updatefeedconfirm =Are you sure you want to update feed.\n
updatefeedtitlewarning =\"\" is not a valid Feed Title.\n
updatefeeddescriptionwarning =\"\" is not a valid Feed Description.\n
updatefeedurlwarning =\"http://\" is not a valid Feed url.\n
deletefeedconfirm =Are you sure you want to delete feed.\n
deletefeedwarning =You cannot delete a Category.\n
addcategoryconfirm =Are you sure you want to add category: \n
addcategorynamewarning =\"\" is not a valid category name.
addfeedconfirm =Are you sure you wish to add feed :\n
addfeedtitlewarning =\"\" is not a valid Feed Title.\n
addfeeddescriptionwarning =\"\" is not a valid Feed Description.\n
addfeedurlwarning =\"http://\" is not a valid Feed Url.\n
defaultscategory_string =Personal.
downloadingstring =\nis now being parsed, this could take a few seconds.
itemsstring =items in feed.
rsserrorText =There was an error parsing the RSS feed.
rsserrorDescription =Aggreg8 did not recognise your feed as valid XML.
rsserrorinvalidcontenttype =Aggreg8 did not recognise your feed as valid XML. Probable cause of this is incorrect content/mime type. The "Content-Type" of this feed is :