PC World 2005 April
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Text (UTF-16)
175 lines
<translation> # also alpha version ^^;
<module name="sonique gui">
<language name="Korean">
<font name="display" size="9" face="Tahoma"/>
<font name="menu" size="11" face="Tahoma"/>
<section name="topmenu">
# 디스플레이 문제로 깨끗하게 보이지가 않습니다.
# 단순 한글화도 중요하겠지만 스킨을 제작하는 것이 좋아보이네요.
# 혹시 제가 번역한 스크립트에 의문점이 있거나 수정했으면 하는 것이 있으시다면 meery@orgio.net 으로 메일 보내주세요.
# the file menu
file = "파일"
file.open = "파일 열기"
file.addfolder = "폴더 더하기"
file.closewin = "창 닫기"
file.minwin = "창 최소화"
file.ontop = "항상 위"
file.exit = "나가기"
file.skins = "스킨"
file.remotes = "리모콘"
file.allwindows = "windows"
# the view menu
view = "보기"
view.playlist = "재생목록"
view.player = "플레이어"
view.setup = "환경설정"
view.console = "콘솔"
view.status = "상태표시줄"
view.picker = "피커(Picker)"
view.playbar = "재생표시줄"
view.onlinewindow = "온라인 창"
# the playlist menu
playlist = "재생 목록"
playlist.addfiles = "파일 더하기"
playlist.clear = "목록 지우기"
playlist.load = "목록 불러오기"
playlist.save = "목록 저장하기"
# help
help = "도움말"
help.contents = "Contents"
help.about = "Sonique2 정보"
# help.location is the location of the help files for this language.
help.location = "lang/korean/"
# audio
audio = "오디오"
audio.wavewritesilent = "오디오 저장하기 (조용히)"
audio.wavewriteaudible = "오디오 저장하기 (들으)"
audio.savestreams = "스트림 저장하기"
# the player menu
player = "플레이어"
player.play = "재생"
player.pause = "일시정지"
player.stop = "정지"
misc = "기타"
misc.id3edit = "ID3 태그 수정"
<section name="openfilesdialog">
filedialog.LabelURL = "URL 입력:"
filedialog.ButtonURL = "URL 열기:"
filedialog.URLText = "Type the location of the URL (e.g. http://www.greatmp3stream.com/) of the stream or file that you would like to open."
<section name="fileassociations">
open.commandname = "열기"
addtoplaylist.commandname = "재생목록에 더하기"
<section name="playlistwindow">
# actions
playlist.randomize = "랜덤"
playlist.sort = "정렬"
playlist.reverse = "역순으로"
playlist.clear = "지우기"
playlist.setup = "설정"
playlist.startscan = "스캔 시작"
playlist.stopscan = "스캔 종료"
playlist.load = "불러오기"
playlist.append = "추가"
playlist.save = "저장"
playlist.help = "도움말"
# columns
playlist.number = "#"
playlist.filename = "파일이름"
playlist.tracktitle = "제목"
playlist.artist = "음악가"
playlist.album = "앨범"
playlist.tracknumber = "트랙"
playlist.genre = "쟝르"
playlist.year = "년도"
playlist.duration = "시간"
playlist.extension = "확장자"
playlist.author = "작곡가"
# note: these aren't really playlist columns. but for completeness, i added them.
playlist.comment = "코멘트"
playlist.samplerate = "샘플레이트"
playlist.channels = "채널"
playlist.format = "포멧"
playlist.bitrate = "비트레이트"
# messages
playlist.sortwhilescanning = "파일을 스캔한 뒤 정렬하시면 좋은 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다."
<section name="settings">
# generic
generic.apply = "적용"
generic.required = "필수"
generic.restore = "복구"
# playlist
playlist.saveplaylist = "Sonique 종료시 재생목록 저장"
playlist.displaystring = "Display string format:"
playlist.append = "* Append added files to playlist"
playlist.replace = "* Replace playlist with added files"
playlist.playondrop = "* Play items dropped immediately"
playlist.nothingondrop = "* Don't change play state when items dropped"
playlist.noscan = "* Don't scan unknown files"
playlist.quickscan = "* Scan unknown files for info quickly"
playlist.thoroughscan = "* Scan unknown files for info throroughly"
playlist.applywarning = ""(Close playlist window before Applying)"
playlist.columns = "Playlist columns:"
playlist.ascending = "forwards"
playlist.descending = "reverse"
playlist.defaultsort = "Default sort fields:"
playlist.nocolumn = "(none)"
# hotkeys
hotkeys.enable = "Enable default hotkeys"
hotkeys.title = "Generic hotkey assignments:"
hotkeys.help = "View hotkey help"
<section name="tagedit">
# generic
dialog.title = "tag editor"
button.wipe = "Delete Tags"
button.reload = "Reload Tags"
button.save = "Save Tags"
label.unicode = "Save as unicode"
label.id3v1 = "ID3v1"
label.stripoldtags = "Remove old tags"
message.wait = "please wait..."
label.path ="Path:"
label.artist ="Artist:"
label.title ="Title:"
label.album ="Album:"
label.track ="Track:"
label.genre ="Genre:"
label.year ="Year:"
label.comments ="Comment:"
label.usertext ="Usertext:"
label.category ="Category:"
label.subtitle ="Subtitle:"
label.copyright ="Copyright:"
label.lyrics ="Lyrics:"
label.origartist ="Orig. Artist:"
label.band ="Band:"
label.composer ="Composer:"
label.conductor ="Conductor:"
label.encoder ="Encoded by:"
label.size ="Size:"