getpref(BOOL,$sl)==true ? $how="LOCKED on: ".$search:$how="UNLOCKED";
alert("The default Search Engine is now ".$how."\n\n\nTo set default engine:\n\n1. Unlock\n2. Click desired engine from menu\n3. Lock","Search Button",INFO);
alert("Keyword Autosearch Engine = '".$eng."'\n\n\nKeyword engine will be updated when K-Meleon is restarted.","Keyword Autosearch Engine",INFO);
togglepref(BOOL,$taf); &Sync;
$var=getpref(BOOL,$taf.".autostart")==true ? $bool=" - ENABLED. When a page loads, just typing will automatically start Find As You Type.":$bool = " - DISABLED ";
$tip="Find As You Type Auto Start"; &Sync; &AlertTAF;
$var=getpref(BOOL,$taf.".linksonly")==true ? $bool=" - ENABLED. Only links will be searched for as you start typing. You can override this by pressing / for all text, or ' for links only.":$bool=" - DISABLED ";
$tip="Find As You Type Links Only"; &Sync; &AlertTAF;
$macro="ImgInfo"; &JSEnable;
ImgInfo {
$FrameURL=""; $PageURL=$FrameURL;
open("javascript: function chkframes(elem) { var rep; if (unescape(elem.location) == '".$PageURL."' || '".$PageURL."'=='') { rep=chkimg(elem); if (rep) return rep; } for (var f=0; f<elem.frames.length; f++) { rep=chkframes(elem.frames[f]); if (rep) return rep; } return; } function chkimg(elem){ if(elem.document.images.length>0){ var i; for(i=0;i<elem.document.images.length;i++){ if(unescape(elem.document.images[ i ].src) == '".$ImageURL."'){ return elem.document.images[i]; } } } } function XyZ() { var img=chkframes(window); if (img) { alert(\"* I M A G E P R O P E R T I E S *\\r\\n\\r\\nURL:\\t\" + unescape(img.src) + \"\\r\\nWidth:\\t\" + img.width + \"\\r\\nHeight:\\t\" + img.height + \"\\r\\nALT:\\t\" + img.alt + \"\\r\\nTitle:\\t\" + img.title); } } void(XyZ()); ");
confirm("\nType '" . $name . "' in the URL Bar and press SHIFT+ENTER to open it only or ALT+ENTER to open it next to the current layers.\n\n\nOpen this Group everytime you start K-Meleon?","Group Saved As: ".$name,YESNO)=="NO" ?"":&SetGroup;
open(" javascript: (function(){var d=document; function K(N,t) { var b = d.createElement('div');;; b.innerHTML='<del>' + t + '</del>'; N.parentNode.replaceChild(b,N); } function Z(t) { var T = d.getElementsByTagName(t), i; for (i=T.length-1;i+1;--i) K(T[ i ],t); } Z('object'); Z('embed');})(); (function(){document.close();})(); ");
open(" javascript: (function(){var d=document; function K(N,t) { var b = d.createElement('div');;; b.innerHTML='<del>' + t + '</del>'; N.parentNode.replaceChild(b,N); } function Z(t) { var T = d.getElementsByTagName(t), i; for (i=T.length-1;i+1;--i) K(T[ i ],t); } Z('applet');})(); (function(){document.close();})(); ");
alert("All new windows will open in layers. If switching from Windows Only mode, you'll need to restart K-Meleon for Layers Only mode to take effect.","Browsing Mode: ".$var,INFO);
alert("You will now be able to browse using layers and multiple windows. If switching from Windows Only mode, you'll need to restart K-Meleon for Layers and Windows mode to take effect.","Browsing Mode: Layers & Windows", INFO);
$var="WINDOWS ONLY"; $quest=confirm("\nWindows Only mode will disable the layers plugin. Groups and Sessions will not be available, only Folder Groups for Bookmarks & Hotlist plugin users.\n\n\nDo you want to disable the layers plugin?","Browsing Mode: ".$var,YESNO,EXCLAIM);
alert("Mouse Gestures will be ".$tip." when K-Meleon is restarted.","Mouse Gestures ".$tip,INFO);
$var=confirm("*M O U S E G E S T U R E S C O N F I G U R A T I O N G U I D E*\n\nThis guide will present a prompt for each available mouse gesture. Each prompt will show the gesture in the title bar. Enter the command or macro that you'd like to use for each gesture. For your convenience, you can copy and paste the command or macro from the available commands list.\n\n\nDo you want to view a list of the available commands and macros to use for the gestures? (Recommended)","MOUSE GESTURES",YESNOCANCEL);
getpref(BOOL,$jscript)==false ? (confirm("JavaScript is currently disabled. It must be enabled to use this feature.\n\n\nEnable JavaScript and continue?","JavaScript Disabled",YESNO,EXCLAIM)=="YES" ? &JS1st:""):&Reload;
&JSToggle; &Reload;
open("javascript:(function(){var intv=prompt('Enter number of seconds between reloads. (Click Back button to stop)');if(intv&&!isNaN(intv)){with(document){write('<html><frameset rows=\"*,22\" framespacing=0 border=0 frameborder=no><frame noresize frameborder=no><frame scrolling=no noresize frameborder=no></frameset></html>');frames[0].location.href=document.location.href;var docstr='<html><body bgcolor=cyan style=\"margin-top:0px\">\n';docstr+='Reloading in <span id=\"caption\"></span>secs.</body>\n';docstr+='<script>\nvar reloadIntv='+intv+';\nvar secsLeft='+intv+';\nfunction reloadFrame(){secsLeft=reloadIntv+1;parent.frames[0].location.href=parent.frames[0].location.href;}\nfunction countDown(){secsLeft--;showTime();}\nfunction showTime(){document.getElementById(\"caption\").innerHTML=parseInt(secsLeft)+\" \";}\nsetInterval(\"reloadFrame()\",'+intv*1000+');\nsetInterval(\"countDown()\",1000);\nshowTime();\n</script>\n</html>';frames[1].document.write(docstr);}}})()");