$strNumberIndexes = ' Number of advanced indexes '; //to translate
$strOftenQuotation = 'Often quotation marks. OPTIONALLY means that only char and varchar fields are enclosed by the "enclosed by"-character.'; //to translate
$strTextAreaLength = ' Because of its length,<br /> this field might not be editable '; //to translate
$strTheContent = 'ß╖├íóΘ═┴┘┼¿╥íΣ┐┼∞ó═ºñ╪│ß┼Θ╟';
$strTheContents = 'The contents of the file replaces the contents of the selected table for rows with identical primary or unique key.'; //to translate
$strPrimaryKeyHasBeenDropped = 'The primary key has been dropped';//to translate
$strQueryOnDb = 'SQL-query on database <b>%s</b>:';
$strRowSize = ' Row size '; //to translate
$strRunSQLQuery = 'Run SQL query/queries on database %s';//to translate
$strServerChoice = 'Server Choice';//to translate
$strSetEnumVal = 'If field type is "enum" or "set", please enter the values using this format: \'a\',\'b\',\'c\'...<br />If you ever need to put a backslash ("\") or a single quote ("\'") amongst those values, backslashes it (for example \'\\\\xyz\' or \'a\\\'b\').';
$strShowAll = 'Show all'; // to translate
$strShowCols = 'Show columns';
$strShowPHPInfo = 'Show PHP information'; // To translate
$strShowTables = 'Show tables';
$strShowThisQuery = ' Show this query here again '; //to translate