mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$prefix."_message VALUES ( '1', 'New ML Message system', 'The original version allowed the admin to post only 1 message either to \'ALL visitors\' OR \'Anonymous users only\' OR \'Registered users only\' OR \'Admins only\'.<br>The new system allows admin(s) to post <b>multiple</b> messages in <b>multiple languages</b>, visible to different types of users. There is also an option to post a message to ALL languages at once...', '993373194', '0', '1', '1', '')");
// Add language field to poll description and fill it up with the default language
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_poll_desc ADD planguage VARCHAR (30) not null ");
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_poll_desc SET planguage='$language' ");
// Add language field to submitted news in queue and fill it up with the default language
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_queue ADD alanguage VARCHAR (30) not null ");
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_queue SET alanguage='$language' ");
// Add language field to reviews and fill it up with the default language
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_reviews ADD rlanguage VARCHAR (30) not null ");
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_reviews SET rlanguage='$language' ");
// Add language field to waiting reviews and fill it up with the default language
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_reviews_add ADD rlanguage VARCHAR (30) not null ");
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_reviews_add SET rlanguage='$language' ");
// Add language field to articles in sections and fill it up with the default language
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_seccont ADD slanguage VARCHAR (30) not null ");
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_seccont SET slanguage='$language' ");
// Add language field to the stories and fill it up with the default language
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_stories ADD alanguage VARCHAR (30) not null ");
mysql_query("UPDATE ".$prefix."_stories SET alanguage='$language' ");
// Stories table alteration to add comments removal option
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_stories ADD acomm INT (1) DEFAULT '0' not null");
mysql_query("ALTER TABLE ".$prefix."_autonews ADD acomm INT (1) DEFAULT '0' not null");