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- # Assembler.pm
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1996 Malcolm Beattie
- #
- # You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
- # License or the Artistic License, as specified in the README file.
- package B::Assembler;
- use Exporter;
- use B qw(ppname);
- use B::Asmdata qw(%insn_data @insn_name);
- use Config qw(%Config);
- require ByteLoader; # we just need its $VERSIOM
- no warnings; # XXX
- @ISA = qw(Exporter);
- @EXPORT_OK = qw(assemble_fh newasm endasm assemble asm);
- $VERSION = 0.06;
- use strict;
- my %opnumber;
- my ($i, $opname);
- for ($i = 0; defined($opname = ppname($i)); $i++) {
- $opnumber{$opname} = $i;
- }
- my($linenum, $errors, $out); # global state, set up by newasm
- sub error {
- my $str = shift;
- warn "$linenum: $str\n";
- $errors++;
- }
- my $debug = 0;
- sub debug { $debug = shift }
- sub limcheck($$$$){
- my( $val, $lo, $hi, $loc ) = @_;
- if( $val < $lo || $hi < $val ){
- error "argument for $loc outside [$lo, $hi]: $val";
- $val = $hi;
- }
- return $val;
- }
- #
- # First define all the data conversion subs to which Asmdata will refer
- #
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_U8 {
- my $arg = shift;
- my $c = uncstring($arg);
- if (defined($c)) {
- if (length($c) != 1) {
- error "argument for U8 is too long: $c";
- $c = substr($c, 0, 1);
- }
- } else {
- $arg = limcheck( $arg, 0, 0xff, 'U8' );
- $c = chr($arg);
- }
- return $c;
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_U16 {
- my $arg = limcheck( $_[0], 0, 0xffff, 'U16' );
- pack("S", $arg);
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_U32 {
- my $arg = limcheck( $_[0], 0, 0xffffffff, 'U32' );
- pack("L", $arg);
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_I32 {
- my $arg = limcheck( $_[0], -0x80000000, 0x7fffffff, 'I32' );
- pack("l", $arg);
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_NV { sprintf("%s\0", $_[0]) } # "%lf" looses precision and pack('d',...)
- # may not even be portable between compilers
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_objindex { # could allow names here
- my $arg = limcheck( $_[0], 0, 0xffffffff, '*index' );
- pack("L", $arg);
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_svindex { &B::Asmdata::PUT_objindex }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_opindex { &B::Asmdata::PUT_objindex }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_pvindex { &B::Asmdata::PUT_objindex }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_strconst {
- my $arg = shift;
- my $str = uncstring($arg);
- if (!defined($str)) {
- error "bad string constant: $arg";
- $str = '';
- }
- if ($str =~ s/\0//g) {
- error "string constant argument contains NUL: $arg";
- $str = '';
- }
- return $str . "\0";
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_pvcontents {
- my $arg = shift;
- error "extraneous argument: $arg" if defined $arg;
- return "";
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_PV {
- my $arg = shift;
- my $str = uncstring($arg);
- if( ! defined($str) ){
- error "bad string argument: $arg";
- $str = '';
- }
- return pack("L", length($str)) . $str;
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_comment_t {
- my $arg = shift;
- $arg = uncstring($arg);
- error "bad string argument: $arg" unless defined($arg);
- if ($arg =~ s/\n//g) {
- error "comment argument contains linefeed: $arg";
- }
- return $arg . "\n";
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_double { sprintf("%s\0", $_[0]) } # see PUT_NV above
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_none {
- my $arg = shift;
- error "extraneous argument: $arg" if defined $arg;
- return "";
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_op_tr_array {
- my @ary = split /\s*,\s*/, shift;
- return pack "S*", @ary;
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_IV64 {
- return pack "Q", shift;
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_IV {
- $Config{ivsize} == 4 ? &B::Asmdata::PUT_I32 : &B::Asmdata::PUT_IV64;
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_PADOFFSET {
- $Config{ptrsize} == 8 ? &B::Asmdata::PUT_IV64 : &B::Asmdata::PUT_U32;
- }
- sub B::Asmdata::PUT_long {
- $Config{longsize} == 8 ? &B::Asmdata::PUT_IV64 : &B::Asmdata::PUT_U32;
- }
- my %unesc = (n => "\n", r => "\r", t => "\t", a => "\a",
- b => "\b", f => "\f", v => "\013");
- sub uncstring {
- my $s = shift;
- $s =~ s/^"// and $s =~ s/"$// or return undef;
- $s =~ s/\\(\d\d\d|.)/length($1) == 3 ? chr(oct($1)) : ($unesc{$1}||$1)/eg;
- return $s;
- }
- sub strip_comments {
- my $stmt = shift;
- # Comments only allowed in instructions which don't take string arguments
- # Treat string as a single line so .* eats \n characters.
- $stmt =~ s{
- ^\s* # Ignore leading whitespace
- (
- [^"]* # A double quote '"' indicates a string argument. If we
- # find a double quote, the match fails and we strip nothing.
- )
- \s*\# # Any amount of whitespace plus the comment marker...
- .*$ # ...which carries on to end-of-string.
- }{$1}sx; # Keep only the instruction and optional argument.
- return $stmt;
- }
- # create the ByteCode header: magic, archname, ByteLoader $VERSION, ivsize,
- # ptrsize, byteorder
- # nvtype is irrelevant (floats are stored as strings)
- # byteorder is strconst not U32 because of varying size issues
- sub gen_header {
- my $header = "";
- $header .= B::Asmdata::PUT_U32(0x43424c50); # 'PLBC'
- $header .= B::Asmdata::PUT_strconst('"' . $Config{archname}. '"');
- $header .= B::Asmdata::PUT_strconst(qq["$ByteLoader::VERSION"]);
- $header .= B::Asmdata::PUT_U32($Config{ivsize});
- $header .= B::Asmdata::PUT_U32($Config{ptrsize});
- $header;
- }
- sub parse_statement {
- my $stmt = shift;
- my ($insn, $arg) = $stmt =~ m{
- ^\s* # allow (but ignore) leading whitespace
- (.*?) # Instruction continues up until...
- (?: # ...an optional whitespace+argument group
- \s+ # first whitespace.
- (.*) # The argument is all the rest (newlines included).
- )?$ # anchor at end-of-line
- }sx;
- if (defined($arg)) {
- if ($arg =~ s/^0x(?=[0-9a-fA-F]+$)//) {
- $arg = hex($arg);
- } elsif ($arg =~ s/^0(?=[0-7]+$)//) {
- $arg = oct($arg);
- } elsif ($arg =~ /^pp_/) {
- $arg =~ s/\s*$//; # strip trailing whitespace
- my $opnum = $opnumber{$arg};
- if (defined($opnum)) {
- $arg = $opnum;
- } else {
- error qq(No such op type "$arg");
- $arg = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return ($insn, $arg);
- }
- sub assemble_insn {
- my ($insn, $arg) = @_;
- my $data = $insn_data{$insn};
- if (defined($data)) {
- my ($bytecode, $putsub) = @{$data}[0, 1];
- my $argcode = &$putsub($arg);
- return chr($bytecode).$argcode;
- } else {
- error qq(no such instruction "$insn");
- return "";
- }
- }
- sub assemble_fh {
- my ($fh, $out) = @_;
- my $line;
- my $asm = newasm($out);
- while ($line = <$fh>) {
- assemble($line);
- }
- endasm();
- }
- sub newasm {
- my($outsub) = @_;
- die "Invalid printing routine for B::Assembler\n" unless ref $outsub eq 'CODE';
- die <<EOD if ref $out;
- Can't have multiple byteassembly sessions at once!
- (perhaps you forgot an endasm()?)
- $linenum = $errors = 0;
- $out = $outsub;
- $out->(gen_header());
- }
- sub endasm {
- if ($errors) {
- die "There were $errors assembly errors\n";
- }
- $linenum = $errors = $out = 0;
- }
- sub assemble {
- my($line) = @_;
- my ($insn, $arg);
- $linenum++;
- chomp $line;
- if ($debug) {
- my $quotedline = $line;
- $quotedline =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $quotedline =~ s/"/\\"/g;
- $out->(assemble_insn("comment", qq("$quotedline")));
- }
- if( $line = strip_comments($line) ){
- ($insn, $arg) = parse_statement($line);
- $out->(assemble_insn($insn, $arg));
- if ($debug) {
- $out->(assemble_insn("nop", undef));
- }
- }
- }
- ### temporary workaround
- sub asm {
- return if $_[0] =~ /\s*\W/;
- if (defined $_[1]) {
- return if $_[1] eq "0" and $_[0] !~ /^(?:newsvx?|av_pushx?|xav_flags)$/;
- return if $_[1] eq "1" and $_[0] =~ /^(?:sv_refcnt)$/;
- }
- assemble "@_";
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- B::Assembler - Assemble Perl bytecode
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use B::Assembler qw(newasm endasm assemble);
- newasm(\&printsub); # sets up for assembly
- assemble($buf); # assembles one line
- endasm(); # closes down
- use B::Assembler qw(assemble_fh);
- assemble_fh($fh, \&printsub); # assemble everything in $fh
- See F<ext/B/B/Assembler.pm>.
- =head1 AUTHORS
- Malcolm Beattie, C<mbeattie@sable.ox.ac.uk>
- Per-statement interface by Benjamin Stuhl, C<sho_pi@hotmail.com>
- =cut