)
- else:
- # If the distribution name is unknown check for libc vs. glibc
- libcname,libcversion = libc_ver(sys.executable)
- platform = _platform(system,release,machine,processor,
- 'with',
- libcname+libcversion)
- elif system == 'Java':
- # Java platforms
- r,v,vminfo,(os_name,os_version,os_arch) = java_ver()
- if terse:
- platform = _platform(system,release,version)
- else:
- platform = _platform(system,release,version,
- 'on',
- os_name,os_version,os_arch)
- elif system == 'MacOS':
- # MacOS platforms
- if terse:
- platform = _platform(system,release)
- else:
- platform = _platform(system,release,machine)
- else:
- # Generic handler
- if terse:
- platform = _platform(system,release)
- else:
- bits,linkage = architecture(sys.executable)
- platform = _platform(system,release,machine,processor,bits,linkage)
- if aliased:
- _platform_aliased_cache = platform
- elif terse:
- pass
- else:
- _platform_cache = platform
- return platform
- ### Command line interface
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # Default is to print the aliased verbose platform string
- terse = ('terse' in sys.argv or '--terse' in sys.argv)
- aliased = (not 'nonaliased' in sys.argv and not '--nonaliased' in sys.argv)
- print platform(aliased,terse)
- sys.exit(0)