- fixed bug in skin engine, some skins were not properly loaded
- fixed -nsub command line option, was working properly only for current file
- fixed some problems with subtitles, last line was still visible in some cases after subtitles were turned off
- some changes in subtitle loading, added more strict checking, so subtitle for another movie shouldn't be loaded anymore
- some other bug fixes and internal changes
+ added more friendly interface to bspfilters.dat and improved filter management a lot,
it 's now possible to define black list (filters in black list won't loaded), white list (only filters in white list will be used),
VSFilter and similar filters will now be loaded (optional), it's also possible to define which filter
will be used for playing specified media type, you can also register, unregister filters and set merit from BSplayer
+ added support for Audio CDs and CDDB
+ added option to set default audio stream, by index and iso-6392 language code (language code only for mkv files)
+ added option to define more subtitle paths, path can also be relative (ex. '..\subtitles')
+ added option to set default subtitle, by index and iso-6392 language code (language code only for mkv files)
+ added option to set default audio stream for every item in playlist
Version 1.1.814
- when changing skins volume was displayed as 0, fixed
- '-pan' command line options was broken, fixed
- '-ar' command line options was broken, fixed
- when 'desktop mode' was used double click on tray icon would turn it off, fixed
- previous state (full screen or not) is now remembered when switching desktop mode on/off
- fixed problem when 'always on top' was enabled and 'boss' key was configured to minimize player (it wasn't possible to click anywhere except BSPlayer tray icon)
- subtitle names are now properly shown in AVI files with embedded subtitles
- some subtitle bugs fixes
+ added MPEG audio channel selection
* movie window position saving is now optional
* some VMR9 changes
Version 1.02.812
- fixed problem with full screen skins in old format, movie time wasn't displayed
- fixed problems with some skins in old format ('unsupported skin format' message)
- when subtitles was turned off, last line was still visible, fixed
- fixed some problems with external audio files, when video was w/o audio stream
- custom aspect ratio settings were lost after restart, fixed
- fixed problem with playlist 'randomize' function
- fixed problem with LIGOS MPEG2 decoders
- fixed bug with VMR9 renderless mode, problems with full screen mode on secondary monitor
- some other bug fixes
Version 1.01.811
- EQ preamp value is now remembered
- fixed bug with playlist when realative paths were used
- fixed problem with smooth scroll (BSplayer enabled it at start)
- fixed some problems with mpeg2 files
- fixed problem with aspect ratio when window was moved to other monitor
- fixed strange bug with playlist in Win 9x (explorer or any other program crashed when playlist was open)
- if subtitles were disabled, embeded subtitles were still loaded, fixed
- some workarounds for problem with Norton antivirus
- some other bug fixes
* autoplay option is now acting as in previous versions
* full screen skin can now be on top and bottom, also base skin have now full screen skin
+ added font smoothing option for subtitles
+ added 'boss' button function
+ added VMR9 renderless mode and subtitle support, subtitles are now supported with VMR 9
+ it's now possible to define every shortcut as global
+ added 'movie mode' function (M), it will put movie at top, subtitles at bottom and enable pan-scan as needed
Version 1.00.810
- shortcut for EQ wasn't working, fixed
- OSD position wasn't working when option 'Draw OSD messages to overlay' was checked, fixed
- audio stream names in Matroska files are now properly displayed
- fixed some bugs with ini/bsi files
- Matroska chapters will now be loaded in bsi files
- subtitle time correction was broken, fixed
- fixed problem with DV Type 1 files
- fixed some problems with OGM files (crash if subtitles were disabled)
- fixed problem with LPCM audio in VOB files
- subtitle time correction was broken, fixed
Version 1.00.809
- Fixed problem with Matroska files with only audio streams
- Sometimes audio stream names with Ogg files was corrupted, fixed
- Selected audio output device will now be remembered when switching audio streams
- Sometimes skin would revert back to base skin, should be fixed now
- Fixed problem with freezing when seeking
- Movie length was displayed as 0 after stop, fixed
- Last subtitle line was still displayed after switching subtitles off, fixed
- AC3 filter will be visible now in filter list
- If video window was left on secondary monitor and in full screen mode, position wasn't remembered, fixed
- chapters from ini files should now be read like in 0.8xx versions
- ini shutdown option wasn't working, fixed
- fixed bug with resolution switching in full screen mode
- fixed freezing problem with some skins under Windows 98
* filters defined in bspfilters.dat will now be loaded even if other libraries are required (for ex. xvid.ax require xvidcore.dll), just put them all in .\filters directory
+ added option to open locked (in use) files
+ subtitle position will now also work when 'Draw subtitles to overlay surface option is checked'
+ Subtitle language for subtitles in Matroska files is now properly displayed
Version 1.00.808
- Fixed inc/dec postprocessing shortcut for ffdshow
- Fixed %FR tag in capture format
- Fixed problems with big AVI files, if movie was paused and then 'frame step' function was used, after un-pause it would continue at random position
- Fixed shutdown problem, computer didn't power off
- Fixed bookmark editor
- Fixed jump to time option, sometimes wrong time was displayed
- Fixed filter property pages, wasn't working for audio files
- Fixed RGB overlay, RGB overlay was never used even if it was selected
- If OSD was disabled in Overlay mode and certain function was used (for ex. 'Change aspect ratio') picture disappeared, fixed
- WinLIRC IP and port wasn't remembered, fixed
- Fixes/changes with OGM subtitles and audio stream switching/support
- It should run from CD now with .ini/.bsi files
- Some other fixes with ini/bsi files
- Sometimes window will go behind taskbar and wasn't visible, fixed
- Fixed subtitle StartTime bug in .ini/.bsi files
- Some other bug fixes and changes
* Player will now use different settings file for every user (BSPlayer.USERNAME.xml)
* Changed audio stream switching, multiple audio streams should be now detected for any file
+ Added some new command line options, description is in file .\doc\cmdline.txt
+ It's now possible to use text from language file for button descriptions in skin.ini, look in .\skins\Base\skin.ini for example
+ Movies with more parts will be now automatically added to playlist, when first part is open (for ex. Movie.CD1.avi -> Movie.CD2.avi)
+ Added option to disable history (recent files)
+ Added basic support for SSA subtitles (bold, italic, underline, font name and color codes are currently supported)
+ Added option to split subtitle line if it's too long
+ Added anamophic aspect ratio
+ It's now possible to set default Aspect and Pan-scan settings for items added to playlist
30.04.2004 Update
- Fixed broken shortcut for skins
- Some fixes for systems with large fonts
- Fixed bug in 'Jump to time' dialog, movie length was displayed twice
- Subtitle position wasn't always remebered, fixed
- Fixed another problem with audio streams in OGM files
- Fixed some bugs with loading subtitles, sometimes wrong subtitle was loaded
Version 1.00.806
- Fixed resource leak in subtitle displaying routine (fixes 'Canvas does not allow drawing errors')
- Fixed command line bug, second parameter (subtitles to load) was ignored
- Fixed '-stime=x' command line option
- When -fs command line option was used, mouse pointer didn't hide, fixed
- 'Clear history' should work now
- Fixed some problems with AVI files >= 2GB
- Fixed some problems with subtitles in OGG files
- If 'Auto load any subtitles in current directory' option was checked
and subtitle directory was set, first subtitle in this directory was loaded for every movie, fixed
- Full screen skin is now displayed on right monitor
- Some other bug fixes
* Config file won't be overwritten when installing new version
* Remember last movie position options now works
* Bookmarks files are now compatible with old bookmark files
+ Added option to use or ignore display extension sequence in MPEG files
Version 1.00.805
- Support for subtitles in OGM files was broken, fixed
- Broken audio stream switching, fixed
Version 1.00.804
- Fixed some bugs with OGM files
- Fixed -asX command line option
- If for ex. second audio stream was choosen and next movie has only one audio stream there was no sound, fixed