# | rid | key | def
1 | |ProjectID118:bit_rate| | |bit rate| | |The number of bits transferred per second.| |
2 | |ProjectID118:clip| | |clip| | |Small segment of a larger video file.| |
3 | |ProjectID118:content| | |content| | |Audio | video | images | text | or any other information that is contained in a digital media file or stream.| |
4 | |ProjectID118:extensible_markup_language__xml_| | |Extensible Markup Language (XML)| | |A markup language that provides a format for describing structured data. XML is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) specification | and is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).| |
5 | |ProjectID118:frame_rate| | |frame rate| | |The number of video frames displayed per second. Higher frame rates generally produce smoother movement in the picture.| |
6 | |ProjectID118:presentation| | |presentation| | |In Microsoft Producer | the final version of a project that is published. A presentation contains any slides | video | audio | HTML code | still images | presentation templates | or other digital media files that have been added to the timeline.| |
7 | |ProjectID118:profile| | |profile| | |A group of settings that match content type and bit rate with appropriate audio and video codecs.| |
8 | |ProjectID118:project_file| | |project file| | |The file that contains information about the files that have been imported into or captured in the current project | and how files or clips have been arranged.| |
9 | |ProjectID118:source| | |source| | |Audio and video content that can be captured and encoded from devices installed on your computer or from a file.| |
10 | |ProjectID118:timeline| | |timeline| | |The area of the user interface that shows the timing and arrangement of files or clips that make up a project.| |
11 | |ProjectID118:uniform_resource_locator__url_| | |Uniform Resource Locator (URL)| | |The address of a resource on a network. It conforms to the protocol://servername/resource syntax | where protocol is the name of the protocol used (such as http) | servername is the name of the server | and resource is the directory path and file name of the resource. If a resource is not specified | a default one is often provided by the server.| |
12 | |ProjectID118:url| | |URL| | || |
13 | |ProjectID118:windows_media_file| | |Windows Media file| | |A file containing audio | video | or script data that is stored in Windows Media Format. Depending on their content and purpose | Windows Media files use a variety of file name extensions | such as: .wma | .wme | .wms | .wmv | .wmx | .wmz | or .wvx.| |
14 | |ProjectID118:xml| | |XML| | ||