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PHP Script  |  2004-07-12  |  7KB  |  150 lines

  1. <?php
  3. /**************************************************************************/
  4. /* PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System                           */
  5. /* ============================================                           */
  6. /*                                                                        */
  7. /* This is the language module with all the system messages               */
  8. /*                                                                        */
  9. /* If you made a translation, please go to the site and send to me        */
  10. /* the translated file. Please keep the original text order by modules,   */
  11. /* and just one message per line, also double check your translation!     */
  12. /*                                                                        */
  13. /* You need to change the second quoted phrase, not the capital one!      */
  14. /*                                                                        */
  15. /* If you need to use double quotes (") remember to add a backslash (\),  */
  16. /* so your entry will look like: This is \"double quoted\" text.          */
  17. /* And, if you use HTML code, please double check it.                     */
  18. /**************************************************************************/
  20. define("_CHARSET","ISO-8859-1");
  21. define("_SEARCH","Bilatu");
  22. define("_LOGIN","Saioa hasi");
  23. define("_WRITES"," sistema-kideak idatzi zuen");
  24. define("_POSTEDON","Bidalia");
  25. define("_NICKNAME","Ezizena");
  26. define("_PASSWORD","Pasahitza");
  27. define("_WELCOMETO","Ongi etorri");
  28. define("_EDIT","Editatu");
  29. define("_DELETE","Ezabatu");
  30. define("_POSTEDBY","Nork bidalia");
  31. define("_READS","Irakurketa");
  32. define("_GOBACK","[ <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\">Bueltatu</a> ]");
  33. define("_COMMENTS","komentario");
  34. define("_PASTARTICLES","Gaurkotasun gabeko Artikuloak");
  35. define("_OLDERARTICLES","Artikulo zaharrak");
  36. define("_BY","nork");
  37. define("_ON","noiz");
  38. define("_LOGOUT","Irten");
  39. define("_WAITINGCONT","Edukiak itxaroten");
  40. define("_SUBMISSIONS","Notizi bidalketak");
  41. define("_WREVIEWS","Berrikuspenak");
  42. define("_WLINKS","Loturak");
  43. define("_EPHEMERIDS","Efemerideak");
  44. define("_ONEDAY","Gaurko egun berdinean...");
  45. define("_ASREGISTERED","Oraindik ez daukazu kontu bat sisteman? Egin klik <a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account\">hemen</a> eta lortu kontu bat doainik. Erabiltzaile erregistratu bezala, Sistemako atal guztietara sartu ahal izango zara.");
  46. define("_MENUFOR","Menua:");
  47. define("_NOBIGSTORY","Gaur ez dago Historia Berezirik.");
  48. define("_BIGSTORY","Gaur gehien irakurri den historia:");
  49. define("_SURVEY","Inkesta");
  50. define("_POLLS","Bozketak");
  51. define("_PCOMMENTS","Komentarioak:");
  52. define("_RESULTS","Emaitzak");
  53. define("_HREADMORE","Gehiago irakurri . . .");
  54. define("_CURRENTLY","Une honetan");
  55. define("_GUESTS","gonbidatu eta");
  56. define("_MEMBERS","kide konektatuta.");
  57. define("_YOUARELOGGED","Honela konektatuta zaude:");
  58. define("_YOUHAVE","Begiratu zure buzoia. Zenbat mezu:");
  59. define("_PRIVATEMSG","guztira.");
  60. define("_YOUAREANON","Erabiltzaile anonimoa zara. Erregistratu <b><a href=\"modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=new_user\">hemen</a></b>.");
  61. define("_NOTE","Oharra:");
  62. define("_ADMIN","Administratzailea:");
  63. define("_WERECEIVED","Sistemak jaso izan duen bisita zenbakia:");
  64. define("_PAGESVIEWS","fetxa honetatik hasita:");
  65. define("_TOPIC","Gaia");
  66. define("_UDOWNLOADS","Deskargak");
  67. define("_VOTE","bozkatu");
  68. define("_VOTES","botoak");
  69. define("_MVIEWADMIN","Ikusi: Bakarrik administratzaileak");
  70. define("_MVIEWUSERS","Ikusi: Bakarrik Sistema-kideak");
  71. define("_MVIEWANON","Ikusi: Bakarrik Erabiltzaile anonimoak");
  72. define("_MVIEWALL","Ikusi: Erabiltzaile guztiak");
  73. define("_EXPIRELESSHOUR","Kaduzitatea: ordu bete baino gutxiago");
  74. define("_EXPIREIN","Kadukatzen da:");
  75. define("_HTTPREFERERS","HTTP erreferentziak");
  76. define("_UNLIMITED","Inoiz");
  77. define("_HOURS","ordu");
  78. define("_RSSPROBLEM","Arazo bat dago Toki honen Titularrekin");
  79. define("_SELECTLANGUAGE","Hizkuntza aukeratu");
  80. define("_SELECTGUILANG","Menuetarako erabili nahi duzun hizkuntza aukeratu");
  81. define("_NONE","Bat ere ez");
  82. define("_BLOCKPROBLEM","<center>Arazo bat dago bloke honekin");
  83. define("_BLOCKPROBLEM2","<center>Bloke honetan ez dago edukirik.</center>");
  84. define("_MODULENOTACTIVE","Sentitzen dut, modulo hau ez dago aktibatuta!");
  85. define("_NOACTIVEMODULES","Aktibo ez dauden moduloak");
  86. define("_FORADMINTESTS","(Administratzaileek testeatzeko)");
  87. define("_BBFORUMS","Foroak");
  88. define("_HOME","Home");
  89. define("_HOMEPROBLEM","There is a big problem here: we have not a Homepage!!!");
  90. define("_ADDAHOME","Add a Module in your Home");
  91. define("_HOMEPROBLEMUSER","There is a problem right now on the Homepage. Please check it back later.");
  92. define("_MORENEWS","More in News Section");
  93. define("_ALLCATEGORIES","All Categories");
  94. define("_DATESTRING","%B %d %A, ordua %T");
  95. define("_DATESTRING2","%B %d, %A");
  96. define("_CHAT","Chat");
  97. define("_REGISTERED","Registered");
  98. define("_CHATGUESTS","Guests");
  99. define("_USERSTALKINGNOW","Users Talking Now");
  100. define("_ENTERTOCHAT","Enter To Chat");
  101. define("_CHATROOMS","Available Rooms");
  102. define("_SECURITYCODE","Security Code");
  103. define("_TYPESECCODE","Type Security Code");
  104. define("_ASSOTOPIC","Associated Topics");
  105. define("_ADDITIONALYGRP","Additionaly this module belongs to the Users Group");
  106. define("_YOUHAVEPOINTS","Points you have by participating on the site's content:");
  107. define("_MVIEWSUBUSERS","View: Subscribed Users Only");
  108. define("_MODULESSUBSCRIBER","We are Sorry but this section of our site is for <i>Subscribed Users Only.</i>");
  109. define("_SUBHERE","You can subscribe to our services from <a href=\"$subscription_url\">here</a>");
  110. define("_SUBEXPIRED","Your Subscription Expired");
  111. define("_HELLO","Hello");
  112. define("_SUBSCRIPTIONAT","This is an automated message to let you know that your subscription at");
  113. define("_HASEXPIRED","has been expired now.");
  114. define("_HOPESERVED","Hope to have served you with satisfaction...");
  115. define("_SUBRENEW","If you want to renew your subscription please go to:");
  116. define("_YOUARE","You are");
  117. define("_SUBSCRIBER","subscriber");
  118. define("_OF","of");
  119. define("_SBYEARS","years");
  120. define("_SBYEAR","year");
  121. define("_SBMINUTES","minutes");
  122. define("_SBHOURS","hours");
  123. define("_SBSECONDS","seconds");
  124. define("_SBDAYS","days");
  125. define("_SUBEXPIREIN","Your subscription will expire in:");
  126. define("_NOTSUB","You are not subscriber of");
  127. define("_SUBFROM","You can subscribe from");
  128. define("_HERE","here");
  129. define("_NOW","now!");
  130. define("_ADMSUB","Subscribed User!");
  131. define("_ADMNOTSUB","User NOT Subscribed");
  132. define("_ADMSUBEXPIREIN","Subscription Expire in:");
  133. define("_LASTIP","Last user IP:");
  134. define("_BANTHIS","Ban This IP");
  136. /*****************************************************/
  137. /* Function to translate Datestrings                 */
  138. /*****************************************************/
  140. function translate($phrase) {
  141.     switch($phrase) {
  142.     case "xdatestring":    $tmp = "%A, %B %d @ %T %Z"; break;
  143.     case "linksdatestring":    $tmp = "%d-%b-%Y"; break;
  144.     case "xdatestring2":    $tmp = "%A, %B %d"; break;
  145.     default:        $tmp = "$phrase"; break;
  146.     }
  147.     return $tmp;
  148. }
  150. ?>