home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <translation>
- <module name="sonique gui">
- <language name="Bahasa Indonesia">
- <!-- Please note, this file will be undergoing substantial changes during the beta stage. It will be reorganized and cleaned up. -->
- <font name="display" size="9" face="Tahoma"/>
- <font name="menu" size="11" face="Tahoma"/>
- <section name="systray">
- menu.play = "Putar/Pause"
- menu.stop = "Stop"
- menu.exit = "Keluar"
- menu.mute = "Diam"
- menu.help = "Bantuan"
- </section>
- <section name="topmenu">
- # the file menu
- file = "File"
- file.open = "Buka file"
- file.addfolder = "Tambahkan Folder"
- file.closewin = "Tutup window (Alt+F4)"
- file.minwin = "Kecilkan window"
- file.ontop = "Selalu Diatas"
- file.exit = "Matikan Sonique"
- file.skins = "Skins"
- file.remotes = "Remotes"
- file.recentskins = "Skins Terbaru..."
- file.recentremotes = "Remotes Terbaru..."
- file.interfaces ="Antarmuka..."
- file.defaultskin ="Buka Skin Default"
- file.interfacebrowser ="Interface Browser"
- file.all = "All"
- file.allwindows = "Windows"
- file.window ="Window..."
- # the view menu
- view = "Tampilan"
- view.playlist = "Playlist"
- view.player = "Player"
- view.visuals = "Visuals"
- view.video = "Video"
- view.interfaces = "Antarmuka"
- view.setup = "Pengaturan"
- view.console = "Konsol"
- view.status = "Status"
- view.picker = "Picker"
- view.playbar = "Playbar"
- view.onlinewindow = "Online Window"
- view.eq = "Equalizer"
- # the playlist menu
- playlist = "Playlist"
- playlist.addfiles = "Tambahkan File"
- playlist.clear = "Kosongkan"
- playlist.load = "Buka"
- playlist.loadplaylist = "Buka Playlist"
- playlist.save = "Simpan Playlist"
- # help
- help = "Bantuan"
- help.contents = "Daftar Isi"
- help.about = "Tentang"
- # help.location is the location of the help files for this language. if you have no help HTML files, just leave it 'english' for now.
- help.location = "lang/indonesian/"
- # audio
- audio = "Audio"
- audio.wavewritesilent = "Tulis File .WAV (tak bersuara)"
- audio.wavewriteaudible = "Tulis File .WAV (bersuara)"
- audio.savestreams = "Simpan stream ke harddisk"
- # the player menu
- player = "Player"
- #miscellaneous
- misc = "Lainnya"
- misc.id3edit = "Edit Tag ID3"
- </section>
- <section name="openfilesdialog">
- filedialog.LabelURL = "Masukkan URL:"
- filedialog.ButtonURL = "Buka URL"
- filedialog.URLText = "Ketik lokasi file / stream yang ingin dibuka (misal http://www.greatmp3stream.com/stream.mp3)."
- </section>
- <section name="fileassociations">
- open.commandname = "Asosiasi File"
- addtoplaylist.commandname="Tambahkan ke playlist"
- </section>
- <section name="playlistwindow">
- # actions
- playlist.randomize = "Pemutaran Acak"
- playlist.sort = "Urutkan"
- playlist.reverse = "Pemutaran Terbalik"
- playlist.clear = "Kosongkan Playlist"
- playlist.setup = "Pengaturan"
- playlist.startscan = "Mulai Pembacaan Tag ID3"
- playlist.stopscan = "Hentikan Pembacaan Tag ID3"
- playlist.load = "Buka"
- playlist.append = "Tambahkan"
- playlist.save = "Simpan"
- playlist.help = "Bantuan"
- hint.addcd ="Putar CD Audio"
- status.addcd ="Sedang membuka CD Audio..."
- hint.adddirectory ="Tambahkan Folder ke playlist"
- hint.load ="Buka file playlist"
- hint.adddirectory ="Tambahkan folder ke Playlist"
- hint.clear ="Kosongkan Playlist"
- hint.append ="Tambahkan playlist lain ke playlist yang aktif"
- hint.save ="Simpan playlist menjadi file"
- hint.randomize ="Mengacak urutan playlist"
- hint.sort ="Mengurutkan playlist"
- hint.reverse ="Membalikkan urutan playlist"
- hint.startscan = "Memulai pembacaan tag ID3"
- hint.stopscan = "Menghentikan pembacaan tag ID3"
- hint.playlistprogress ="Progress within your Playlist"
- track.remove ="Hapus dari playlist"
- track.editinfo ="Edit informasi file"
- track.play ="Putar file"
- label.numfiles ="Files:"
- label.scantotal ="Pembacaan..."
- label.total ="Total:"
- # columns
- playlist.number = "No."
- playlist.filename = "File
- playlist.tracktitle = "Judul"
- playlist.artist = "Artis"
- playlist.album = "Album"
- playlist.tracknumber = "Track"
- playlist.genre = "Genre"
- playlist.year = "Tahun"
- playlist.duration = "Durasi"
- playlist.extension = "Ext"
- playlist.author = "Penulis"
- # note: these aren't really playlist columns. but for completeness, i added them.
- playlist.comment = "Komentar"
- playlist.samplerate = "Samplerate"
- playlist.channels = "Channels"
- playlist.format = "Format"
- playlist.bitrate = "Bitrate"
- playlist.combo = "Classic"
- column.bestfit ="Best fit"
- # messages
- playlist.sortwhilescanning = "Untuk hasil terbaik, urutkan playlist setelah pembacaan tag ID3 semua file sudah selesai."
- </section>
- <section name="viswindow">
- # actions
- visual.next = "Visual selanjutnya"
- visual.previous = "Visual sebelumnya"
- hint.fullscreen = "Tampilkan Visual dalam mode fullscreen"
- hint.prevvis = "Lihat Visual sebelumnya"
- hint.nextvis = "Lihat Visual sesudahnya"
- </section>
- <section name="settings">
- # generic
- generic.apply ="OK"
- generic.cancel ="Batal"
- generic.required ="wajib diisi"
- generic.restore ="Reset"
- generic.enable ="Aktifkan"
- # playlist
- playlist.saveplaylist = "Sonique akan mengingat playlist ketika ditutup"
- playlist.saveposition = "Sonique akan mengingat posisi playlist"
- playlist.playonstartup = "Otomatis memutar file waktu startup"
- playlist.displaystring = "Tampilkan format string:"
- playlist.append = "* Tambahkan file yang dipilih ke playlist"
- playlist.replace = "* Ganti playlist dengan file yang dipilih"
- playlist.playondrop = "* File yang di drag and drop langsung diputar"
- playlist.nothingondrop = "* File yang di drag and drop tidak langsung diputar"
- playlist.noscan = "* Jangan membaca tag ID3 untuk file yang takdikenal"
- playlist.quickscan = "* Pembacaan tag ID3 untuk file tak dikenal dilakukan secara cepat"
- playlist.thoroughscan = "* Pembacaan tag ID3 untuk file tak dikenal dilakukan secara komprehensif"
- playlist.gototransition = "Tampilkan pengaturan transisi"
- playlist.columns = "Kolom Playlist:"
- playlist.ascending = "Terurut"
- playlist.descending = "Terbalik"
- playlist.defaultsort = "Mode pengurutan default:"
- playlist.nocolumn = "(none)"
- # audio
- audio.crossfadetime = "Waktu Cross-fade"
- audio.silencebetweentracks = "Hening ketika transisi"
- audio.outputdevice = "Output Device"
- audio.waveoutwarning = "WaveOut audio output tidak menyediakan transisi cross-fade. Metode Seamless diaktifkan."
- audio.seamless ="Seamless"
- audio.normal ="Normal"
- audio.crossfade ="Cross-fade"
- # filetypes
- filetypes.associatedfiles = "File yang diputar dengan Sonique:"
- # network
- network.proxysettings = "Pengaturan proxy jaringan:"
- network.proxyurl = "URL proxy:"
- network.username = "User name:"
- network.password = "Password:"
- network.useproxy = "Gunakan proxy untuk HTTP dan FTP"
- network.proxyauthentication = "Proxy memerlukan autentikasi"
- # visuals
- visuals.fullscreen = "Device utnuk Fullscreen Visual:"
- visuals.posteffects = "Efek Ekstra:"
- visuals.posteffectsenable = "Aktifkan efek diatas"
- # hotkeys
- hotkeys.enable = "Aktifkan hotkeys"
- hotkeys.title = "Asosiasi hotkey standar:"
- hotkeys.help = "Lihat bantuan Hotkey"
- # miscellaneous
- onlinecontent.disable = "Nonaktifkan Online Window"
- onlinecontent.enablestatus = "Online Window diaktifkan"
- onlinecontent.disablestatus = "Online Window tidak aktif"
- launchurl.disable = "Nonaktifkan URL-launch"
- launchurl.enablestatus = "LaunchURL diaktifkan"
- launchurl.disablestatus = "LaunchURL tidak aktif"
- imagedithering.text = "Image dithering"
- imagedithering.disabledstatus = "Dithering tidak aktif"
- imagedithering.enabledstatus = "Dithering diaktifkan"
- knobs.knobsensitivity = "Kepekaan Knob"
- knobs.sensitivityset = "Kepekaan Knob diatur pada "
- knobs.radial = "Radial knobs"
- knobs.linearstatus = "Knob style pada mode linear"
- knobs.radialstatus = "Knob style pada mode radial"
- minimize.systray ="Kecilkan Sonique ke system tray"
- # clock format
- clockformat.12 = "Format Jam diatur ke mode 12 jam"
- clockformat.24 = "Format Jam diatur ke mode 24 jam"
- clockformat.display24 = "Tampilkan Jam dengan format 24 jam"
- # no settings
- no.settings = "Plugin ini tidak memiliki pengaturan."
- </section>
- <section name="tagedit">
- # generic
- dialog.title = "Editor Tag"
- button.browse ="Buka"
- button.wipe = "Hapus Tag"
- button.reload = "Refresh Tag"
- button.save = "Simpan Tag"
- label.unicode = "Simpan sebagai unicode"
- label.id3v1 = "ID3v1"
- label.stripoldtags = "Hapus tag lama"
- message.wait = "Harap tunggu..."
- label.path ="Lokasi:"
- label.artist ="Artis:"
- label.title ="Judul:"
- label.album ="Album:"
- label.track ="Track:"
- label.genre ="Genre:"
- label.year ="Tahun:"
- label.comments ="Komentar:"
- label.usertext ="Usertext:"
- label.category ="Kategori:"
- label.subtitle ="Subjudul:"
- label.copyright ="Hak Cipta:"
- label.lyrics ="Lirik:"
- label.origartist ="Artis Asli:"
- label.band ="Band:"
- label.composer ="Composer:"
- label.conductor ="Conductor:"
- label.encoder ="Encoded by:"
- label.size ="Size:"
- </section>
- <section name="Clock">
- label.year ="Tahun"
- label.month ="Bulan"
- label.day ="Tanggal"
- label.timezone ="Zona Waktu"
- label.am ="AM"
- label.pm ="PM"
- label.hour ="Jam"
- label.minute ="Menit"
- label.second ="Detik"
- label.sunday ="Minggu"
- label.monday ="Senin"
- label.tuesday ="Selasa"
- label.wednesday ="Rabu"
- label.thursday ="Kamis"
- label.friday ="Jumat"
- label.saturday ="Sabtu"
- label.january ="Januari"
- label.february ="Februari"
- label.march ="Maret"
- label.april ="April"
- label.may ="Mei"
- label.june ="Juni"
- label.july ="Juli"
- label.august ="Agustus"
- label.september ="September"
- label.october ="Oktober"
- label.november ="November"
- label.december ="Desember"
- </section>
- <section name="player">
- </section>
- <section name="general">
- player.play = "Putar"
- player.pause = "Pause"
- player.stop = "Stop"
- hint.help ="Lihat dokumentasi Sonique2"
- hint.play ="Memulai Pemutaran"
- hint.stop ="Menghentikan Pemutaran"
- hint.pause ="Pause Pemutaran"
- hint.prevtrack = "Putar file sebelumnya"
- hint.nexttrack = "Putar file selanjutnya"
- hint.repeat = "Pilih mode pengulangan playlist"
- hint.shuffle = "Mode pemutaran acak"
- hint.mute ="Diam"
- hint.volume ="Volume"
- hint.openfiles ="Buka file"
- hint.wavewritesilent = "Tulis File .WAV (tak bersuara)"
- hint.wavewriteaudible= "Tulis File .WAV (bersuara)"
- hint.stopwavewrite = "Stop penulisan file .WAV"
- status.startwavewrite "Sedang menulis file .WAV:"
- status.stopwavewrite "Berhenti menulis file .WAV:"
- hint.enablesavestreams = "Simpan streams ke harddisk"
- hint.disablesavestreams = "Matikan penyimpanan stream"
- status.enablesavestream = Stream akan disimpan ke harddisk:"
- status.disablesavestream = "Streams tidak akan disimpan."
- hint.normaltransition ="Mode transisi : standar"
- hint.seamlesstransition ="Mode transisi : seamless"
- hint.crossfadetransition ="Mode transisi : cross-fade"
- hint.songprogress ="Progress pemutaran file"
- hint.currenttrack ="Track saat ini"
- hint.currenttime ="Klik untuk mengubah tampilan waktu"
- hint.scanbackwards ="Rewind track"
- hint.scanforwards ="Fast Forward track"
- edit.selectall ="Pilih semua"
- edit.undo ="Batalkan"
- edit.redo ="Ulangi"
- edit.cut ="Cut"
- edit.copy ="Copy"
- edit.paste ="Paste"
- label.none ="None"
- label.save ="Simpan"
- </section>
- <section name="interfaces">
- default.author ="unknown"
- default.cosmetic_name ="unknown"
- default.unique_name ="unknown"
- default.category ="umum"
- label.author ="Artis:"
- label.separator ="|"
- label.skin ="Skin"
- label.remote ="Remote"
- label.launch ="Buka:"
- label.nothumb ="Tak ada thumbnail tersedia"
- label.loadingthumb ="Loading Thumbnail..."
- </section>
- <section name="audiosys">
- status.playing ="Memutar"
- status.stopping ="Pemutaran dihentikan"
- status.pausing ="Pemutaran di-pause"
- status.playbackmethodchanged = "Metode pemutaran diubah"
- </section>
- <section name="eqwindow">
- label.reset ="Reset"
- label.presets ="Presets:"
- label.pitch ="Kecepatan:"
- label.amp ="Preamp:"
- label.balance ="Balance:"
- hint.balance ="Mengatur balance"
- hint.pitch ="Mengatur kecepatan pemutaran"
- hint.amp ="Mengatur penguatan suara"
- hint.reset ="EQ akan dibuat flat"
- hint.presetpicker ="Membuka preset"
- hint.save ="Simpan setelan EQ menjadi preset"
- hint.resetbalance="Reset Balance"
- hint.resetpitch ="Reset Pitch"
- hint.resetamp ="Reset Preamp"
- status.balance ="Setting Balance:"
- status.pitch ="Setting Kecepatan:"
- status.amp ="Setting Preamp:"
- </section>
- <section name="onlinewindow">
- no.online = "Loading gagal. Silakan coba lagi."
- hint.refresh ="Refresh"
- </section>
- <section name="defaultskin">
- hint.detachwindow = "Copot window ini"
- hint.attachwindow = "Pasang kembali window ini"
- hint.fullviswindow = "Aktifkan / matikan Background Visual"
- hint.viewplaylist = "Tampilkan Playlist"
- hint.hideplaylist = "Sembunyikan Playlist"
- hint.viewvis = "Tampilkan Visual"
- hint.hidevis = "Sembunyikan Visual"
- hint.toggleminivis" ="Aktifkan / matikan mini Visual"
- hint.viewinterfaces = "Tampilkan Interface Browser"
- hint.hideinterfaces = "Sembunyikan Interface Browser"
- hint.viewsettings = "Tampilkan Pengaturan"
- hint.hidesettings = "Sembunyikan Pengaturan"
- hint.viewconsole = "Tampilkan Konsol"
- hint.hideconsole = "Sembunyikan Konsol"
- hint.viewonline = "Tampilkan Online Window"
- hint.hideonline = "Sembunyikan Online Window"
- hint.vieweq = "Tampilkan Equalizer"
- hint.hideeq = "Sembunyikan Equalizer"
- label.currenttheme ="Theme saat ini:"
- label.choosetheme ="Pilih theme:"
- label.skinsettings ="Skin Default"
- hint.skinsettings ="Tampilkan pengaturan Skin Default"
- hint.appsettings ="Tampilkan Pengaturan Sonique2"
- hint.viewinfowindow = "Tampilkan Information Window"
- hint.hideinfowindow = "Sembunyikan Information Window"
- info.noalbum ="[info album tak tersedia]"
- info.norates ="[info rating tak tersedia]"
- info.noformat ="[info format tak tersedia]"
- hint.deathstarexpand ="Expand for Advanced Icons"
- hint.deathstarretract ="Retract to Hide Icons"
- </section>
- </language>
- </module>
- </translation>