define("_NYOUAREABOUTTOSEND","Suskribitatutako sistema-kideei bidali behar diozu notizi buletina");
define("_NUSERWILLRECEIVE","sistema-kideek jasoko dute notizi buletin hau.");
define("_REVIEWTEXT","Mesedez, irakurri berriz eta testua konprobatu:");
define("_NAREYOUSURE2SEND","Ziur zaude notizi buletin hau bidali nahi duzula?");
define("_MYOUAREABOUTTOSEND","Email masibo bat bidali behar diozu suskribitutako sistema-kide GUZTIEI.");
define("_MUSERWILLRECEIVE","sistema-kideek jasoko dute email hau.");
define("_MAREYOUSURE2SEND","Ziur zaude email masibo hau bidali nahi duzula?");
define("_POSSIBLESPAM","Pertsona batzuk molestatu egin daitezke horrelako korreoak jasotzerakoan!");
define("_MASSEMAIL","Email masiboa");
define("_MANYUSERSNOTE","OHARRA! Testu hau askori bidali behar zaio. Mesedez, itxaron script-ak bere lana bukatu arte. . . Minutu batzuk iraun ditzake.");
define("_NLUNSUBSCRIBE","=========================================================\nKorreo hau $sitename\-en zure usuario orrialdetik horrela aukeratu duzulako jaso izan duzu.\nOndorengo URLra joan ezkero, zerbitzu honetako harpidetza kantzelatu dezakezu:\n\n$nukeurl/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=edituser\n\ngero aukeratu 'Ez' gero sukeratu 'Emailez jaso notizia buletina?' eta gorde aldaketak, laguntza gehiago behar baldin baduzu galdetu $sitename\-eko administratzaileari.");
define("_MASSEMAILMSG","=========================================================\nKorreo hau $sitename\-eko sistema-kidea zarelako jaso izan duzu. Espero dugu korreo honek ez sortu izatea eragozpenik eta laguntzen digun sistema erabilgarriago bat lortzen.");
define("_FIXBLOCKS","Zuzendu blokeen zabalera arazoak");
define("_MODULEINHOME","Module Loaded in the Homepage:");
define("_INHOME","In Home");
define("_MODULEHOMENOTE","<b>-= WARNING =-</b><br>Bold module's title represents the module you have in the Homepage.<br>You can't Deactivate or Restrict this module while it's the default one!<br>If you delete the module's directory you'll see and error in the Homepage.<br>Also, this module has been replaced with <i>Home</i> link in the modules block.");
define("_PUTINHOME","Put in Home");
define("_SURETOCHANGEMOD","Are you sure you want to change your Homepage from");
define("_CENTERBLOCK","Center Block");
define("_NOADMINYET","There are no Administrators Accounts yet, proceeed to create the Super User:");
define("_CREATEUSERDATA","Do you want to create a normal user with the same data?");
define("_CENTERUP","Center Up");
define("_CENTERDOWN","Center Down");
define("_SECURITYCODE","Security Code");
define("_TYPESECCODE","Type Security Code Here");
define("_UGROUPS","Users Groups");
define("_USERSCOUNT","Users Count");
define("_ADDNEWGROUP","Add New Users Group");
define("_GTITLE","Group Name");
define("_POINTSNEEDED","Points Needed");
define("_ONLYNUMVAL","Use numeric values only");
define("_CREATEGROUP","Create This Group");
define("_NOGROUPS","There aren't any Users Group created at this time");
define("_POINTSSYSTEM","Points System");
define("_EDITGROUP","Edit Users Group");
define("_SAVEGROUP","Save Group");
define("_GROUPSADMIN","Users Group Administration");
define("_GROUPADDERROR","Group Creation Error!");
define("_GROUPDELETE","Delete Users Group");
define("_SUREGRPDEL1","Are you sure you want to remove/delete the group?:");
define("_NONUMVALUE","The value of the Points isn't numeric. Go back and fix it.");
define("_UGROUP","Users Group");
define("_VALIDIFREG","Valid only if Registered Users are selected above");
define("_POINTS01","Journal Entry");
define("_DESC01","Personal user's Journal entry. Valid for publics and privates entries");
define("_POINTS02","Journal Comment");
define("_DESC02","Each comment posted in a public user's Journal");
define("_POINTS03","Recommendation to a Friend");
define("_DESC03","Each time a user send the link to our site to a friend via Recommend Us Module");
define("_POINTS04","News Submission Published");
define("_DESC04","News that the user sends from Submit News module and then published by the administrator");
define("_POINTS05","News Comment");
define("_DESC05","Comment published for any article and/or news");
define("_POINTS06","News Sent to a Friend");
define("_DESC06","Each article's or news has an option to send it to a friend. Points valid for each time the user sends the article to a friend");
define("_POINTS07","News Article Rating");
define("_DESC07","Each time a user votes for any article");
define("_POINTS08","Vote in Surveys");
define("_DESC08","Each vote registered for any survey, actual or old ones are valid");
define("_POINTS09","Comment in Surveys");
define("_DESC09","Comment published for any actual or old survey");
define("_POINTS10","Forum New Post");
define("_DESC10","Each time the user opens a new thread in the Forums");
define("_POINTS11","Forum Answer Post");
define("_DESC11","Forums threads answered or replied");
define("_POINTS12","Review Comment");
define("_DESC12","Comment published for any review in the Reviews module");
define("_POINTS13","Page View");
define("_DESC13","Get points for each page view generated by the user. Valid for any page of the site");
define("_POINTS14","Visit to a WebLink");
define("_DESC14","Each time a user clicks to visit any resource on WebLinks module");
define("_POINTS15","Rate to any WebLink");
define("_DESC15","Each time a user votes for a resource in WebLinks module");
define("_POINTS16","Comment to any WebLink");
define("_DESC16","Comments posted on any resource in the WebLink module");
define("_POINTS17","Download of a File");
define("_DESC17","Each time a user clicks to download any file or resource on Downloads module");
define("_POINTS18","Rate to any Download");
define("_DESC18","Each time a user votes for a resource in Downloads module");
define("_POINTS19","Comment to any Download");
define("_DESC19","Comments posted on any resource in the Downloads module");
define("_POINTS20","Broadcast Message");
define("_DESC20","Each time a user publish a public message using the Broadcast message system");
define("_POINTS21","Click on any Banner");
define("_DESC21","The best way to give back a user something is to give him some points for banner clicks on your site");
define("_AFTEREXPIRATION","After Expiration");
define("_SUBUSERS","Subscribed Users");
define("_SUBVISIBLE","Visible to Subscribers?");
define("_IPBANSYSTEM","IP Ban System");
define("_BANNEWIP","Ban a new IP Address");
define("_IPBANNED","Banned IP Addresses");
define("_BANDATE","Ban Date");
define("_IPNUMERIC","And IP address should be numeric");
define("_IPENTERED","IP address entered:");
define("_IPOUTRANGE","IP address is out of range");
define("_IPSTARTZERO","And IP address can't start with 0");
define("_IPLOCALHOST","You can't ban the localhost IP address");
define("_THEIP","The IP address");
define("_HASBEENBANNED","has been banned from this site");
define("_SURETOBANIP","Are you sure you want to UNBAN the following IP address:");
define("_IPYOURS","You can't ban your own IP address!");