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PHP Script  |  2004-07-24  |  21KB  |  401 lines

  1. <?php
  3. /**************************************************************************/
  4. /* PHP-NUKE: Advanced Content Management System                           */
  5. /* ============================================                           */
  6. /*                                                                        */
  7. /* This is the language module with all the system messages               */
  8. /*                                                                        */
  9. /* If you made a translation, please go to my website and send to me      */
  10. /* the translated file. Please keep the original text order by modules,   */
  11. /* and just one message per line, also double check your translation!     */
  12. /*                                                                        */
  13. /* You need to change the second quoted phrase, not the capital one!      */
  14. /*                                                                        */
  15. /* If you need to use double quotes (") remember to add a backslash (\),  */
  16. /* so your entry will look like: This is \"double quoted\" text.          */
  17. /* And, if you use HTML code, please double check it.                     */
  18. /**************************************************************************/
  21. define("_DOWNLOAD","Downloads");
  22. define("_ENCYCLOPEDIA","Encyclopedia");
  23. define("_FAQ","F.A.Q.");
  24. define("_NEWS","News");
  25. define("_REVIEWS","Reviews");
  26. define("_ADMPOLLS","Survey / Polls");
  27. define("_TOPICS","Topics");
  28. define("_WEBLINKS","Web Links");
  29. define("_SEND","Send");
  30. define("_URL","URL");
  31. define("_EMAIL","Email");
  32. define("_FUNCTIONS","Functions");
  33. define("_YES","Yes");
  34. define("_NO","No");
  35. define("_REQUIRED","(required)");
  36. define("_SAVECHANGES","Save Changes");
  37. define("_OK","Ok!");
  38. define("_SAVE","Save");
  39. define("_ID","ID");
  40. define("_SUBJECT","Subject");
  41. define("_WHOSONLINE","Who's Online");
  42. define("_ARTICLES","Articles");
  43. define("_ALL","All");
  44. define("_PREVIEW","Preview");
  45. define("_EXTRAINFO","Extra Info");
  46. define("_YOUARELOGGEDOUT","You are now logged out!");
  47. define("_HOMECONFIG","Home Configuration");
  48. define("_DESCRIPTION","Description");
  49. define("_HOMEPAGE","HomePage");
  50. define("_NAME","Name");
  51. define("_FROM","From");
  52. define("_TO","To");
  53. define("_SUBMIT","Submit");
  54. define("_SHOW","Show");
  55. define("_DAYS","days");
  56. define("_STAFF","Staff");
  57. define("_ADMINID","Admin ID");
  58. define("_ADMINLOGIN","Administration System Login");
  59. define("_EDITADMINS","Edit Admins");
  60. define("_PREFERENCES","Preferences");
  61. define("_ADMINMENU","Administration Menu");
  62. define("_BANNERSADMIN","Banners Administration");
  63. define("_ADMINLOGOUT","Logout / Exit");
  64. define("_LAST","Last");
  65. define("_GO","Go!");
  66. define("_CURRENTPOLL","Current Poll");
  67. define("_STORYID","Story ID");
  68. define("_ACTIVEBANNERS","Current Active Banners");
  69. define("_ACTIVEBANNERS2","Active Banners");
  70. define("_IMPRESSIONS","Impressions");
  71. define("_IMPLEFT","Imp. Left");
  72. define("_CLICKS","Clicks");
  73. define("_CLICKSPERCENT","% Clicks");
  74. define("_CLIENTNAME","Client Name");
  75. define("_ADVERTISINGCLIENTS","Advertising Clients");
  76. define("_CONTACTNAME","Contact Name");
  77. define("_CONTACTEMAIL","Contact Email");
  78. define("_ADDNEWBANNER","Add a New Banner");
  79. define("_PURCHASEDIMPRESSIONS","Purchased Impressions");
  80. define("_IMAGEURL","Image URL");
  81. define("_CLICKURL","Click URL");
  82. define("_ADDBANNER","Add Banner");
  83. define("_ADDCLIENT","Add a New Client");
  84. define("_CLIENTLOGIN","Client Login");
  85. define("_CLIENTPASSWD","Client Password");
  86. define("_ADDCLIENT2","Add Client");
  87. define("_DELETEBANNER","Delete Banner");
  88. define("_SURETODELBANNER","Are you sure you want to delete this Banner?");
  89. define("_EDITBANNER","Edit Banner");
  90. define("_ADDIMPRESSIONS","Add More Impressions");
  91. define("_PURCHASED","Purchased");
  92. define("_MADE","Made");
  93. define("_DELETECLIENT","Delete Advertising Client");
  94. define("_SURETODELCLIENT","You are about to delete the client and all its Banners!!!");
  95. define("_CLIENTWITHOUTBANNERS","This client doesn't have any banner running now.");
  96. define("_DELCLIENTHASBANNERS","This client has the following ACTIVE BANNERS running now");
  97. define("_EDITCLIENT","Edit Advertising Client");
  98. define("_REMOVECOMMENTS","Delete Comments");
  99. define("_SURETODELCOMMENTS","Are you sure you want to delete selected Comment and all its replies?");
  100. define("_BLOCKSADMIN","Blocks Administration");
  101. define("_BLOCKS","Blocks");
  102. define("_TITLE","Title");
  103. define("_POSITION","Position");
  104. define("_WEIGHT","Weight");
  105. define("_STATUS","Status");
  106. define("_LEFTBLOCK","Left Block");
  107. define("_LEFT","Left");
  108. define("_RIGHTBLOCK","Right Block");
  109. define("_RIGHT","Right");
  110. define("_ACTIVE","Active");
  111. define("_DEACTIVATE","Deactivate");
  112. define("_INACTIVE","Inactive");
  113. define("_ACTIVATE","Activate");
  114. define("_TYPE","Type");
  115. define("_ADDNEWBLOCK","Add a New Block");
  116. define("_RSSFILE","RSS/RDF file URL");
  117. define("_ONLYHEADLINES","(Only for Headlines)");
  118. define("_CONTENT","Content");
  119. define("_ACTIVATE2","Activate?");
  120. define("_REFRESHTIME","Refresh Time");
  121. define("_HOUR","Hour");
  122. define("_CREATEBLOCK","Create Block");
  123. define("_EDITBLOCK","Edit Block");
  124. define("_BLOCK","Block");
  125. define("_SAVEBLOCK","Save Block");
  126. define("_BLOCKACTIVATION","Block Activation");
  127. define("_BLOCKPREVIEW","This is the preview for Block");
  128. define("_WANT2ACTIVATE","Do you want to Activate this block?");
  129. define("_ARESUREDELBLOCK","Are you sure you want to remove Block");
  130. define("_RSSFAIL","There is a problem with the RSS file URL");
  131. define("_RSSTRYAGAIN","Please check the URL and RSS file name, then try again.");
  132. define("_RSSCONTENT","(RSS/RDF Content)");
  133. define("_IFRSSWARNING","If you fill the URL the content you write will not be displayed!");
  134. define("_BLOCKUP","Block UP");
  135. define("_BLOCKDOWN","Block DOWN");
  136. define("_SETUPHEADLINES","(Select Custom and write the URL or just select a Site from the list to grab news headlines)");
  137. define("_HEADLINESADMIN","Headlines Administration");
  138. define("_ADDHEADLINE","Add Headline");
  139. define("_EDITHEADLINE","Edit Headlines");
  140. define("_SURE2DELHEADLINE","WARNING: Are you sure you want to delete this Headline?");
  141. define("_CUSTOM","Custom");
  142. define("_AUTHORSADMIN","Author's Administration");
  143. define("_MODIFYINFO","Modify Info");
  144. define("_DELAUTHOR","Delete Author");
  145. define("_ADDAUTHOR","Add a New Administrator");
  146. define("_PERMISSIONS","Permissions");
  147. define("_USERS","Users");
  148. define("_SUPERUSER","Super User");
  149. define("_SUPERWARNING","WARNING: If Super User is checked, the user will get full access!");
  150. define("_ADDAUTHOR2","Add Author");
  151. define("_RETYPEPASSWD","Retype Password");
  152. define("_FORCHANGES","(For Changes Only)");
  153. define("_COMPLETEFIELDS","You must complete all compulsory fields");
  154. define("_CREATIONERROR","Author's Creation Error");
  155. define("_AUTHORDELSURE","Are you sure you want to delete");
  156. define("_AUTHORDEL","Delete Autor");
  157. define("_REQUIREDNOCHANGE","(required, can't be changed later)");
  158. define("_PUBLISHEDSTORIES","This administrator has published stories");
  159. define("_SELECTNEWADMIN","Please select a new admin to re-assign them");
  160. define("_GODNOTDEL","*(GOD account can't be deleted)");
  161. define("_MAINACCOUNT","God Admin*");
  162. define("_ADD","Add");
  163. define("_DAY","Day");
  164. define("_AUTOMATEDARTICLES","Programmed Articles");
  165. define("_NOAUTOARTICLES","There are no programmed articles");
  166. define("_WARNING","Warning");
  167. define("_NOFUNCTIONS","---------");
  168. define("_WHOLINKS","Who's linking our site?");
  169. define("_DELETEREFERERS","Delete Referers");
  170. define("_SITENAME","Site Name");
  171. define("_PASSWDNOMATCH","Sorry, the new passwords doesn't match. Go Back and Try Again");
  172. define("_SITECONFIG","Web Site Configuration");
  173. define("_GENSITEINFO","General Site Info");
  174. define("_SITEURL","Site URL");
  175. define("_SITELOGO","Site Logo");
  176. define("_SITESLOGAN","Site Slogan");
  177. define("_ADMINEMAIL","Administrator Email");
  178. define("_ITEMSTOP","Number of Items in Top Page");
  179. define("_STORIESHOME","Stories Number in Home");
  180. define("_OLDSTORIES","Stories in Old Articles Box");
  181. define("_ACTULTRAMODE","Activate Ultramode?");
  182. define("_DEFAULTTHEME","Default Theme for your site");
  183. define("_SELLANGUAGE","Select the Language for your Site");
  184. define("_LOCALEFORMAT","Locale Time Format");
  185. define("_BANNERSOPT","Banners Options");
  186. define("_STARTDATE","Site Start Date");
  187. define("_ACTBANNERS","Activate Banners in your site?");
  188. define("_FOOTERMSG","Footer Messages");
  189. define("_FOOTERLINE1","Footer Line 1");
  190. define("_FOOTERLINE2","Footer Line 2");
  191. define("_FOOTERLINE3","Footer Line 3");
  192. define("_BACKENDCONF","Backend Configuration");
  193. define("_BACKENDTITLE","Backend Title");
  194. define("_BACKENDLANG","Backend Language");
  195. define("_MAIL2ADMIN","Mail New Stories to Admin");
  196. define("_NOTIFYSUBMISSION","Notify new submissions by email?");
  197. define("_EMAIL2SENDMSG","Email to send the message");
  198. define("_EMAILSUBJECT","Email Subject");
  199. define("_EMAILMSG","Email Message");
  200. define("_EMAILFROM","Email Account (From)");
  201. define("_COMMENTSMOD","Comments Moderation");
  202. define("_MODTYPE","Type of Moderation");
  203. define("_MODADMIN","Moderation by Admin");
  204. define("_MODUSERS","Moderation by Users");
  205. define("_NOMOD","No Moderation");
  206. define("_COMMENTSOPT","Comments Option");
  207. define("_COMMENTSLIMIT","Comments Limit in Bytes");
  208. define("_ANONYMOUSNAME","Anonymous Default Name");
  209. define("_GRAPHICOPT","Graphics Options");
  210. define("_ADMINGRAPHIC","Graphics in Administration Menu?");
  211. define("_MISCOPT","Miscelaneous Options");
  212. define("_PASSWDLEN","Minimum users password length");
  213. define("_MAXREF","How Many Referers you want as Maximum?");
  214. define("_COMMENTSPOLLS","Activate Comments in Polls?");
  215. define("_ALLOWANONPOST","Allow Anonymous to Post?");
  216. define("_ACTIVATEHTTPREF","Activate HTTP Referers?");
  217. define("_SIZE","Size");
  218. define("_MESSAGES","Messages");
  219. define("_MESSAGESADMIN","Messages Administration");
  220. define("_MESSAGETITLE","Title");
  221. define("_MESSAGECONTENT","Content");
  222. define("_EXPIRATION","Expiration");
  223. define("_VIEWPRIV","Who can View This?");
  224. define("_MVADMIN","Administrators Only");
  225. define("_MVUSERS","Registered Users Only");
  226. define("_MVANON","Anonymous Users Only");
  227. define("_MVALL","All Visitors");
  228. define("_CHANGEDATE","Change start date to today?");
  229. define("_IFYOUACTIVE","(If you Active this Message now, the start date will be today)");
  230. define("_FILENAME","Filename");
  231. define("_FILEINCLUDE","(Select a custom Block to be included. All other fields will be ignored)");
  232. define("_BLOCKFILE","(Block File)");
  233. define("_COMMENTSARTICLES","Activate Comments in Articles?");
  234. define("_MULTILINGUALOPT","Multilingual Options");
  235. define("_ACTMULTILINGUAL","Activate Multilingual features? ");
  236. define("_ACTUSEFLAGS","Display flags instead of a dropdown box? ");
  237. define("_LANGUAGE","Language");
  238. define("_EDITMSG","Edit message");
  239. define("_ADDMSG","Add message");
  240. define("_ALLMESSAGES","Overview messages");
  241. define("_VIEW","Visible to");
  242. define("_REMOVEMSG","Are you sure you want to remove this message ? ");
  243. define("_MODULES","Modules");
  244. define("_MODULESADMIN","Modules Administration");
  245. define("_MODULESADDONS","Modules and Addons");
  246. define("_MODULESACTIVATION","See your Modules/Addons current status and change it by Activating or Deactivating them.<br>New Modules copied on the <i>/modules/</i> directory will be automaticaly added with <i>Inactive</i> status to the database when you reload this page.<br>If you want to remove a module just delete it from the <i>/modules/</i> directory, the system will automaticaly update your database to show the changes.");
  247. define("_NEWSLETTER","Newsletter");
  248. define("_MASSMAIL","A Massive e-mail to ALL users");
  249. define("_ANEWSLETTER","A Newsletter to subscribed users only");
  250. define("_WHATTODO","What do you want to send?");
  251. define("_SUBSCRIBEDUSERS","Subscribed Users");
  252. define("_NYOUAREABOUTTOSEND","You're about to send a Newsletter to subscribed users.");
  253. define("_NUSERWILLRECEIVE","Users will receive this Newsletter.");
  254. define("_REVIEWTEXT","Please review and check your text:");
  255. define("_NAREYOUSURE2SEND","Are you sure to send this Newsletter now?");
  256. define("_MYOUAREABOUTTOSEND","You're about to send a Massive e-mail to ALL registered users.");
  257. define("_MUSERWILLRECEIVE","Users will receive this Mail.");
  258. define("_MAREYOUSURE2SEND","Are you sure to send this Massive Email now?");
  259. define("_POSSIBLESPAM","Please note that some users may feel disturbed by massive email and may consider this as Spam!");
  260. define("_MASSEMAIL","Massive Email");
  261. define("_MANYUSERSNOTE","WARNING! There are many users that will receive this text. Please wait until the script finish the operation. This can take some minutes to complete!");
  262. define("_NLUNSUBSCRIBE","=========================================================\nYou're receiving this Newsletter because you selected to receive it from your user page at $sitename.\nYou can unsubscribe from this service by clicking in the following URL:\n\n$nukeurl/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=edituser\"\n\nthen select \"No\" from the option to Receive Newsletter by Email and save your changes, if you need more assistance please contact $sitename administrator.");
  263. define("_NEWSLETTERSENT","The Newsletter has been sent.");
  264. define("_MASSEMAILSENT","Massive Email to all registered users has been sent.");
  265. define("_MASSEMAILMSG","=========================================================\nYou're receiving this email because you're a registered user of $sitename. We hope that this email didn't disturbed you and in some manner contributes to improve our services.");
  266. define("_FIXBLOCKS","Fix Block's Weight Conflicts");
  267. define("_SAVEDATABASE","Backup DB");
  268. define("_DBOPTIMIZATION","Database Optimization");
  269. define("_OPTIMIZINGDB","Optimizing the Database:");
  270. define("_TABLE","Table");
  271. define("_SPACESAVED","Space Saved");
  272. define("_ALREADYOPTIMIZED","Already optimized");
  273. define("_OPTIMIZED","Optimized!");
  274. define("_OPTIMIZATIONRESULTS","Optimization Results");
  275. define("_TOTALSPACESAVED","Total Space Saved:");
  276. define("_YOUHAVERUNSCRIPT","You have run this script:");
  277. define("_KBSAVED","Kb saved since its first execution!");
  278. define("_TIMES","times");
  279. define("_CUSTOMTITLE","Custom Title");
  280. define("_CHANGEMODNAME","Change Module Name");
  281. define("_CUSTOMMODNAME","Custom Module Name:");
  282. define("_MODULEEDIT","Modules Edit");
  283. define("_BLOCKFILE2","FILE");
  284. define("_BLOCKSYSTEM","SYSTEM");
  285. define("_DEFHOMEMODULE","Default Homepage Module");
  286. define("_MODULEINHOME","Module Loaded in the Homepage:");
  287. define("_CHANGE","Change");
  288. define("_INHOME","In Home");
  289. define("_MODULEHOMENOTE","<b>-= WARNING =-</b><br>Bold module's title represents the module you have in the Homepage.<br>You can't Deactivate or Restrict this module while it's the default one!<br>If you delete the module's directory you'll see and error in the Homepage.<br>Also, this module has been replaced with <i>Home</i> link in the modules block.");
  290. define("_PUTINHOME","Put in Home");
  291. define("_SURETOCHANGEMOD","Are you sure you want to change your Homepage from");
  292. define("_CENTERBLOCK","Center Block");
  293. define("_ADMINISTRATION","Administration");
  294. define("_NOADMINYET","There are no Administrators Accounts yet, proceeed to create the Super User:");
  295. define("_CREATEUSERDATA","Do you want to create a normal user with the same data?");
  296. define("_NORMAL","Normal");
  297. define("_INACTIVEBANNERS","Inactive Banners");
  298. define("_NOTINMENU","[ <big><strong>·</strong></big> ] means a module which name and link will not be visible in Modules Block");
  299. define("_SHOWINMENU","Visible in Modules Block?");
  300. define("_BANNERS","Banners");
  301. define("_ALTTEXT","Alternate Text");
  302. define("_MUSTBEINIMG","must be in /images/ directory. Valid only for AvantGo module");
  303. define("_USERSOPTIONS","Users Options");
  304. define("_BROADCASTMSG","Activate Broadcast Messages?");
  305. define("_MYHEADLINES","Activate Headlines Reader?");
  306. define("_USERSHOMENUM","Let users change News number in Home?");
  307. define("_CENSOROPTIONS","Censure Options");
  308. define("_CENSORMODE","Censor Mode");
  309. define("_NOFILTERING","No filtering");
  310. define("_EXACTMATCH","Exact match");
  311. define("_MATCHBEG","Match word at the beginning");
  312. define("_MATCHANY","Match anywhere in the text");
  313. define("_CENSORREPLACE","Replace Censored Words with:");
  314. define("_SECURITYCODE","Security Code");
  315. define("_TYPESECCODE","Type Security Code Here");
  316. define("_UGROUPS","Users Groups");
  317. define("_POINTS","Points");
  318. define("_USERSCOUNT","Users Count");
  319. define("_ADDNEWGROUP","Add New Users Group");
  320. define("_GTITLE","Group Name");
  321. define("_POINTSNEEDED","Points Needed");
  322. define("_ONLYNUMVAL","Use numeric values only");
  323. define("_CREATEGROUP","Create This Group");
  324. define("_NOGROUPS","There aren't any Users Group created at this time");
  325. define("_POINTSSYSTEM","Points System");
  326. define("_UPDATE","Update");
  327. define("_EDITGROUP","Edit Users Group");
  328. define("_SAVEGROUP","Save Group");
  329. define("_GROUPSADMIN","Users Group Administration");
  330. define("_GROUPADDERROR","Group Creation Error!");
  331. define("_GROUPDELETE","Delete Users Group");
  332. define("_SUREGRPDEL1","Are you sure you want to remove/delete the group?:");
  333. define("_NONUMVALUE","The value of the Points isn't numeric. Go back and fix it.");
  334. define("_GROUP","Group");
  335. define("_UGROUP","Users Group");
  336. define("_VALIDIFREG","Valid only if Registered Users are selected above");
  337. define("_POINTS01","Journal Entry");
  338. define("_DESC01","Personal user's Journal entry. Valid for publics and privates entries");
  339. define("_POINTS02","Journal Comment");
  340. define("_DESC02","Each comment posted in a public user's Journal");
  341. define("_POINTS03","Recommendation to a Friend");
  342. define("_DESC03","Each time a user send the link to our site to a friend via Recommend Us Module");
  343. define("_POINTS04","News Submission Published");
  344. define("_DESC04","News that the user sends from Submit News module and then published by the administrator");
  345. define("_POINTS05","News Comment");
  346. define("_DESC05","Comment published for any article and/or news");
  347. define("_POINTS06","News Sent to a Friend");
  348. define("_DESC06","Each article's or news has an option to send it to a friend. Points valid for each time the user sends the article to a friend");
  349. define("_POINTS07","News Article Rating");
  350. define("_DESC07","Each time a user votes for any article");
  351. define("_POINTS08","Vote in Surveys");
  352. define("_DESC08","Each vote registered for any survey, actual or old ones are valid");
  353. define("_POINTS09","Comment in Surveys");
  354. define("_DESC09","Comment published for any actual or old survey");
  355. define("_POINTS10","Forum New Post");
  356. define("_DESC10","Each time the user opens a new thread in the Forums");
  357. define("_POINTS11","Forum Answer Post");
  358. define("_DESC11","Forums threads answered or replied");
  359. define("_POINTS12","Review Comment");
  360. define("_DESC12","Comment published for any review in the Reviews module");
  361. define("_POINTS13","Page View");
  362. define("_DESC13","Get points for each page view generated by the user. Valid for any page of the site");
  363. define("_POINTS14","Visit to a WebLink");
  364. define("_DESC14","Each time a user clicks to visit any resource on WebLinks module");
  365. define("_POINTS15","Rate to any WebLink");
  366. define("_DESC15","Each time a user votes for a resource in WebLinks module");
  367. define("_POINTS16","Comment to any WebLink");
  368. define("_DESC16","Comments posted on any resource in the WebLink module");
  369. define("_POINTS17","Download of a File");
  370. define("_DESC17","Each time a user clicks to download any file or resource on Downloads module");
  371. define("_POINTS18","Rate to any Download");
  372. define("_DESC18","Each time a user votes for a resource in Downloads module");
  373. define("_POINTS19","Comment to any Download");
  374. define("_DESC19","Comments posted on any resource in the Downloads module");
  375. define("_POINTS20","Broadcast Message");
  376. define("_DESC20","Each time a user publish a public message using the Broadcast message system");
  377. define("_POINTS21","Click on any Banner");
  378. define("_DESC21","The best way to give back a user something is to give him some points for banner clicks on your site");
  379. define("_AFTEREXPIRATION","After Expiration");
  380. define("_SUBUSERS","Subscribed Users");
  381. define("_SUBVISIBLE","Visible to Subscribers?");
  382. define("_IPBANSYSTEM","IP Ban System");
  383. define("_BANNEWIP","Ban a new IP Address");
  384. define("_IPBANNED","Banned IP Addresses");
  385. define("_BANDATE","Ban Date");
  386. define("_UNBAN","UnBan");
  387. define("_IPNUMERIC","And IP address should be numeric");
  388. define("_IPENTERED","IP address entered:");
  389. define("_ERROR","ERROR:");
  390. define("_IPOUTRANGE","IP address is out of range");
  391. define("_IPSTARTZERO","And IP address can't start with 0");
  392. define("_IPLOCALHOST","You can't ban the localhost IP address");
  393. define("_SUCCESS","Success!!");
  394. define("_THEIP","The IP address");
  395. define("_HASBEENBANNED","has been banned from this site");
  396. define("_SURETOBANIP","Are you sure you want to UNBAN the following IP address:");
  397. define("_IPYOURS","You can't ban your own IP address!");
  398. define("_REASON","Reason");
  401. ?>