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Text File  |  2005-02-07  |  6KB  |  448 lines

  1. ; AutoIt v3 - http://www.hiddensoft.com/autoit3/
  3. C=1
  5. [Syntax]
  6. Namespace1 = 6
  7. IgnoreCase = Yes
  8. KeyWordLength =
  9. BracketChars = ([])
  10. OperatorChars = +-*/^&<>=
  11. PreprocStart = #
  12. HexPrefix = 0x
  13. SyntaxStart =
  14. SyntaxEnd =
  15. CommentStart = #comments-start
  16. CommentEnd = #comments-end
  17. CommentStartAlt = #cs
  18. CommentEndAlt = #ce
  19. SingleComment = ;
  20. SingleCommentCol =
  21. SingleCommentAlt =
  22. SingleCommentColAlt =
  23. SingleCommentEsc =
  24. StringsSpanLines = Yes
  25. StringStart = "
  26. StringEnd = "
  27. StringAlt = '
  28. StringEsc = _
  29. CharStart = 
  30. CharEnd = 
  31. CharEsc =
  33. [Preprocessor keywords]
  34. #include
  35. #include-once
  37. ; /////////////
  38. ; 1. Keywords
  39. ; /////////////
  40. [Keywords 1]
  41. And
  42. ByRef
  43. Case
  44. Const
  45. ContinueLoop
  46. Dim
  47. Do
  48. Else
  49. ElseIf
  50. EndFunc
  51. EndIf
  52. EndSelect
  53. Exit
  54. ExitLoop
  55. For
  56. Func
  57. Global
  58. If
  59. Local
  60. Next
  61. Not
  62. Or
  63. Return
  64. ReDim
  65. Select
  66. Step
  67. Then
  68. To
  69. Until
  70. WEnd
  71. While
  72. Exit
  74. ; /////////////
  75. ; 2. Macros
  76. ; /////////////
  77. [Keywords 2]
  78. @AppDataCommonDir
  79. @AppDataDir
  80. @AutoItExe
  81. @AutoItVersion
  82. @CommonFilesDir
  83. @Compiled
  84. @ComputerName
  85. @ComSpec
  86. @CR
  87. @CRLF
  88. @DesktopCommonDir
  89. @DesktopDir
  90. @DesktopHeight
  91. @DesktopWidth
  92. @DesktopDepth
  93. @DesktopRefresh
  94. @DocumentsCommonDir
  95. @error
  96. @extended
  97. @FavoritesCommonDir
  98. @FavoritesDir
  99. @GUI_CtrlId
  100. @GUI_CtrlHandle
  101. @GUI_WinHandle
  102. @HomeDrive
  103. @HomePath
  104. @HomeShare
  105. @HOUR
  106. @InetGetActive
  107. @InetGetBytesRead
  108. @IPAddress1
  109. @IPAddress2
  110. @IPAddress3
  111. @IPAddress4
  112. @LF
  113. @LogonDNSDomain
  114. @LogonDomain
  115. @LogonServer
  116. @MDAY
  117. @MIN
  118. @MON
  119. @MyDocumentsDir
  120. @NumParams
  121. @OSBuild
  122. @OSLang
  123. @OSServicePack
  124. @OSTYPE
  125. @OSVersion
  126. @ProgramFilesDir
  127. @ProgramsCommonDir
  128. @ProgramsDir
  129. @ScriptDir
  130. @ScriptFullPath
  131. @ScriptName
  132. @SEC
  133. @StartMenuCommonDir
  134. @StartMenuDir
  135. @StartupCommonDir
  136. @StartupDir
  137. @SW_DISABLE
  138. @SW_ENABLE
  139. @SW_HIDE
  142. @SW_RESTORE
  143. @SW_SHOW
  148. @SW_SHOWNA
  151. @SystemDir
  152. @TAB
  153. @TempDir
  154. @UserProfileDir
  155. @UserName
  156. @WDAY
  157. @WindowsDir
  158. @WorkingDir
  159. @YDAY
  160. @YEAR
  162. ; /////////////
  163. ; 3. Functions
  164. ; /////////////
  165. [Keywords 3]
  166. Abs
  167. ACos
  168. AdlibDisable
  169. AdlibEnable
  170. Asc
  171. ASin
  172. Assign
  173. ATan
  174. AutoItSetOption
  175. AutoItWinGetTitle
  176. AutoItWinSetTitle
  177. BitAND
  178. BitNOT
  179. BitOR
  180. BitShift
  181. BitXOR
  182. BlockInput
  183. Break
  184. Call
  185. CDTray
  186. Chr
  187. ClipGet
  188. ClipPut
  189. ConsoleWrite
  190. ControlClick
  191. ControlCommand
  192. ControlDisable
  193. ControlEnable
  194. ControlFocus
  195. ControlGetFocus
  196. ControlGetHandle
  197. ControlGetPos
  198. ControlGetText
  199. ControlHide
  200. ControlListView
  201. ControlMove
  202. ControlSend
  203. ControlSetText
  204. ControlShow
  205. Cos
  206. Dec
  207. DirCopy
  208. DirCreate
  209. DirGetSize
  210. DirMove
  211. DirRemove
  212. DllCall
  213. DllClose
  214. DllOpen
  215. DriveGetDrive
  216. DriveGetFileSystem
  217. DriveGetLabel
  218. DriveGetSerial
  219. DriveGetType
  220. DriveMapAdd
  221. DriveMapDel
  222. DriveMapGet
  223. DriveSetLabel
  224. DriveSpaceFree
  225. DriveSpaceTotal
  226. DriveStatus
  227. EnvGet
  228. EnvSet
  229. EnvUpdate
  230. Eval
  231. Exp
  232. FileChangeDir
  233. FileClose
  234. FileCopy
  235. FileCreateShortcut
  236. FileDelete
  237. FileExists
  238. FileFindFirstFile
  239. FileFindNextFile
  240. FileGetAttrib
  241. FileGetLongName
  242. FileGetShortcut
  243. FileGetShortName
  244. FileGetSize
  245. FileGetTime
  246. FileGetVersion
  247. FileInstall
  248. FileMove
  249. FileOpen
  250. FileOpenDialog
  251. FileRead
  252. FileReadLine
  253. FileRecycle
  254. FileRecycleEmpty
  255. FileSaveDialog
  256. FileSelectFolder
  257. FileSetAttrib
  258. FileSetTime
  259. FileWrite
  260. FileWriteLine
  261. FtpSetProxy
  262. GUICreate
  263. GUICtrlCreateAvi
  264. GUICtrlCreateButton
  265. GUICtrlCreateCheckbox
  266. GUICtrlCreateCombo
  267. GUICtrlCreateContextMenu
  268. GUICtrlCreateDate
  269. GUICtrlCreateDummy
  270. GUICtrlCreateEdit
  271. GUICtrlCreateGroup
  272. GUICtrlCreateIcon
  273. GUICtrlCreateInput
  274. GUICtrlCreateLabel
  275. GUICtrlCreateList
  276. GUICtrlCreateListView
  277. GUICtrlCreateListViewItem
  278. GUICtrlCreateMenu
  279. GUICtrlCreateMenuItem
  280. GUICtrlCreatePic
  281. GUICtrlCreateProgress
  282. GUICtrlCreateRadio
  283. GUICtrlCreateSlider
  284. GUICtrlCreateTab
  285. GUICtrlCreateTabItem
  286. GUICtrlCreateTreeView
  287. GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem
  288. GUICtrlCreateUpdown
  289. GUICtrlDelete
  290. GUICtrlGetState
  291. GUICtrlRead
  292. GUICtrlRecvMsg
  293. GUICtrlSendMsg
  294. GUICtrlSendToDummy
  295. GUICtrlSetBkColor
  296. GUICtrlSetColor
  297. GUICtrlSetCursor
  298. GUICtrlSetData
  299. GUICtrlSetFont
  300. GUICtrlSetImage
  301. GUICtrlSetLimit
  302. GUICtrlSetOnEvent
  303. GUICtrlSetPos
  304. GUICtrlSetResizing
  305. GUICtrlSetState
  306. GUICtrlSetStyle
  307. GUICtrlSetTip
  308. GUIDelete
  309. GUIGetCursorInfo
  310. GUIGetMsg
  311. GUISetBkColor
  312. GUISetCoord
  313. GUISetCursor
  314. GUISetFont
  315. GUISetHelp
  316. GUISetIcon
  317. GUISetOnEvent
  318. GUISetState
  319. GUIStartGroup
  320. GUISwitch
  321. Hex
  322. HotKeySet
  323. HttpSetProxy
  324. InetGet
  325. InetGetSize
  326. IniDelete
  327. IniRead
  328. IniReadSection
  329. IniReadSectionNames
  330. IniWrite
  331. InputBox
  332. Int
  333. IsAdmin
  334. IsArray
  335. IsDeclared
  336. IsFloat
  337. IsInt
  338. IsNumber
  339. IsString
  340. Log
  341. MemGetStats
  342. Mod
  343. MouseClick
  344. MouseClickDrag
  345. MouseDown
  346. MouseGetCursor
  347. MouseGetPos
  348. MouseMove
  349. MouseUp
  350. MouseWheel
  351. MsgBox
  352. Number
  353. Ping
  354. PixelChecksum
  355. PixelGetColor
  356. PixelSearch
  357. ProcessClose
  358. ProcessExists
  359. ProcessList
  360. ProcessSetPriority
  361. ProcessWait
  362. ProcessWaitClose
  363. ProgressOff
  364. ProgressOn
  365. ProgressSet
  366. Random
  367. RegDelete
  368. RegEnumKey
  369. RegEnumVal
  370. RegRead
  371. RegWrite
  372. Round
  373. Run
  374. RunAsSet
  375. RunWait
  376. Send
  377. SetError
  378. SetExtended
  379. Shutdown
  380. Sin
  381. Sleep
  382. SoundPlay
  383. SoundSetWaveVolume
  384. SplashImageOn
  385. SplashOff
  386. SplashTextOn
  387. Sqrt
  388. StatusbarGetText
  389. String
  390. StringAddCR
  391. StringFormat
  392. StringInStr
  393. StringIsAlNum
  394. StringIsAlpha
  395. StringIsASCII
  396. StringIsDigit
  397. StringIsFloat
  398. StringIsInt
  399. StringIsLower
  400. StringIsSpace
  401. StringIsUpper
  402. StringIsXDigit
  403. StringLeft
  404. StringLen
  405. StringLower
  406. StringMid
  407. StringReplace
  408. StringRight
  409. StringSplit
  410. StringStripCR
  411. StringStripWS
  412. StringTrimLeft
  413. StringTrimRight
  414. StringUpper
  415. Tan
  416. TimerDiff
  417. TimerInit
  418. ToolTip
  419. TrayTip
  420. UBound
  421. WinActivate
  422. WinActive
  423. WinClose
  424. WinExists
  425. WinGetCaretPos
  426. WinGetClassList
  427. WinGetClientSize
  428. WinGetHandle
  429. WinGetPos
  430. WinGetProcess
  431. WinGetState
  432. WinGetText
  433. WinGetTitle
  434. WinKill
  435. WinList
  436. WinMenuSelectItem
  437. WinMinimizeAll
  438. WinMinimizeAllUndo
  439. WinMove
  440. WinSetOnTop
  441. WinSetState
  442. WinSetTitle
  443. WinSetTrans
  444. WinWait
  445. WinWaitActive
  446. WinWaitClose
  447. WinWaitNotActive