13 Setup cannot continue because it cannot find the Microsoft Windows Installer package or the patch '%1'.
14 Cancel
15 The required resource '%s' is missing.
16 Please wait while '%s' is downloaded...
17 the product
18 Downloading package '%s'
19 Verifying digital signature of '%s'
20 Setup cannot upgrade Microsoft Windows Installer to a version that supports the '%s' schema.
21 This version of Windows does not support digital signatures.
22 Setup cannot install Microsoft Producer because '%1' is not a trusted source.
23 The path '%1' is not valid.
24 Microsoft Producer cannot be installed because Setup was cancelled.
25 '%s' is not a valid version of Microsoft Windows Installer. Install Windows Installer version '%d' or later, and then try again.
26 You must be logged on as an administrator or a member of the Administrators group to upgrade Microsoft Windows Installer.
27 Downloading Windows Installer upgrade...
28 Setup cannot continue because it cannot find the Microsoft Windows Installer file '%1'.
29 Setup cannot upgrade Windows Installer.
30 The configuration changes will not take effect until you restart Windows. If you want to restart Windows now, first save your work and close all programs. Do you want to restart Windows now?
31 The '%1' upgrade for Microsoft Windows Installer is not valid.
32 The Microsoft Windows Installer package could not be installed because an error occurred. Windows Installer encountered the following error: '%d'.
33 This package requires a newer version of the Windows Installer. Do you want to update the version of the Windows Installer on your system?
34 The setup was authored with an incorrect operation resource '%s' and cannot continue.
35 Usage:\n /? : Show this dialog.\n /a : Perform an administrative install.\n /a <full path to existing administrative install> : Patch an existing administrative install.\n /v <full path to file> : Verify signature on file.\n
36 Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 or later must be installed before you install and start Microsoft Producer. Please install PowerPoint 2002 or later, and then install Producer.
37 %1!d! MB RAM has been detected during setup. 128 MB RAM or higher is recommended for running Microsoft Producer.
38 A 300 MHz Pentium II or equivalent processor is recommended for running Microsoft Producer. A processor speed of %1!d! MHz has been detected on your system during setup.
39 The Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system with Service Pack 1 or later is required to run Microsoft Producer.