PC World 2005 May
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275 lines
# Keyboard configuration file for Windows
# Be careful when using Alt key to define short cuts.
# Alt key, referenced by Windows API as VK_MENU is
# usually used by Windows for some particular purposes
# and especially default short cuts. Amaya also uses this
# particular key to introduce its own short cuts without using
# the Windows standard accelerator table.
# You have to distinguish between <Alt/Control><Key> sequences and
# <Shift><Alt/Control><Key> sequences.
# For example:
# Ctrl <Key>O: ZoomIn() ## is wrong
# Shift <Key>O: ZoomIn() ## is correct
# Alt <Key>=: ZoomIn() ## is correct
# On Windows platforms Shift Alt is reserved by the system and
# cannot be used to define shortcuts
# Ctrl-x, c, v are used for cut, copy, paste
# Ctrl-z and Ctrl-y are used for Undo/Redo
# Ctrl-a, e are used for moving around
# Ctrl-k is used for the spellcheck
# Ctrl-r, b, F are used for reload, back and forward
# Ctrl-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are used for headings.
# Ctrl-m is used for Math functions
# Alt-f is used for Forms functions
# Alt-s is used for Style functions
# Ctrl-n is used for New functions (n, t, c) and Annotation functions
# Ctrl-t is used for Types in the types menu, and some table actions
# Alt-t is used for style types
# Alt-v is used for view menus
# Ctrl-L, T, D and Shift-Alt-L are used for linking
# Ctrl-B, I are used for strong and emphasis
# Ctrl-N is for changing the title (Name...)
# Ctrl-! and S are used in the structure menu.
# Ctrl-Return, Space are used for BR and
# personal keyboard file for Amaya
#moving around
<Key>Delete: TtcDeleteSelection()
<Key>Backspace: TtcDeletePreviousChar()
<Key>F2: TtcParentElement()
<Key>Return: TtcCreateElement()
<Key>End: TtcEndOfLine()
<Key>Home: TtcStartOfLine()
#Following commented out to remember default actions
#<Key>Up: TtcPreviousLine()
#<Key>Down: TtcNextLine()
#<Key>Right: TtcNextChar()
#<Key>Left: TtcPreviousChar()
#Ctrl <Key>Up: TtcLineUp()
#Ctrl <Key>Down: TtcLineDown()
<Key>Tab: NextLinkOrFormElement()
Shift <Key>Tab: PreviousLinkOrFormElement()
Ctrl <Key>a: TtcStartOfLine()
Shift Ctrl <Key>A: TtcSelStartOfLine()
Ctrl <Key>e: TtcEndOfLine()
Shift Ctrl <Key>E: TtcSelEndOfLine()
Ctrl <Key>Home: TtcPageTop()
Ctrl <Key>End: TtcPageEnd()
Alt <Key>Return: DoAction()
Alt <Key>Home: GoToHome()
Alt <Key>[: TtcInsertChar("\253")
Alt <Key>]: TtcInsertChar("\273")
Alt <Key>\: TtcInsertChar("€")
#File menu
Shift Ctrl <Key>P: PrintAs()
Ctrl <Key>p: SetupAndPrint()
Ctrl <Key>s: SaveDocument()
Shift Ctrl <Key>S: SaveDocumentAs()
Ctrl <Key>b , Ctrl <Key>b: GotoPreviousHTML()
Ctrl <Key>b , Ctrl <Key>f: GotoNextHTML()
<Key>F5: Reload()
Ctrl <Key>w: AmayaCloseWindow()
Ctrl <Key>q: AmayaClose()
Ctrl <Key>b , Ctrl <Key>y: Synchronize()
#edit menu
Ctrl <Key>c: TtcCopySelection()
Ctrl <Key>d: TtcDeleteSelection()
Alt <Key>F3: TtcSearchText()
Ctrl <Key>f: TtcSearchText()
<Key>F7: SpellCheck()
Ctrl <Key>v: PasteBuffer()
Ctrl <Key>x: TtcCutSelection()
Ctrl <Key>y: TtcRedo()
Ctrl <Key>z: TtcUndo()
#Shift Ctrl <Key>*: SetBrowserEditor()
#Headings sbmenu
Shift Ctrl <Key>1: CreateHeading1()
Shift Ctrl <Key>2: CreateHeading2()
Shift Ctrl <Key>3: CreateHeading3()
Shift Ctrl <Key>4: CreateHeading4()
Shift Ctrl <Key>5: CreateHeading5()
Shift Ctrl <Key>6: CreateHeading6()
Ctrl <Key>1: CreateHeading1()
Ctrl <Key>2: CreateHeading2()
Ctrl <Key>3: CreateHeading3()
Ctrl <Key>4: CreateHeading4()
Ctrl <Key>5: CreateHeading5()
Ctrl <Key>6: CreateHeading6()
# BR and
Ctrl <Key>Return: CreateBreak("\212")
Ctrl <Key>Space: TtcInsertChar("\240")
Shift <Key>Return: CreateParagraph()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>a: CreateAddress()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>c: CreateComment()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>d: CreateDefinitionList()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>h: CreateHorizontalRule()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>i: CreateImage()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>l: CreateList()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>m: CreateMap()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>n: CreateNumberedList()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>o: CreateObject()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>p: CreatePreformatted()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>q: CreateBlockQuote()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>r: CreateRuby()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>t: ChangeTitle()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>v: CreateDivision()
Ctrl <Key>h , Ctrl <Key>w: CreateParameter()
#Style menu and Information types
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>a: ApplyClass()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>b: ChangeBackgroundImage()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>c: CreateClass()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>d: SetOnOffDEL()
#Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>d: DisableCSS()
#Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>e: EnableCSS()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>e: SetOnOffEmphasis()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>f: TtcChangeFormat()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>h: TtcChangeCharacters()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>i: SetOnOffINS()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>k: SetOnOffKeyboard()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>l: LinkCSS()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>m: SetOnOffSample()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>o: OpenCSS()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>p: TtcChangeColors()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>q: SetOnOffQuotation()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>r: RemoveCSS()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>s: SetOnOffStrong()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>t: SetOnOffCode()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>u: SetOnOffAbbr()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>v: SetOnOffVariable()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>w: SetOnOffCite()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>x: SetOnOffDefinition()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>y: SetOnOffAcronym()
Ctrl <Key>i , Ctrl <Key>z: SetOnOffBDO()
#Links and SvgLibrary
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>a: AddNewModelIntoLibrary()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>d: DeleteAnchor()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>f: AddNewModelIntoLibraryForm()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>l: CreateOrChangeLink()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>p: LinkToPreviousTarget()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>s: ShowLibrary()
Ctrl <Key>l , Ctrl <Key>t: CreateTarget()
#Math (types submenu)
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>Space: CreateMSPACE()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>6: CreateMSUP()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>a: CreateApplyFunction()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>b: CreateMSUBSUP()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>c: CreateMENCLOSE()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>d: CreateMI()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>e: CreateMathEntity()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>f: CreateMFRAC()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>g: CreateMO()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>i: CreateInvisibleTimes()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>k: CreateMUNDEROVER()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>m: CreateMath()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>n: CreateMN()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>o: CreateMOVER()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>p: CreateMROW()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>q: CreateMSQRT()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>r: CreateMROOT()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>s: CreateMMULTISCRIPTS()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>h: CreateMTABLE()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>u: CreateMUNDER()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>v: CreateMSUB()
Ctrl <Key>m , Ctrl <Key>x: CreateMTEXT()
#Annotations, Bookmarks and New
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>a: AnnotateDocument()
#Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>b: BookmarkFile()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>c: NewCss()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>d: DeleteAnnotation()
#Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>e: AddSeparator()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>f: FilterAnnot()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>g: NewSVG()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>h: NewXHTMLTransitional()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>i: MoveItem()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>k: NewXHTMLBasic()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>l: LoadAnnotations()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>m: NewMathML()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>o: ConfigAnnot()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>p: PostAnnotation()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>r: ReplyToAnnotation()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>s: AnnotateSelection()
#Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>t: EditTopics()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>u: NewXHTMLStrict()
#Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>v: ViewBookmarks()
Ctrl <Key>n , Ctrl <Key>x: NewXHTML11()
#Forms and Open
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>a: CreateTextArea()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>b: CreatePushButton()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>c: CreateFieldset()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>e: TtcInsertChar("œ")
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>f: CreateForm()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>g: CreateOptGroup()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>h: CreateHiddenInput()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>i: CreateTextInput()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>l: CreateLabel()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>m: CreateImageInput()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>n: CreateOption()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>o: OpenDoc()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>p: CreatePasswordInput()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>r: CreateRadio()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>s: CreateSubmit()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>t: CreateToggle()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>u: CreateFileInput()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>w: OpenDocInNewWindow()
Ctrl <Key>o , Ctrl <Key>x: CreateReset()
Shift Ctrl <Key>O , Shift Ctrl <Key>E: TtcInsertChar("Œ")
#Transform and Tables
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>a: CreateColumnAfter()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>b: CreateColumnBefore()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>c: SelectColumn()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>d: ChangeToDataCell()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>e: CellHorizExtend()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>h: ChangeToHeadingCell()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>i: CreateRowBefore()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>j: CellVertExtend()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>l: CreateCaption()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>m: CellVertShrink()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>n: CreateRowAfter()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>p: PasteBefore()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>r: SelectRow()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>s: CellHorizShrink()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>t: CreateTable()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>v: PasteAfter()
Ctrl <Key>t , Ctrl <Key>x: TransformType()
#View Menu
<Key>F11: FullScreen()
<Key>F12: ShowPanel()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>a: ShowAlternate()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>b: ShowButtons()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>d: ShowAddress()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>k: ShowLinks()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>m: ShowMapAreas()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>o: ShowToC()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>s: ShowStructure()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>t: ShowTargets()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>u: ShowSource()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>v: SplitUnsplitPage()
Ctrl <Key>u , Ctrl <Key>f: ShowFormatted()
Alt <Key>-: ZoomOut()
Alt <Key>=: ZoomIn()
#Alt <Key>+: ZoomIn()
#Alt <Key>1: ZoomIn()
#Try to override bizzare behaviour
Shift <Key>End: TtcSelEndOfLine()
Shift <Key>Home: TtcSelStartOfLine()